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The first THALASSA 2022 Conference represents an effort to establish a regional conference on marine research and it will take place between 6th and 8th of June in Larnaca, Cyprus. Fully aligned with the “Ocean Decade” initiative by the United Nations, this event aims to address the most critical issues the marine and coastal environments face. For the first year, the topics of the conference were chosen based on the needs and priorities of the European Union’s blue natural capital, which amongst others entails marine conservation, marine protected areas, fisheries and aquaculture, oceanography, and climate change impacts.
The conference aims towards identifying the needs, sharing innovation, and transferring interdisciplinary solutions for the conservation, protection and restoration of our Seas, with a regional focus on the Mediterranean. In this regard, the THALASSA 2022 conference, organised by the Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, shares the new pledge of the EU to carry out a true ocean knowledge revolution in Europe.