International Ocean Institute - Thailand

IOI Thailand was established by the Thai Marine Policy and Restoration Committee under the Office of Prime Minister in 2000 and has been transferred to the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources  (DMCR), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2002. It was hosted by Thailand’s National Disaster Warning Center during 2006-2009. The current host institute: Foundation of National Disaster Warning Council (FNDWC). The organisation will be under the cooperation between IOI Headquarters and DMCR from 2021 onwards.

IOI-Thailand was established to promote education, training and research to enhance the sustainable development of marine and coastal resources and the quality of marine management, protection, and preservation. Thailand as a developing country, is playing an important role in the South-East Asia Region with respect to the promotion and development of marine resources as well as proper protection of the coastal and marine environment. It is recognized the leading role of Thailand in the management of marine and coastal resources and fisheries for sustainable development based on good governance, integrated maritime policy and coastal community based participatory approaches. Establishment of IOI-Thailand will be required in meeting national and regional marine and coasts related objectives and for the harmonization of national instruments, and existing international agreements, inter alia UNCLOS and Agenda 21 of UNCED 1992.

IOI-Thailand carries out training, research, and other activities as agreed upon by the parties in support of the achievement of their objectives and as endorsed by the IOI Governing Board.

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