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Audley Travel launches a ‘Responsible Packing Guide’ to mark World Ocean Day

3 June, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT

To mark World Ocean Day (8 June), tailor-made and B Corp™ certified tour operator Audley Travel has curated a new ‘Responsible Packing Guide’ which highlights fellow B Corp™ businesses focusing their operations on purpose as well as profit to do their bit to preserve the planet.


From a purchase to replace a worn-out travel accessory or replenish sunscreen to choosing new clothes ahead of a trip, the guide helps travellers select products that will have less impact on the environment.


The recommended B Corp™ products


With products ranging from sunglasses and travel accessories made from recycled marine plastic, clothing made-to-order to reduce waste, reef-safe suncream and an electric toothbrush with recyclable plant-based heads, buying from these B Corp™ businesses helps travellers make a positive choice for the planet.


The guide also includes tips on how to travel sustainably from taking used batteries home to recycle and having a reusable coffee cup and cutlery set handy on excursions, to declining offers of unnecessary items such as duplicate gifts of reusable water bottles.


Nick Longman, CEO at Audley Travel, said: “Being a responsible tour operator is part of Audley Travel’s DNA, as we continue our long-term commitment to ensuring our business operates ethically and with the preservation and restoration of the communities our clients visit at its core.


The new Responsible Travel Guide is an extension of Audley’s sustainable travel ethos, and the brands we’ve selected meet strict criteria as fellow B Corp™ companies. This is not about promoting buying new, but inspiring travellers to source holiday necessities in a mindful way.”


The recommended brands can be viewed at www.audleytravel.com/us/about-us/responsible-travel/responsible-packing-guide. The guide can also be downloaded from here.



3 June, 2024
8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
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Chloe Schultz
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Audley Travel
United Kingdom
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Audley Travel