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All Day

Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition


Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]


British Columbia Environmental Film Festival Hosts Ocean Week Canada

Celebrate Ocean Week Canada with BCEFF: Enjoy Free Streaming of 10 Incredible Ocean-Themed Films All June! Film Lineup: -Beautiful Poison Click the link Below to watch the Trailer:https://youtu.be/iVuKMX4ILmE?si=G8SAJdNNWeUQO3aN -Climate Emergency: […]


100 for the Ocean

100 for the Ocean unites 100 world-class photographers and artists, who were hand-selected for their talents and contributions to conservation. This limited-time sale, June 1-30, 2024, offers a unique opportunity […]


愛海的第一步要識海,海鮮不只是餐桌上的美食,更重要的是他們在海中過什麼日子? 他們是怎麼來到我們的餐桌? 2024年6月開始,請大家每個月記錄一項你餐桌上的海洋生物,可是是藻類、貝類 、軟體動物、甲殼類、魚類: 1.它們的食物是什麼? 2.它們是誰的食物? 3.它們的壽命是多大? 4.它們繁殖期是什麼時候? 5.它們是怎麼被生產(捕撈、養殖)的? 6.它們是從那裡(區域)來的? 7.請拍出它們被購買時的狀態 如果你無法辨識,可以傳照片由我們儘力協助你 https://www.facebook.com/seafood.com.tw


Healing Hudson Art Show by Selva Ozelli for Putnam History Museum

Putnam History Museum Chestnut Street, Cold Spring

Selva Ozelli's new exhibition, “Healing Hudson,” by Selva Ozelli, for Putnam History Museum’s public community room, explores the Hudson Valley’s importance in sparking the environmental movement in the U.S., which […]


Bow Seat’s True Blue Fellowship

The True Blue Fellowship (formerly the Fellowship Grant Program) aims to connect and empower youth around the world to leverage the creative arts to enact change in local communities to […]


Cinquecento Medusae: een invasie van kwallen

Ter gelegenheid van het 410-jarig bestaan van de RUG presenteert de Green Office Cinquecento Medusae, een kunstinstallatie van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Rosanna Baledda. Laat je onderdompelen in een invasie van kwallen en open je […]


Divers for Climate Official Launch and Film Screening

Salthouse Marina Point, 6/2 Pier Point Rd Cairns City, QLD 4870 Australia

Join us for an inspiring series of events during World Oceans Week, presented by Divers for Climate! The Great Barrier Reef is currently undergoing its 5th mass bleaching event in […]

Sea Camp – Texas A&M University at Galveston

1001 Texas Clipper Rd., Galveston, TX 77554 1001 Texas Clipper Rd., Galveston

Sea Camp is a week-long marine adventure for ages 10-18. Throughout the summer, Sea Campers will explore marine environments while learning about the ocean's inhabitants and ecosystems. Sea Campers will […]

The Story of Sarga

virtuel MT

Visit carolanneblack.com/sarga to see The Story of Sarga Visit carolanneblack.com/ocean-week-canada for the trailer of The Story of Sarga and more info about the story and about American eels Follow Sarga, […]


Washed Up – Marine Debris Art Show – World Ocean Day Reception

Kauai Society of Artist Gallery 3-2600 Kaumualii Hwy Ste E8, Lihue, HI 96766, lihue

Come celebrate World Ocean Day with Surfrider Foundation Kauai Chapter and Kauai Society of Artists! WASHED UP is a marine debris art show and pieces of art are created with […]

$ 1,000,000 Prize for projects advancing SDG14

Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development, carries a financial reward of US$ 1,000,000, awarded annually by the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) with the aim of inciting and […]

Educational Marine Debris Pendant Necklace-making workshop

Kukui Grove Center 3-2600 Kaumualii Highway, Suite 1710, Lihue

Keiki aged 7 to 17 are invited to make an educational marine debris pendant necklace with Kauai artist and wildlife conservationist Amanda JS Kaufmann, June 8 from noon to 1 […]


World Ocean Day Rive Clean-up

Did you know that 80% of ocean plastics come from inland rivers and canals? We’ve teamed up with Thames21 to continue our efforts to remove plastics at our closest waterway, the […]


Plett Tourism hosts the three-day Plett Marine Science Symposium and a host of outdoor activities and excursions on and about the Plett and South African shoreline and ocean. Observe, conserve […]


Using Stay Interviews to Improve Employee Retention & Engagement

59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA 59 Lukens Dr, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA, New Castle

There is a strong business case for retaining your talent because: Turnover is rampant » Most resignations ever in the U.S. in April 2021 » 4% unemployment rate - 2.2% […]
