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Pacific Discovery Tank

The Canadian Museum of Nature 240 McLeod St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Museum of Nature has some new aquatic residents: live anemones, urchins, sea cucumbers, sea stars and more are now on view in a newly-unveiled interactive feature in the Water Gallery. The Pacific Discovery Tank is 14.6-feet (almost five metres) long and reveals the interesting creatures that inhabit tide pools (shallow pools of water […]

iLab Conservation Fundraising

Will you be an environmentalist this year? 3.8 billion years ago, the origin of life is from ocean, and ocean covers 71% of the surface of earth. @ilab101 supports marine conservation and coral protection with 1% of sales every year. Let's return 1% to the ocean together, whatever your 1% resources, 1% enthusiasm, or 1% time. […]

❗️Buscamos MedGuardians 🔱 para Regenerar los bosques submarinos poco profundos❗️

Platja de Formentor Platja de Formentor, s/n, 07470 Port de Pollença, Illes Balears, Illes Balears, Spain

❗️Buscamos MedGuardians 🔱 para Regenerar los bosques submarinos poco profundos en snorkel y desde tierra ❗️ ¡Tenemos buenas noticias! 🌿 Las Cystoseiras sl. están en época de fertilidad y necesitamos tu ayuda para tomar datos, medir la densidades de erizos y mas adelante empezar con la etapa de restauración. ¿Que haremos, cuando y donde?_ 🔹ESTUDIO DE FERTILIDAD Y ASEGURAR SALUD […]

Svjetski dan oceana

Gradska knjižnica Zadar Ul. Stjepana Radića 11b, 23000, Zadar, Croatia, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

A set of workshops for primary school students are organized by graduate students of Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Department of Ecology, Agronomy, and Aquaculture; University of Zadar, Croatia. Workshops cover several topics such as overfishing, bycatch, seaweeds, and marine food webs. The aim of the workshops is to increase marine knowledge as […]

Descubriendo la biodiversidad de los océanos

Auditorium, Plaça Concòrdia, Plaça de la Concòrdia, 13, Barcelona, Spain

Did you know that most of the life on the planet is placed in the ocean? And that in the depths of the ocean there is a jellyfish capable of living forever? In this event we will discover some curiosities about the ocean and the animals and plants that have been living there throughout time. […]

Citizen Science ReefBlitz

Great Barrier Reef 14 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville, Queenslands, Australia

Join the largest group of naturalists in the world and share knowledge about the Great Barrier Reef. We are encouraging all people to connect with the ocean between 1 and 8 June, 2022 and share photographs about marine life. If you are a beach walker, citizen scientist, snorkelers, SCUBA diver, fisher, tourist, Master Reef Guide, […]

Pick-up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is a major factor when it comes to seabird populations and penguins are no strangers to marine debris. Penguins International is calling penguin lovers to take […]

#ForPlanetOcean Art Challenge

FASCINATING MARINE CREATURES📣 Prompt 1 is nearly here - 1st June Save The Date! The first year of the #ForPlanetOcean art challenge is here, and I am very excited to be hosting along with some other incredible like minded artists! This year we are partnering with @cleanmiamibeach who are pledging to collect 1500lbs of trash to coincide with this […]

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

Coffee County Manchester Public Library 1005 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN 37355, United States, TN, United States

Interactive Summer Reading Program. We have stem activities,  story times, crafts, take home crafts, education on ocean environment, paid performers, ocean trivia parties and more! Check out our Facebook for more details. Take a look at our online prize catalog. We have almost 5k in prizes to give away. Come in and find Wally the walrus […]

OKC Zoo Hosts World Oceans Day Celebration

Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden 2000 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Bob Moore Subaru invite you to dive in to ocean conservation during this year’s World Oceans Day event. This global celebration provides a unique opportunity to learn about, help protect and conserve our blue planet. Join the fun on Thursday, June 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., to learn […]

Invasive Species Survey

OdySea Aquarium 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85256, Ventura, AZ, United States

On June 3rd the OdySea Aquarium team will be conducting our second apple snail survey of 2022 on the Lower Salt River.  Team members will be contributing to important data of the invasive apple snail species, while assisting in the eradication of them along our Arizona waterways.  These snails outcompete native animals with their large […]

Mangroves Education Program

MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment - East, RDS Road, Kumburumulai, Vembu,, Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

OceanBiome would conduct a Magroves Education program for Kalkuda zone students in coordination with the MJF Foundation to represent World Ocean Day. We'll be educating the importance of mangroves and their relevance to marine ecology to the students with some interactive sessions. Mangroves are tropical trees that grow in situations that most wood couldn't stand […]

Pacific Islander Festival

Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach California, CA, United States

Everyone is invited to celebrate Pacific Islander cultures at the Aquarium of the Pacific during its nineteenth annual Pacific Islander Festival on June 4 and 5, 2022. Experience the cultures of Pacific islands, including Hawaiian, Tahitian, Samoan, Tongan, Chamorro, Marshallese, Māori, and Fijian. This weekend festival will feature cultural displays, artisanal craft demonstrations, live music […]

World Oceans Week with Parley

With World Oceans Day just around the corner our global teams have been busy prepping an unprecedented series of actions – ranging from coastal habitat restoration in Hawai'i to nurdle hunting in Seychelles Find an event near you and join the crew today here.

