We’re going to clean the coastline of the Manmunai North divisional secretariat area, Kattankudy divisional secretariat area, and Kalmunai divisional secretariat area on the 14th of June 2022 with the collaboration of youth clubs. Plastic Free Poya is an initiative for encouraging environmental heroes to work together to collect, document, and recycle the trash littering in their respective ecosystems on every full moon day that is a national holiday in Sri Lanka.
We are inviting Environmental groups, civic organizations, and individual beachgoers to do this on a regular basis on poya days. Through these beach cleanups, we can make the beach a nicer, safer place and also protect the coastal and ocean ecosystem.OceanBiome is a community of next-generation ocean advocates with a mission to tackle the most pressing challenges of marine ecosystems by co-creating open innovations and ocean literacy.