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The Clean Coasts programme works with over 1,800 communities and 37,000 volunteers to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life, by organizing hundreds of beach clean-ups each year, mobilizing thousands of volunteers, and removing large quantities of marine litter from our coastline.
The Irish coast offers breath-taking views, beautiful beaches, epic cliffs, and more, and its unique beauty and character have been attracting visitors from all over the world. It also presents its visitors with numerous opportunities to have fun. With the nice weather on the way, we expect that more people will be visiting the beautiful coastal areas around the country, whether it is for sea swimming, water sports, or simply to enjoy the stunning landscape.
With our ‘Enjoy and Protect’ campaign, we are once more asking people to enjoy and celebrate our stunning coastline, beautiful beaches, epic cliffs and all outdoor areas, but also to protect these natural treasures. Get out and make the most of Ireland’s wonderful coast, but also do your part to preserve our marine environment and keep it safe and beautiful for future generations to enjoy too.
After the release of an “Outdoor Living” guide, “A Day at the Beach“ guide, and our “Community Guide” on how to organize beach cleans, on June 8th we will release a fourth guide on marine wildlife photography, with tips and tricks on how to get the best images while making sure not to disrupt our wildlife.
Learn more here.