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How is the cool, wet ocean connected to the hot, dry desert? Join us and 10 other ocean related organizations to learn how our saguaros and javelina depend on the Gulf of California. The night will include educational exhibits, hands-on activities, kids crafts, and an informative presentation by CEDO Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans at 7:30 pm in the Warden Oasis Theater. Admission free with your entry to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s Cool Summer Night event.
Organizations to learn from this night:
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Junior Docent Program
The Dive Shop
The Fin Foundation
Desert Dolphins
MAC Marine Awareness and Conservation Society
University of Arizona Biosphere 2
Sailing Research Vessel Argo Educational Program
SciTech Institute
Inland Ocean Coalition
Monterey Bay Seafood Watch
CEDO Intercultural Center for the Study of Deserts and Oceans