Family BioBlitz

The Doon The Doon, Kirkcudbright, 4TL, B727, Kirkcudbright, United Kingdom

Join Kirkcudbright Bay Bioblitz, Search for a Queen! A Nature Hunt for Everyone at Doon Bay, Kirkcudbright 10.00am to 3.00pm on Saturday 4th June While many will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we will be searching for natures queen bees (as well as worker and male bumble bees). Drop in to join wildlife experts in a […]

Enviro-Oceans Week

We want to takeover social media from the 5-8 June to mark world environment day and world oceans day. Get creative! Send an email to ziyanda@trees.org.za with your poem, photograph(s), drawing(s) and/or blog about why it's important to protect our forests, soil, land, or oceans! Learn more here

Article: In the Name of Dear and Precious Ocean, by Mr Güntürk Üstün

I am Mr Güntürk Üstün, a medical doctor and an unknown poet-writer (who published 10 books of poetry so far plus thousands of comments written in Turkish-French-English on the web about the maritime and railroad transport). I have just written (in French) and published a short article on the Paris-France based renowned "Lettre Du Cheminot" […]

Online Lesson – World Ocean Day

(scroll down for English) Auf firmm.education haben wir eine kleine Online-Lektion zum Welttag der Ozeane vorbereitet und wollen damit zeigen, welch große Bedeutung die Meere für das Leben auf unserem Planeten haben. Mit Texten, Videos und interaktiven Grafiken erfährst du: wie sich das Leben im Meer entwickelt hat was das Gleichgewicht im Ökosystem Meer gefährdet warum […]

Frost Science – World Ocean Day

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science 1101 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132, Miami, FL, United States

Help us shell-ebrate World Ocean Day on Sunday, June 5! Dive into Frost Science and our partner’s work to save the reefs, protect the coastlines and teach the world about oceans and marine life. You’ll hear from some amazing conservationists working with marine plants and animals at the museum, then tackle the challenge of testing […]

Ayuda restaur los arrecifes coralinos de Costa Rica

Marina Pez Vela Marina Pez Vela, Provincia de Puntarenas, Quepos, 60601, Costa Rica, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Este Día Mundial del Océano tenemos un evento comunitario GRATIS en Quepos. ¡Ven y sé parte de la restauración coralina en Quepos / Manuel Antonio! - Demostraciones en vivo de fragmentación de corales. - Conozca nuestro proyecto de restauración de coral - hable con nuestros biólogos y voluntarios. - Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de […]

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants – COCO STUDIO

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants - COCO STUDIO is an online movement launched by Chinese influencer Coco Studio. The event aims to encourage everyone to start from the small things around them, so that more people can understand the importance of the ocean, in order to love and protect the ocean. The participation of this […]

Craft Day at The PROSPECTS Foundation

On Tuesday the 7th June we will be celebrating World Oceans Day by holding a family-fun craft day at The PROSPECTS Foundation at 1:30pm! Come and make sea creatures from single-use plastics and display your creations in the PROSPECTS window!  Learn more here

RCIScience Instagram Takeover with Seaweed Researcher Josie Crichton

Dive into the science of seaweed biodiversity with RCIScience's next Instagram takeover host, Josie Crichton! Josie is a second year Master's student examining seaweed biodiversity in New Brunswick. She first fell in love with seaweed a few years ago during a field course on Vancouver Island, and now believes the opportunities in seaweed science are […]

John Ball Zoo – World Ocean Day

John Ball Zoo 1300 W. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Discover an ocean of opportunities to protect the water that connects us all. From rivers and streams to the Great Lakes, our daily actions have an impact on the aquatic wildlife that call these places home. Explore the Washed Ashore sculptures and hear the stories behind the marine debris used to construct each piece. Learn […]

World Ocean Day at Wonders of Wildlife

Wonders of Wildlife National Museum & Aquarium 500 W Sunshine St, Springfield, MO, United States

This year we are having a celebration for World Ocean Day at Wonders of Wildlife National Museum and Aquarium located in Springfield, MO. There will be crafts, pledges, and scavenger hunts here at our aquarium. Enjoy the tour as you participate in ocean craft tables and visit our wildlife galleries as well! Our mission is […]

World Ocean Day at New England Aquarium

New England Aquarium 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110, United States, Boston, MA, United States

The New England Aquarium is celebrating World Ocean Day on June 8 with activities that bring attention to the importance of protecting our ocean for future generations. People of all ages are invited to Central Wharf to celebrate, learn about, and take action to protect special places in our ocean. Outside the Aquarium on Central […]

Wear Blue for World Ocean Day!

Adelaide Scuba 3 Cygnet Ct, Glenelg North SA 5045, Australia

Even when at home you can still celebrate the ocean and help ocean animals have a safe home! Get ready for #WorldOceanDay by joining with @AdelaideScuba to protect at least 30% of our lands, waters, and ocean by 2030. Wear Blue on June the 8th in support of World Ocean Day and Sign in support […]

Report: SEA MARVEL Awareness action

Sending out press releases on World Oceans Day and conservation marine research by the Conservation Biology Research Group, University of Malta Learn more here

Oceans.io Dive of the Year Awards

Are you ready for #DiveoftheYear Awards 2022? On June 8th, #WorldOceanDay, our ambassador Fabien Cousteau will present this year’s winner and runner-ups! Learn more and view the winners here!

