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Ask a Marine Biologist – Professor at James Cook University

8 June, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm AEST

Dr Chris Gillies, Founder of Seafood Positive will be available for free 1:1 Zoom consultations with chefs, restaurant owners and members of the food service industry across Australia. This is a chance to ask anything! Go wild, let loose!

Chris is an Associate Professor at James Cook University, has published over 50 scientific papers and has helped communities across the globe restore marine ecosystems. He’s also spent three seasons in Antarctica!


Learn more here 


Contact Name
K Barrett
Contact Email Address
Affiliation: Name of the organization, school, or business associated with the event
Seafood Positive
Is your event or activity (check of all that apply)
Taking place virtually, Open to the public, Incorporating the “30x30” theme
Full address (used to place your event on the map. For virtual events, write "virtual")
Image source (provide a name or source to be credited when photo is used)

Dr Chris Gillies, Founder of Seafood Positive will be available for free 1:1 Zoom consultations with chefs, restaurant owners and members of the food service industry across Australia. This is a chance to ask anything! Go wild, let loose!

Chris is an Associate Professor at James Cook University, has published over 50 scientific papers and has helped communities across the globe restore marine ecosystems. He’s also spent three seasons in Antarctica!


Learn more here 


Contact Name
K Barrett
Contact Email Address
Affiliation: Name of the organization, school, or business associated with the event
Seafood Positive
Is your event or activity (check of all that apply)
Taking place virtually, Open to the public, Incorporating the “30x30” theme
Full address (used to place your event on the map. For virtual events, write "virtual")
Image source (provide a name or source to be credited when photo is used)