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On 8 June 2023, the United Nations Postal Administration (UNNPA) will issue three new stamp sheets to celebrate World Oceans Day. Each stamp sheet consists of 9 stamps featuring coral reefs from around the world: 63¢ – Florida Reefs (USA); CHF 1.,10 – Tubbataha Reef (Philippines), and €1,00 Great Barrier Reef (Australia). The UNPA plans to pre-launch these stamps at National Philatelic Exhibitions of Washington D.C., Inc. (NAPEX) on June 2, 2023 https://www.napex.org/. The stamps will be available for purchase at the UN Stamps Counters at the UN Headquarters in New York, Geneva and Vienna, and UNPA’s website “unstamps.org”.
We would appreciate it if the organizer of the UN World Ocean Day event will help unveil and promote these stamps as well.