Free e-books for the World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day - 8 June Let's celebrate together! The e-books of Pesho and Popoto are free on 8-9-10 June!   The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke: http://mybook.to/peshobook   Popoto by Noemi Knight: https://lnkd.in/eHhSGU7X  

ANNOUNCEMENT: World Oceans Day Photography Competition 2022

In connection with World Oceans Day 2022 (June 8) Celebrations, the Research Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is conducting a Photography Competition on two categories (1) Seascapes, life and human Interaction (for graduate, post graduates and research scholars) (2) Youth Category: any image of the ocean (above or below the surface) (for School students) (Youth […]

Manta Trawls with Traditional Sailboat Albin Köbis

Traditionssegler Albin Köbis Schiffbrücke 44, Flensburg, Germany

Beginning on World Oceans Day on June 8, we start our annual Manta Trawls on our traditional sailing vessel Albin Köbis. Our berth is Flensburg and we will sail the Flensburg Fjord, the Schlei and the Danish South Sea. The aim is to take as many samples as possible from the sea and to pull […]

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

WaterBear x World Oceans Day

WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content - spanning biodiversity, community, climate action and sustainable fashion. WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future […]

Hope in Hawaii

Hawaii is regarded as one of the most beautiful places on Earth for its brilliant marine ecosystems and rich cultural history, and local conservationists are hard at work to protect it for future generations. In a moderated discussion between Hope Spot Champions and conservationists, the audience will learn of the current victories and challenges in […]

Ocean Cleanup in Senggigi!

Senggigi Beach Senggigi Beach, Batulayar, Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Indonesia

Celebrate World Oceans Day with a water cleanup in Senggigi! Bring your snorkeling gear and a broomstick, mashbags will be provided. You can park in front of Senggigi Art Market and walk down to the beach next to the police station. On the beach turn right and meet us in front of Sheraton Resort. Info: […]

Observation des oiseaux marins d’Istanbul

Lycée Privé Français Saint-Joseph Dr Esat Isik Cad., Istanbul, Turkey

Dans le cadre de notre club "les voiles francophones" au Lycée Privé Français Saint-Joseph Istanbul, nous allons organiser, le 8 juin 2022, à l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale des Océans, une sortie en Mer de Marmara et dans le Bosphore afin d'observer les oiseaux marins d'Istanbul. Cette sortie se fera avec notre élève Çağan Abbasoğlu, […]


Dorianogor Marine drive, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

From rising pollution, acidification of ocean water, rising average temperatures, to a reduction in ocean biodiversity. Through spreading awareness, World Ocean Day hopes to protect the Earth's major water bodies. The theme for World Ocean Day 2022 is “Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean”.   Coming Up WORLD OCEAN DAY WEBINAR JOIN US TODAY EVENING […]

Coral Rescue Diving

Wailingding island Wailingding island, ZhuHai, China, ZhuHai, China

Date: 8th June Location: Wailingding island, ZhuHai, China On 8th June, The One dive club (SSI diamond diving center) organized more than 30 divers to planted coral underwater. Learn more here

iLab Coral Guardian Fundraiser

Will you be the next #CORALGUARDIAN ? Coral is one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. Coral richness along the coast of Hainan Island has dropped by 80% in the past 30 years, and a large number of white coral fragments have appeared on the seafloor. Scan the QR code to join Coral Guardian will generate […]

Nature for Kids World Ocean Day- Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo

Fort Wayne Children's Zoo 3411 Sherman Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46808, United States

The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to help us celebrate World Ocean Day. This family fun, Kids for Nature World Oceans Day event will help educate kids and guests on how to protect our ocean and the marine life that call it home. Activities will help further educate kids while still having fun! Learn […]

Webinar: Tails from Two Cities

If you're interested in whales we've got a presentation for you:  Free webinar with experts from both coasts...Boston and San Diego! Should be a fun discussion Learn more here

World Oceans Day at St. Lucie County Aquarium

The St. Lucie County Aquarium will celebrate World Oceans Day Wednesday, June 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a family-friendly event featuring activities, crafts, a beach clean-up, behind the scenes tours and more. Learn more here 

ANNOUNCEMENT: park4night Contest // World Ocean Day Clean Up

// CONTEST // On the 08th of June, let’s take part in the World Ocean Day!  Let’s gather and clean the beaches, the river and lake banks. Share your nice actions with #NatureProtectP4N and we’ll share it in our story.    TO WIN: 4 yearly park4night+ subscriptions!    TO PARTICIPATE: - Follow the account @park4night […]

Blue Marine Foundation World Ocean Day Podcast

Catch UN Patron of the Oceans, Lewis Pugh, in conversation with Blue Marine executive director, Charles Clover, about the upcoming publication of Charles’s book, Rewilding the Sea on June 8. More details to come  Don't forget you can pre-order Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans today: link in bio.

