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Save the Oceans by using the ocean’s bounty – wisely
What you can do for the ocean while the ocean does things for you
To celebrate, PhycoHealth will once again join our local partners in blue, South Coast Mariculture and Jervis Bay Brewery, to do what we can to raise awareness while having fun. Did you miss how fun it was last year? Check it out here.
Every dollar of profit we raise in ticket sales today will go to the Australian Marine Conservation Society and be doubled, to help support all types of projects to help the ocean ecosystems, which in turn help us.
Did you know that there are thousands of dead zones around the world where overloads of nitrogen create high organic loads that sink to the bottom and suck up oxygen rapidly. Our marine ecosystems can cope with nitrogen and thrive on it, but it becomes a problem when we exceed the absorption capacity of the local ecosystem.
By choosing foods from the ocean that are sustainable by taking up the nutrient loads in the coastal zone, you contribute directly to improving coastal zone health in our oceans. Not only that, you improve your health as well by accessing all of the micro nutrients like zinc and iodine, Omega-3, marine proteins and exciting seafibre that the ocean and it’s biological resources can offer.
The nitrogen that Jervis Bay Mariculture and PhycoHealth capture from our coastline, turns into collagen and full amino acid profiles for your health.
Join us on June 14 with tickets on sale today!
Or if you are further away, PhycoHealth will donate 10% of all online sales today to the Australian Marine Conservation Society.