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We’re hosting an educational booth at the OB beach in San Diego, California! Come stop by sign the 30 x 30 petition and learn about ways to take better care of our ocean and planet all year long.
More about Project Kolika – “Be a protector.”
Our mission: At Project Kolika, we are geared towards ocean conservation. We achieve this through means of education and research efforts. We hope to connect people and oceanic wildlife through our wildlife tours and educational outreach program to local schools, conservation work through our cinematography, and our wildlife research endeavors.
Our co-inhabitants of our planet don’t have a voice we can understand to tell us what is troubling them. Therefore, it’s up to us to recognize the signs that they are sending forth. By recognizing their signs, we can stop and help prevent further exploitation of our wildlife. They’ll be able to fight for their own survival, instead of trying to fight human exploitation.