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The Conference room of MPA Pelagie Islands will host the ICOS Italy meets in Lampedusa- Upgrading the national Atmosphere, Ecosisteme and Ocean Observatories.
The ” ICOS Italy meets in Lampedusa” event , organized by the CNR in collaboration with ENEA, will be held on the island from 6 to 8 June with the aim of taking stock together with national and international experts on the European research infrastructure ICOS, the results obtained and future prospects.
ICOS, or the Integrated Carbon Observation System, is a European research infrastructure that aims to obtain high-precision measurements of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, at sea and in the terrestrial ecosystem, and to provide data to support decision-makers in strategies to combat climate change and its impacts. In particular, the collected data help to understand the carbon exchanges between the three Atmosphere-Land-Ocean components and the interconnections with the climate and other environmental challenges.