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Compliance is a disciplinary task. However, sometimes businesses can do business in many states but fail to understand compliance about it. Many companies doing business in more than one State often remain confused about the following:
» How do they determine which State they must pay taxes to?
» Which are the different states that have different laws regarding residents and non-residents?
This webinar will help companies in multiple states comply with state laws and regulations. The webinar covers state taxes, differences between residents and non-residents, local taxes, state minimum wages, and state unemployment payments. It provides guidelines on properly withholding employee taxes and avoiding penalties. The webinar also includes helpful websites and examples to ensure businesses know where and when to pay their tax obligations. The goal is to equip businesses with the necessary tools to comply with state regulations.
No employer wants to face huge fines and penalties for failing to comply with State laws and regulations. The material covered in this webinar will give you the tools necessary to ensure your business remains compliant.
Why Should You Attend
Does your business have employees who work in different States? Are you only withholding and paying payroll taxes for the State you are located in? Many companies don’t even realize they should pay taxes to other States or localities. Even if you don’t have a physical presence or location in another State, you aren’t subject to withholding for that State. It is called Business Nexus, and you will want to know if your business has it. This webinar will define Business Nexus and what is required if you have it.
Multi-state taxes can be very complex and hard to understand. Making sure you comply is difficult. If you are unsure if you are withholding everything you need to withhold, then you will want to attend this webinar. We will cover the fundamentals of the different types of withholdings and Unemployment you must know. We’ll discuss determining which State to withhold taxes for and other things to consider.
When employees work in more than 1 State, you may be unsure which State to pay Unemployment to. The rules to determine this can be confusing, and you may not know how to make this determination. If an employee terminates and files for Unemployment in their home state you risk receiving penalties if you have not filed wages to the correct State for unemployment benefits. Attending this webinar will guide you in making the correct determination.
Objectives of the Presentation
» You will be able to define when a State law takes precedence over a federal law
» You will be able to explain what Nexus is and whether your company has it
» You will be able to identify State minimum wage rates
» You will be able to recognize which State you pay Unemployment Taxes to
Areas Covered
Income Tax Withholding
» What State Should I withhold
» Business Nexus
» Reciprocity between States
» Reporting Requirements-Residents vs Non-Residents
State Unemployment Insurance
» Employees working in more than 1 State
» What is SUTA dumping
» Quarterly Wage Requirements & Electronic Reporting
Wage & Hour Issues
» Federal/State Relationship
» State W-4’s
» State Minimum Wages
Local Taxes
» Am I required to withhold
» Where do I pay
» Helpful Websites
Who Will Benefit
» Payroll Executives / Managers/ Administrators / Professionals / Practitioners / Entry Level Personnel
» Human Resources Executives / Managers / Administrators
» Accounting Personnel, Payroll Tax Professionals
» Business Owners / Executive Officers / Operations and Departmental Managers
» Lawmakers / Attorneys/ Legal Professionals
» Small Business Owners / CPA’s / Tax Preparers
» Any individual or entity that must deal with the complexities and requirements of Payroll compliance issues
To Register (or) for more details please click on the below link:
<a href=”https://shorturl.at/OQUpB”<https://shorturl.at/OQUpB/a>
Email: support@concordeducations.com
Tel: (989)341-8773