Kaua‘i Underwater Camp; Coastline Cleanup

Kukui‘ula Harbor Koloa, HI 96756, United States, HI, United States

Morning Fran🤙 For sure - Our favorite day of the year is right around the corner🌊🌍🌎🌏 In honor of this year’s #WorldOceanDay (Wednesday June 8th) we’ve partnered up with our friends at @seasportdivers for an all encompassing cleanup event🙌 Anyone can participate in this event! Certified scuba divers are being offered 50% OFF rental gear […]

National Aquarium in Baltimore Celebrates World Ocean Day

National Aquarium in Baltimore 501 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, MD, United States

Join us at the National Aquarium as we celebrate World Oceans Day! Special activities will take place throughout the day, including Aquarium bingo and a pledge to our dolphins. Together we share one ocean, one climate, one future—and together, we can protect it! One of the many things we will learn about this World Oceans […]

Reefs Go Live: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future

Join the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) as one of our virtual dive buddies for our special World Ocean Day 2022 Reefs Go Live broadcast: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future. The dive team in Little Cayman will take us underwater to explore the coral reefs, discuss what it means when a reef is healthy, […]

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium World Oceans Day Event

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 4850 POWELL RD,, Powell, OH, United States

Come join the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in celebrating World Oceans Day! The day will be full of interactive activities from a World Oceans Day themed word search to informational tables where guests can learn about the animals at the zoo and our role in helping save the ocean and the climate! They can also […]

World Ocean Day Celebration at the Greensboro Science Center

Greensboro Science Center 4301 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro, NC 27455-1899, Greensboro, NC, United States

World Ocean Day, June 8th, is an internationally celebrated day for people everywhere to unite, celebrate and take action for our shared blue planet. This annual event at the Greensboro Science Center for guests of all ages focuses on celebrating the wonders of the ocean, our connectedness with the ocean, and how we can all […]

Festival Del Mar at Cox Science Center and Aquarium

Cox Science Center and Aquarium 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

The Cox Science Center and Aquarium is holding its annual Festival Del Mar event taking place on June 8th from 10am-3pm to celebrate World Oceans Day! Guests can dive into learning about all things ocean while including Latin American cultural traditions. There will be music, bilingual aquarium feedings and touch tanks, arts and crafts, and […]

SEQ Hub Marine Social Science Launch Event – World Oceans Day Public Showcase

University of Queensland Art Museum James and Mary Emelia Mayne Centre Building, University Dr, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

On  World Oceans Day  we will be discussing current issues in the Southeast Queensland (SEQ) marine environment, and showcasing the work that marine social scientists are doing to contribute to solutions. The 2022 theme for World Oceans Day is Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean, which will guide many of our discussions. This event is […]

Explore Crystal Cove State Park’s Tidepools Live on Instagram June 8th!

Join California State Park Interpreter Alex on an exploration of the tidepools in Crystal Cove State Park's Marine Protected Area and celebrate World Ocean Day on June 8th! We will be looking for sea anemones, hermit crabs, and any other intertidal treasures as we peek into the magical pools in Crystal Cove State Park's Rocky […]

Macaronesian Sanctuary for Marine Biodiverisity

Poema del Mar aquarium Av. de Los Consignatarios, 35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, Las Palmas, Spain

Loro Parque Fundación is promoting the creation of a Sanctuary for Marine Biodiversity in the Macaronesia, to protect an important migratory path for cetaceans, sharks, turtles, etc. At the event, there will be a presentation on the project and different talks supporting the need for a protected area. Learn more here  

Celebrate Ocean Day at the MAS!

Museum of Arts and Sciences 4182 Forsyth Road, Macon, GA, United States

Join us at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon Georgia to celebrate Ocean Day.  Come try out an ROV and touch a sea creature! See the calendar of events here

COAST Talks: Connecting Ocean Knowledge to Ocean Action

On World Oceans Day (June 8), COAST Talks takes a look at the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030) and how it unlocks opportunities for innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs in the sustainable development of this massive marine ecosystem. Join the conversation with local Ocean Decade leaders and organizations working on everything from tsunami survival pods to ocean plastics solutions […]

Trout River Beach Clean up and Salmon Talk

Town of Trout River- Main Beach 275 Main St, Trout River, NL A0K 5P0, Canada, Trout River, Newfoundland, Canada

Atlantic Healthy Oceans Initiative (AHOI) will be joined by its partners, Gros Morne National Park and the Gros Morne Cooperating Association, to host a beach cleanup, as well as a demonstration about salmon conservation! Join us to help keep the ocean and coastline clean and healthy, and learn about Parks Canada's salmon restoration project happening […]

Discover curiosities of the underwater world

Zoo Basel Binningerstrasse 40, Basel, Switzerland

Zoo Basel is organising a special programme for the world ocean day. Learn more about the fish in the vivarium. Learn more here Agenda: Afternoon activities 1.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m., in the vivarium and at the main entrance • A look behind the scenes: animal carers provide information about their wondrous protégés • Design […]

Kalk Bay harbour beach clean up

Sirocco Café 75 Main Rd, Fish Hoek, Cape Town, 7990, South Africa

This World Ocean Day, Sirocco Café is hosting a beach clean up at the Kalk Bay harbour in Cape Town and Save Our Seas Foundation, NOMU Chocolate, the Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Education Centre, some students from St James RC Primary and The Beach Co-op. Learn more here

