Clean Coasts

Clean Coasts is a charity programme, run through the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce. Clean Coasts engages communities in the protection of Ireland’s beaches, seas and marine life.  

Clean Coasts has grown over the years and now includes two national clean-up drives Clean Coasts Week and the Big Beach Clean. Our volunteering has expanded to include Corporate Volunteering and the Ocean Hero Awards also. Other aspects include the Green Coast Award, the Love Your Coast Photography competition, the Clean Coasts Roadshow for coastal communities and we are continuing to grow the Clean Coasts programme with the likes of Ocean Talks. The programme also operates several campaigns in Ireland including ‘Think Before You Flush’ and international campaigns ‘#2minutebeachclean’ and ‘Beat the Microbead’.  The Clean Coasts volunteering effort engages communities in the protection and conservation of their local coastal environment. There are currently over 1400 registered Clean Coasts groups. There are a variety of group types such as community groups, residents’ associations, tidy towns groups, sports clubs, schools, businesses, universities etc. Clean Coasts organises hundreds of beach clean-ups annually mobilising thousands of volunteers, removing considerable quantities of marine litter from Ireland’s beaches and waterway.

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