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On the 7th of june 2022 we travelled roughly 40km to take part in an activity that consisted of exploring a marine park in Sesimbra, Portugal.
The marine park was created in 1998 and 2000 marine species can be admired in the 53km that covers the length of the park.
Groups of two rode on kayaks throughout the whole duration of the journey. All the groups were shown around landscapes throughout the marine park. Caves, hidden beaches, underground tunnels and beautiful cliffs standing over the crystal clear water were some of the landscapes that were visited and admired during the trip.
In order to celebrate the international ocean day we would like to highlight how important it is to respect the ocean and know how to take care of it. As we all know the ocean has been mistreated for the past decades but by just visiting this beautiful site I saw what the ocean would look like without all the pollution and other threats that have been affecting it for the past decades. We need to do better if we want the future generations to keep enjoying our planet.
Student: G.R.