World’s Oceans Day with Storybook Theatre of Hawaii

Dolphin Touch Wellness Center 4544 Kukui St, Kapaʻa, HI 96746, United States, Kapaʻa, HI, United States

Join Us On Kaua'i For World Oceans Day Performances & Rainbow Costume Parade Special Guests, Inflatable Marine Creatures & Costumes At Dolphin Touch Wellness Center in Kapa'a! Live Family Programs On Wednesday June 8th Starting at 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Special - 'Story of Jonah' from inside of Harmony the Whale at 5:00 pm […]

Microplastics beach research

Contada Cala Pisana Contada Cala Pisana, Lampedusa (AG), Italy, Italy

Microplastics pose a threat to the whole marine ecosystem. The MPA Pelagie Islands held a collection microplastics afternoon for the students from the “Istituto Omnicomprensivo Luigi Pirandello”, on the occasion of World Ocean Day. The microplastics will be ranked by their origin, their shape and their kind. Learn more here

Event Series OceanLove Market & Seminar

OceanLove Market & Seminar

KMT House 73 Street 15, Maadi as Sarayat Al Gharbeyah, Maadi, Cairo Governorate 11728, Egypt, Egypt

OceanLove will organize the World Ocean Day event at the KMT House in Cairo, Egypt,  between 4PM and 10PM. OceanLove Market The whole day there’s an OceanLove Market, where activists, social entrepreneurs and artists are sharing their knowledge, products and initiatives for the oceans. OceanLove Seminar Between 8PM and 10PM there will be an OceanLove […]

Ocean Missions and Húsavík Whale Museum’s “World ocean week”

Húsavík Whale Museum Hafnarstétt 1, Húsavík, Iceland, Húsavík, Iceland

Ocean Missions in collaboration with the Húsavík Whale Museum is organising different events next week to celebrate world ocean day and gather like minded people to help and protect the oceans. Learn more here

Reefscapers Marine Education Talk

Anchorage Bar Anchorage Bar, Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa, Furanafushi Island North, Maldives

Reefscapers, a marine consultancy company based in the Maldives, specializes in coral reef restoration using their coral frame technique to create coral gardens. These gardens increase coral abundance and create important habitats for marine life. At 3pm on World Ocean Day 2022, join their marine biologists at 5pm for a 30x30 themed WOD marine talk. […]

Dana Point World Ocean Day Whale & Marine Life Tour

Dana Point Ocean Institute 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point, CA, United States

Sunset Whale and Marine Life Cruise! 6:00 – 8:30 pm Join our crew for an experience you will never forget! Your 2-1/2-hour adventure aboard the RV Sea Explorer, Ocean Institute’s 65’ research vessel, takes you miles beyond the Dana Point Harbor jetty in search of marine mammals such as migrating Blue whales; large schools of […]

Webinar – World Oceans Day: The weird and wonderful life of underwater parks

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of marine national parks and sanctuaries in Victoria, Australia Dr. Mark Norman and some special guests are dedicating this hour to sharing stories about weird and wonderful creatures and places most of us will never see. From the cute and cuddly to the creepy and ugly, Victoria’s marine national parks […]

World Ocean Day – Before It’s Too Late!

St Mary's Church St Mary's Church, Fratton Rd, Fratton, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

An evening of magical tales, sea shanties, octopus stories and show-stopping entertainment, an exhibition of artwork by local schools and artists, and drop-in workshops that explore the science of the sea. The evening performance starts at 7 pm and kicks off with dance from Kings Youth Theatre who will present pieces from their ‘SOS: Save […]

World Ocean Day 10th June

Plaza Pedro Cuevas Plaza Pedro Cuevas, 29640, Fuengirola, Spain

Mi Moana will be celebrating WOD on the 10th of June in Fuengirola, Spain with several other NGOs and companies that fight against pollution. There will be talks, live music and even a raffle. It will be so much fun, even Poseidon has come from Atlantis! The event will be from 6pm to 11pm. Learn […]

World Oceans Day at Cameron Park Zoo

Cameron Park Zoo 1701 N 4th St, Waco, TX 76707, United States, TX, United States

Join us to celebrate world oceans day! Play ocean corn hole, watch scuba divers, see enchanting mermaids, listen to keeper chats, learn about corals, and you can even win a free Behind the Scenes Tour! Don’t miss out on all the fun! Learn more here

Sea Life Park Hawai‘i: World of Oceans, World of Sharks!

Sea Life Park Hawai'i 41-202 Kalanianaʻole Hwy, Waimanalo Beach, HI, United States

In honor of World Ocean Day on June 8, Sea Life Park Hawai‘i will hold a weekend-long event from June 11-12 to celebrate a World of Sharks, highlighting an animal that is essential to the natural order of our marine ecosystems. Guests can dive into family fun throughout the entire weekend, including fin-tastic educational presentations, […]

World Oceans Weekend at Kansas City Zoo

Kansas City Zoo 6800 Zoo Dr, Kansas City, MO 64132, Kansas City, MO, United States

Swim on over to the Kansas City Zoo on June 11-12 to celebrate World Oceans Weekend! Visit our displays near the aquarium construction site to learn how all water is connected and watch our animals throughout the Zoo receive special ocean-themed enrichment. Stop by the lobby to sign the 30x30 pledge to show your commitment to […]

