It’s time to create your plan for your 2022 World Ocean Day event or activity!
World Ocean Day provides a unique opportunity for a wide variety of diverse organizations, schools, businesses, and communities to honor and celebrate the ocean that connects us all.
This 2022 Event Planning Toolkit provides ideas, suggestions, tips, and tools to help you create your plans for an activity or event on or around 8 June.
If you already have your plans finalized and want to start publicizing to your community and the world – list it here!
After you list your event, it will be reviewed and then added to the World Ocean Day Events Calendar and World Map.
The 2022 Conservation Action Focus:
As a reminder, World Ocean Day and its fast-growing international network will continue to support momentum for a global commitment to a “30×30” goal:
Protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 to create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and help stabilize the climate.
Learn more and sign the petition to your world leader(s) here!
Including a conservation-related ask, like signing the 30×30 petition, into your event plans will make a bigger impact for our blue planet. It also provides your event attendees and participants with an opportunity to raise their voice in support of an important cause.
Whatever you have planed for World Ocean Day, we encourage you to incorporate the 30×30 petition ask or an ask to support your own local conservation-related initiative.
Together, we will help grow the movement to protect our blue planet.
Happy World Ocean Day event planning!