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June 8 is World Ocean Day, and June is National Ocean Month – a global celebration and month to spark action for our shared blue planet.
The MSC hosted a panel discussion and webinar to hear from others working hard for a healthy ocean, and to share what MSC is doing to celebrate World Ocean Day. Consumers are increasingly demanding a sustainable future and World Ocean Day is one opportunity to highlight how their seafood choices can leave a positive impact on them and the planet.
Listen to the recording of this special webinar to hear why World Ocean Day is an important day to celebrate, what it takes to create a Big Blue Future, and ways your company can get involved.
– Erika Feller, MSC Regional Director, Americas
-Bill Mott, Director, The Ocean Project
-Ian Ricketts, President, Ocean Brands
-Emily de Sousa – Fisheries Scientist, Content Creator and Science Communicator
-Lisa Damrosch, Executive Director, LegaSea Fish Co.
Learn more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_7OQX7GNf8