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Humankind has been captivated by the ocean for thousands of years. Over time, we have invented many ways to help us explore ocean depths and understand the creatures that live within. Discover just a few of the breakthroughs in ocean exploration, Ireland’s great marine scientists, and the research vessels that have been used in Irish waters since the late 19th Century.
Learn about Irish explorers and how to become an Irish explorer with an activity pack from the EPIC Irish Immigration Museum. For those who want to understand what it may have been like for our Antarctic adventurers of the past, tune in to The Met Éireann Podcast.
For hundreds of years lighthouses have helped seafarers find their way. In the Lighthouse Storybook, offered by Commissioners of Irish Lights, children share creative stories inspired by lighthouses.
To inspire future scientists, the Marine Institute’s Sea Science Series continues with Mark Langrty ‘The Science Guy’. Find out about heat energy in the ocean, in this entertaining and educational sea science show.
To find out more, dive deep into our Oceans of Learning resources at: https://www.marine.ie/Home/site-area/areas-activity/education-outreach/our-ocean-our-past