
The Youth4MPAs comprise of a group of marine enthusiasts from all walks of life, backgrounds and ethnicities with one common goal, which is to advocate for the proclamation and expansion of old and new MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) in South Africa and stand in unity against any threats or harm that may come to our universal and life-giving mother the Ocean. The group has a membership of over 339 members active across 3 provinces, incorporating over 70 different organisations. Our vision is simple, and we believe through the collective efforts of the youth a sustainable future through the connection of Marine Protected Areas can and will be achieved.
We aim to create a platform where the youth can come forward to voice their concerns on issues around ocean conservation and come up with solutions that better represent the youth. The Youth4MPAs strongly believe in the interactive relations between scientifically supported knowledge and indigenous knowledge from different communities, cultures, backgrounds and races.
The Youth4MPAs have been instrumental in increasing the protection of South Africa’s oceans from 0.4% to 5% in 2018.
Currently, we are aiming to expand our reach throughout the African continent in the upcoming African Youth Summit (AYS) (19th and 20th August 2021), where we will be discussing 30X30 in an African context.

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