Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de l'Austreberthe et Saffimbec

The Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant de l’Austreberthe was created on July 13, 2000, along with some twenty other watershed unions in Seine-Maritime, following the repeated floods that took place in the 1990s on the territory. It is a local authority grouping together 31 municipalities whose missions are “to prevent the risk of flooding” and “to preserve water resources and the environment”. These missions revolve around several components, namely: urban planning, sustainable development of rural areas, flood management works, preservation of water resources and environments and finally risk culture. Since June 2018, an educational space managed by the union called Center Eau Risque et Territoire has made it possible to welcome the public and raise awareness of the risk of flooding and the preservation of aquatic environments. Located in a flood zone, it is a witness to adaptation to risk. It is on this site that the union is located.

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