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on the Events Calendar and World Map.
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#ZistwarNouLosean in Mauritian Creole means Story of Our Ocean. We had
our first edition last year with Mauritius & Rodrigues Islands participants,
using photography as a tool to tell their stories about our ocean.
Inspired by The National Geographic Education/Adobe
#StorytellingForImpact Series; the initiative is to bring our youth to think,
explore and share their perspectives about the world surrounding them.
Being the future of our planet, our role as adults is to guide, collaborate and
elevate their voices in the protection and conservation of our ocean.
Our mission is to inspire and empower our youth to be responsible and caring
planetary stewards. Part of it is to give them the space to think about and
express possible solutions to global issues and thus get them ready to take
action whenever it is needed.
This year we are going GLOBAL and we are very excited to welcome
international organizations supporting the initiative. The theme this year is A
Plastic Free Ocean. We are sharing with you all our selected participants impactful stories that will inspire and
empower people to take action in reducing ocean plastic pollution.
Explore our ArcGIS Story Map (link coming soon!)