Waikīkī Aquarium Beach Cleanup

Sherwood Beach Park 41-43 Aloiloi St, Waimānalo, HI 96795, Waimānalo, HI, United States

Celebrate World Ocean Month by helping clean up Sherwood Beach Park! World Ocean Month calls for people around world to celebrate and honor our one shared ocean that connects us all! Join us in helping protect at least 30% of our blue planet by 2030. Check in any time between 9AM - 11:30PM. Take the […]

Oceans Day in Lunenburg

We’re excited to host an Oceans Day event in collaboration with @fisheriesmuseum on the Lunenburg waterfront!  Join us for activities fun for the whole family and learn how you can get involved in protecting our oceans 🐳🌊. Questions? Contact ariel@coastalaction.org 📲. Learn more here 

World Ocean Day Celebration at Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens

Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens 3755 W. Seminole Blvd, Sanford, FL 32771, Sanford, FL, United States

Come to the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens to celebrate our planet's beautiful oceans and be inspired to take action to protect marine life and their ocean habitats through interactive games, activities, crafts, and more. This event is included in general Zoo admission; additional fees may apply for certain activities. Please call 407.323.4450 ext. […]

World Ocean Day at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo!

Essex County Turtle Back Zoo 560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, NJ, United States

Join us at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo, located at 560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange NJ 07052 to meet our educators and discover how we can spring into action for Earth's Oceans (June 11 - 12th, 11am - 2pm, included with admission)!  Our educators will also lead a Facebook live, featuring many of our residents […]

Flint RiverQuarium World Ocean Day Celebration

Flint RiverQuarium 117 Pine Ave, Albany, GA 31701, Albany, GA, United States

This Saturday the Flint RiverQuarium will be hosting a World Oceans Day Celebration. The celebration will be on Saturday, June 11, from 2-6 P.M. The facility will be open one hour later than the usual closing time of 5 P.M. Activities will include games, ocean-themed crafts, and a visit from Gulf Specimen Marine Lab in […]

World Ocean Night

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 2021 N. Kinney Road, Tucson, AZ, Tucson, AZ, United States

How is the cool, wet ocean connected to the hot, dry desert?  Join us and 10 other ocean related organizations to learn how our saguaros and javelina depend on the Gulf of California.  The night will include educational exhibits, hands-on activities, kids crafts, and an informative presentation by CEDO Intercultural Center for the Study of […]

World Oceans Weekend at Kansas City Zoo

Kansas City Zoo 6800 Zoo Dr, Kansas City, MO 64132, Kansas City, MO, United States

Swim on over to the Kansas City Zoo on June 11-12 to celebrate World Oceans Weekend! Visit our displays near the aquarium construction site to learn how all water is connected and watch our animals throughout the Zoo receive special ocean-themed enrichment. Stop by the lobby to sign the 30x30 pledge to show your commitment to […]

Collective Action for the Arafura and Timor Seas

Coral reefs, fish populations, a quarter of the world's mangroves, seagrass beds, large marine wildlife, shorebirds, and seabirds all thrive in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) area. As a result, this region offers essential ecosystem services to communities surrounding the ATS, while also contributing to global economic and ecological well-being. The theme of this […]

Great Whales: Up Close and Personal

Royal Ontario Museum Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In 2017, the ROM shared the incredible journey of Blue, ROM’s beloved blue whale, in Out of the Depths: The Blue Whale Story. The highly successful ROM-original exhibition told the story of nine blue whales that died tragically in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2014, and the unprecedented opportunity for research and conservation it presented. […]

Potter Park Zoo Presents: Fur & Feathers at Grand Ledge Area District Library

Grand Ledge Area District Library 201 E Jefferson St, Grand Ledge, MI, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the USA, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Water Fest in Valencia!

Graderies Nord de La Marina Graderies Nord de La Marina, 46011 València, Valencia, Spain, Valencia, Spain

El 25 y 26 de junio estaremos en el Water Fest, de Tuawa, en la Marina de Valencia. El WaterFest es un evento pensado para que todos los miembros de la familia disfruten de actividades medioambientales, conciertos, zonas didácticas y lúdicas, especialmente diseñadas para ellos. En la Zona Planeta Azul nos podréis encontrar de 11:00 […]

UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon

The UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, kicks off next week from June 27-July 1. To mobilize action, the Conference will seek to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 14. US Leaders from Congress […]

Public Screening – “Chasing Coral” Film

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The Scientific Society Swakopmund invites you to a public screening of the film “Chasing Coral”. The event will take place on 28 June at 18:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. The entrance is free, donations welcome. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why corals are vanishing […]

Jaycee Park Pavilion: Intro to Fly Fishing

Jaycee Park Pavilion 525 E River St, Grand Ledge, MI, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the USA, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Okinawa International School Marine Day 2022

Azama Sun Sun Beach Azama-1141 3 Chinen, Nanjo, Okinawa 901-1502, Japan, Japan

On July 14th, Middle & High School students from the Okinawa International School (OIS) will celebrate Marine Day, a public holiday in Japan when people show appreciation for the seas and oceans.  Location: Azama Sun Sun Beach, Okinawa, Japan. Objectives: to develop an appreciation for and familiarity with the nature of the sea. through interactions with students from […]

