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PickUp3 is a growing movement driven by communities that care about our oceans. These communities want to remove plastic and other waste from our beaches, educate on the importance of ocean health and inspire people to take action and care for their oceans. Oceans Ambassadors Canada and Greenfeld Financial Management will jointly be supporting a PickUp3 event to help clean up a local tidal river that feeds into the Pacific Ocean:
Date: June 24, 2023
Where: visit Deas Island Park in Delta, BC
The idea is simple:
1. Visit our booth and pick up some tongs and a bucket
2. Pick up 3 or more pieces of garbage along the water’s edge
3. Return the garbage to our booth where we record it on our Digital Trash Meter
4. Visit with our staff and grab some snacks and a drink
5. Learn more about our movement and how you can support our efforts!