Search the World Ocean Day database of conservation-related events, activities, and announcements
on the Events Calendar and World Map.

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Calendar of Events

M Mon

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S Sun

2 events,

ANNOUNCEMENT: Royal Caribbean Group Extends Collaboration to Capture Critical Ocean Conservation Data Onboard Ships

Caring for our Coast

2 events,

YOI World Ocean Day 2024 Zine Contest

2 events,

2 events,

4 events,

World Species Congress

Bow Seat’s True Blue Fellowship

4 events,

Conservation Crafts at OdySea Aquarium

4 events,

5 events,

Invasion of the Jellyfish

5 events,

7 events,

Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition

Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition

13 events,

Reef Blitz 2024

Dia dos Oceanos das Nações Unidas: Planetário PUC Minas prepara programação especial

Bali Ocean Week


Deerfield Beach Citizen Art and Eco Fest


World Ocean Day Celebration at the New England Aquarium


St Mary’s Ocean Day Celebration

10 events,

Sunshine Coast Ocean Festival


World Ocean Day Celebration!