Network Comuni Costieri Italiani

Blue Revolution
Our planet is more than 70% water but a few people are aware of the importance of maintaining the sea life. There are thousands of creatures that live in our seas and oceans and humans do nothing to take care of them. In fact, our modern life has a negative effect on most marine life because of the amount of pollutants we throw in our oceans and uncontrolled fishing. 

Smart Med NetWork
The priority and strategic objectives of the Italian Maritime Coastal Municipalities must be ___ Protection of the coasts and development of the Blue Economy. Municipalities Citizens Companies must be at the center of the reorganization of the port transport system, of Tourism of the Ecological Transition with an active role in the development of maritime and commercial exchanges, Coastal Protection, of the Blue Economy. #EcologicalTransition #EconomiaDelMare #Smartmed #Mediterranean #ComuniMarittimi #BlueRevolution #SmartMediterranean #BlueEconomy #SmartMedNetWork

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