Diving into the Past and Future at Orange County Libraries

Orange County Library Southeast Branch 5575 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Event Series Protection of Kadalamma- the mother ocean- and sea people in South India

Protection of Kadalamma- the mother ocean- and sea people in South India

The event is an ongoing campaign and agitation to protect the mother ocean and its people who depend on natural resources in Trivandrum, Kerala South India. Indigenous fishers experience loss of marine biodiversity, beach erosion, and a lack of sustainable fishing options. The destructions have been experienced since seaport construction in the customary fishing spaces […]

Halifax Shark Week

Halifax Shark Week venue 1747 Summer St, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Diversity of Nature has several panels, interactive activities, and a shark dissection planned! Specific dates and times of shark-related events will be shared in the coming weeks. Please note this event is for underrepresented youth and their families only. This could include Black, Indigenous, and people of colour, those from underrepresented gender identities, 2SLGBTQIA+, low-income, those […]

Great Barrier Reef Ocean Swim Series

Great Barrier Reed Unit 14, 15 Holt Street Eagle Farm Queensland, Australia 4009, Queensland, Australia

The 2022 swims will take place in September & October 2022 which is during Australia’s winter months that are very temperate in Far North Queensland. These are also the months when prevailing weather conditions suite the swims and risk of inclement marine-life are minimal. There are two event days on this year’s calendar: The 'Classics' […]

Beach Cleanup – “A Million Mangroves: Halting Climate Change One Root at a Time”

Eden Roc Hotel 4525 Collins Ave Miami Beach, FL 33140, Miami Beach

Join Forces of Nature and Clean Up Miami Beach to help clean up our beaches and restore our mangroves. Wear closed-toe shoes as we will be climbing over rocks. Bring gloves, sunscreen, and a hat. We'll have sustainable water-bottles for all. Mangroves are nature's solution to halting climate change: they stop beach erosion, foster marine […]

Great Barrier Reef Ocean Swim Series

Great Barrier Reed Unit 14, 15 Holt Street Eagle Farm Queensland, Australia 4009, Queensland, Australia

The 2022 swims will take place in September & October 2022 which is during Australia’s winter months that are very temperate in Far North Queensland. These are also the months when prevailing weather conditions suite the swims and risk of inclement marine-life are minimal. There are two event days on this year’s calendar: The 'Classics' […]

Secret Paradise Çamlıdere


We want to protect our natural beauties - rivers, lakes, and forests. Learn more here.

Pick Up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is a major factor when it comes to seabird populations and penguins are no strangers to marine debris. Penguins International is calling penguin lovers to take […]

Ocean Collective Day

Stockholm, M/S Teaterskeppet (at Skeppsbron) 13 Skeppsbron, Stockholm, Sweden

Launch event of a new commercial initiative "Ocean Collective" which is an Swedish based industrial investment company with a mission of preserving our oceans whilst building a successful business. Initially this will be accomplished by building a Global Frontunner in sustainable seafood – combining the best and most sustainable from existing sources whilst developing new […]

Marine Sustainability Awareness Program – Recycle For A Better Tomorrow

Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia

Students from University College Sabah Foundation embark on a journey at Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, to further understand how they can make a change in daily life, such as recycling and upcycling, compositing and sustainable food, which not only help mitigate climate, as well to protect and preserve marine habitats and biodiversity from pollution. […]

Can We Protect Our Ocean From Pollution?

University College Sabah Foundation 2–8, Jalan Sanzac, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Introduction about marine biodiversity and threats are facing nowadays, through movie screening. Follow with a talk sharing from a speaker who have been working in marine research, conservation and awareness, to educate and encourage behavioural changes, even slightly small action in daily life can make a different Learn more here 

Just sand in the beaches! – Clean up & Conferences

CEP Mixto Reina del Mundo Av. Rinconada del Lago 675, La Molina, Lima, Peru

The Reina del Mundo school raises awareness in the new generations about the care for the marine ecosystem. Through beach cleaning activities, conferences, sharing experiences with world-leading activists from other countries, workshops and musical festivals. Learn more here 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Eyesea: Pollution Mapping App – World Ocean Day Campaign

Our organization, Eyesea, seeks to emphasize the scale and nature of marine pollution and to create a unified strategy on how to solve it by mapping and analyzing marine pollution through crowdsourced geotagged images through the use of our app, Eyesea. We’re on the early stages of the development of the app and we seek […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Pint of Science – Lezingenreeks ‘Hoe gezond is onze Noordzee?’

KAAP Kaffee Zeedijk, Koning Boudewijnpromenade 10, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium

The annual science festival Pint of Science invites scientists to a bar in your neighbourhood to inform you about the latest news from the world of science. And all this in a casual, cozy atmosphere. On 22, 23 and 24 May, the international festival visits several cities in Belgium, including Ostend. As the sea is […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Pint of Science – Lezingenreeks ‘Hoe gezond is onze Noordzee?’

KAAP Kaffee Zeedijk, Koning Boudewijnpromenade 10, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium

The annual science festival Pint of Science invites scientists to a bar in your neighbourhood to inform you about the latest news from the world of science. And all this in a casual, cozy atmosphere. On 22, 23 and 24 May, the international festival visits several cities in Belgium, including Ostend. As the sea is […]

Pint of Science – Lezingenreeks ‘Hoe gezond is onze Noordzee?’

