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Moi Jeu Tri is an NGO which places the child at the heart of its missions:
1) The sensitization of the new generation of young Africans in the sustainable management of the environment and waste through playful and concrete programs
2) Training and integration of young people who are far from employment in the circular economy
3) Supporting cities in their ecological transition.
As part of its primary mission to educate and train the younger generation, Moi Jeu Tri and the Fondation de la Mer have co-written the booklet “Ma Planète Bleue” (My Blue Planet) to enable children to discover the marine ecosystem and the eco-gestures to protect it. A program will be implemented in schools starting September 2022 with the free distribution of more than 5000 booklets.
Moi Jeu Tri invites you to the launch of the said program, on Wednesday, June 08, 2022, from 10H to 13H at the National Library of Côte d’Ivoire located at Plateau, Boulevard Carde, Abidjan.
Learn more here.