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Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

8 June, 2022 - 30 June, 2023

Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. The main objective of this initiative was to raise the awareness of the school community and society in general for their mobilization in environmental action, given the conviction that children are the great engines of change and transformation in the present and in the future


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8 June, 2022
30 June, 2023
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Contact Name
Isabel Pessoa
Contact Email Address
Affiliation: Name of the organization, school, or business associated with the event
Agrupamento de Escolas de Aver-O-Mar
Is your event or activity (check of all that apply)
An announcement or resource, Taking place virtually, Open to the public, Incorporating the “30x30” theme
Full address (used to place your event on the map. For virtual events, write "virtual")
Escola Básica de Aver-o-Mar, R. José Moreira de Amorim 1034, 4490-099 Póvoa de Varzim
Name of venue (if applicable)
Póvoa de Varzim, Porto, Portugal
Image source (provide a name or source to be credited when photo is used)
Isabel Pessoa