Surfrider Foundation Europe

Surfrider Foundation Europe is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to protect the ocean, the coastline, all aquatic environments and their users. Surfrider Europe was created in 1990 by a group of surfers who wanted to preserve their playground. Grass-roots activism to protect the ocean and coasts is at the core of the organisation. It currently has over 13,000 members and is active across 12 countries through its volunteer-run branches. For 30 years, Surfrider Foundation Europe has developed impactful programmes in three areas: marine litter, water quality and public health, coastal management and climate change. With more than 40 volunteer chapters in 12 European countries and offices in Belgium, France, Germany and Spain, Surfrider Europe takes action to drastically reduce plastic waste, move away from fossil fuels, fight against climate change and its impacts, and stop marine pollution and the damage to the ocean and coasts through advocacy, European campaigns, awareness-raising and education, events and local mobilisations. Surfrider Europe is a member of the Surfrider international network active in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Morocco and the USA. Visit our website: 

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