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Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Unity College Distance Education program, launched the first-ever Ocean Justice micro-course!
Alongside national and international conversations about Environmental Justice–as well as other topics such as anti-racism; diversity, equity, and inclusion; or climate change–the Ocean Justice movement has also progressed and evolved, though more attention should be paid to this important conceptual framing. This micro-course serves to introduce learners to Ocean Justice, its history, and its connections to other social movements. Learners will also explore informative case studies that represent the many facets of Ocean Justice and how to advocate for a more just ocean.
By taking this course, we can build a shared vocabulary and understanding of Ocean Justice and how it relates to your work and life. You are invited to take this online course at a time that suits you and at your own pace.
We hope that this Ocean Justice course will help us to collectively build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills as we work together to achieve a healthier ocean protected by a more just world.
This course will be available to the public in summer 2022, so please fill out the Google form to begin setting up your course log-in information.