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Being a surfer from Germany I lived and traveled in many countries of this beautiful earth always in the search of the waves. I started my own surf and climb house in Portugal about 10 years ago and life with the ocean every day. (Www.saltywaytravel.com) Seeing the impact of man mad pollution everyday!
So it was an easy job for Rus from South Africa to inspire me to do an ocean festival in Portugal in order to celebrate the world’s ocean day. We hope to rise awareness, educate and celebrate with a day on the ocean.
Our festival is mad from locals for everybody to enjoy, engaged and learn.
- 8h início
- 9h Vinyasa Yoga [Janina Staack]
- 10h-13h Campeonato de Surf_Tag-Team [Surf AT]
- 13h-16h The Octopus Workshop – crianças/kids [Giby/Zuzia Stroynowki]
- 13h Acção de Limpeza de Praia e Reciclagem [Hope Zones Foundation/Miguel Blanco]
- 15h Talk sobre Micro -Plásticos [Zuzia Stroynowki]
- 15.30h Talk sobre App Lixo Marinho [Paula Sobral_APLM, Associação Portuguesa de Lixo Marinho]
- 16h fim beach
- 16.30h Degustação de Pescado do Mar Sustentável [Docapesca]
- 17h Projecção de Filmes na Aldeia da Praia [X-trillon/Hope Zones Foundation/Década do Oceano]
- 18h Concerto na Aldeia da Praia [Ivo Ramad]
- 22h fim