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The Ocean Festival is a series of global events celebrating World Ocean Day. The festival aims to engage with communities, educate about the importance of conservation, inspire people to take action to protect the world’s oceans and stimulate economic tourism for coastal communities.
From 7 to 9 June 2024, Ocean Festivals will be held in locations across the globe to celebrate World Ocean Day on 8 June, which will be the central theme to all global events.
Attendees of these Ocean Festivals can participate in a number of engaging outdoor events, activities and outreach programs. These include sports events, ocean-themed exhibits, art displays, and presentations; beach and river clean-ups; as well as various fun activities for all ages to participate in and enjoy.
The central goal of the Ocean Festivals is to celebrate our connection with the ocean and raise awareness about the importance of its health and protection.
Through these festivals, organisations and individuals passionate about conservation can connect and explore collaborations that will help save our rivers and oceans.