KAAP Kaffee Zeedijk, Koning Boudewijnpromenade 10, 8400 Oostende, Oostende, Belgium

The annual science festival Pint of Science invites scientists to a bar in your neighbourhood to inform you about the latest news from the world of science. And all this in a casual, cozy atmosphere. On 22, 23 and 24 May, the international festival visits several cities in Belgium, including Ostend. As the sea is […]

Blue Careers: Supporting 30×30 Through Your Career

A "blue career" is a career that contributes to the sustainable use and conservation of the marine environment. Recently, world leaders made a global commitment to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030 (30x30). To create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and to stabilise the climate, it’s critical that 30% of our planet’s […]

Water People Exhibition

Coral Street Art Space 10 Coral Street VICTOR HARBOR, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5211, Victor Harbor, Australia

CollaborOCEANS ‘Creatives Collaborating for Ocean Conservation’ have joined with the ‘Water People’ Exhibition from 26 May - 29 July 2023 at Coral Street Art Space Gallery, with Victor Harbor City Council and Country Arts South Australia. In celebration of the ocean this World Ocean Day 20223 and to raise awareness of the Endangered Australian sea lion, Sydney artists […]

Craig Parry Photography at Vivid Sydney

Vivid House, The Cutaway 1 Merriman Street, Barangaroo, Australia

Craig Parry, CollaborOCEANS Ambassador and an Award-Winning International Nature Photographer, has been invited to showcase an innovative art installation called ‘Australian Oceans’ by Vivid Sydney.  The Vivid Sydney theme this year is Naturally and runs from 26thMay to 17th June 2023. The ‘Australian Oceans’ art installation of awe-inspiring footage is projected onto four walls and the ocean […]

Sustainable Ocean at TRAQUINAUTA nursery and kindergarten

Praia de Carcavelos , Portugal

TRAQUINAUTA is a nursery and kindergarten that seeks to introduce in early childhood education, practices, and strategies to develop awareness of the need to protect our environment and to fight against climate change.   In partnership with Finland and Hungary and with the European approval of ERASMUS+, we have started a project on sustainability in […]

Event Series Ciencia Oceánica para el Desarrollo sostenible

Ciencia Oceánica para el Desarrollo sostenible

Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE Q48C+PR La Libertad, Ecuador, La Libertad, Ecuador

Es un evento de divulgación científica, organizado por estudiantes de la asignatura de Ecología General. Paralelo 2 de la Carrera de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar en la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE. Ecuador. Contará con 6 Nodos Ecológicos que darán a conocer temas sobre Conservación, Contaminación y Biodiversidad Marina. This is […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

ReefBLITZ 2023

Great Barrier Reef 14 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville, Queenslands, Australia

ReefBlitz is an annual event that brings together students, divers, fishers, scientists and conservationists and multiple citizen science programs to help Queensland communities collect a snapshot of information relevant to reef health. When:      Key dates are 1-8 June Where:    Great Barrier Reef and Queensland, Australia How:  Take observations of marine life and […]

ANNOUCEMENT: COBSEA Presents: Combatting #Ghost Gear to Protect Marine Ecosystems

COBSEA (Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia) has taken a significant step forward in addressing the critical issue of ghost gear with the launch of the highly anticipated ghost gear videos. These educational videos aim to raise awareness about the damaging impact of ghost gear on marine life and ecosystems, providing viewers with […]

Ocean Week Victoria

Victoria, British Columbia Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Ocean Week Victoria is a collaboration among local community organizations to help people learn and care about their big blue backyard. Ocean Week events include educational and recreational activities that explore and interact with our oceans. Learn more here 

Only One Earth

Novotel Sharjah Expo Centre 897F+3P7 Al Khan Area - Al Taawun St - next to Sharjah Expo Centre - Al Khan - Sharja., Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

  Only One Earth     Inspired by UAE’s announcement of 2023 as the “Year of Sustainability” by President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Funun Arts and Novotel Sharjah Expo Center, are pleased to announce the Second edition of the art event "Only One Earth”, to celebrate the World Environment Day & […]

National Shark Awareness Week

ZOOLOGICKÁ ZAHRADA OLOMOUC 29 Darwinova, Olomouc, Czech Republic

We invite you to our traditional event National Shark Awareness Week. This event is organized in the occasion of the World Ocean Day and take place from 3rd to 4th of  June 2023 in the Olomouc Zoo. Do you want to learn about marine predators and why they are so important for the marine ecosystem? […]

Supporting Activities for World Ocean Day

Cube O Discovery Park 8/F, Plaza 88, No.88 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong., Tsuen Wang, Hong Kong

As Hong Kong’sfirst city-centre marine experience destination, Cube O Discovery Park not only presents the underwater world and marine life in a new way, but also subtly condenses the vast ocean into a limited cubic space that brings the ocean close to hand and connects visitors to nature in new and entertaining ways. In order […]

3rd Annual World Ocean Weekend Celebration

W South Beach 2201 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Please join us for the 3rd Annual World Ocean Weekend on June 3rd & 4th, a celebration designed to raise awareness around our one world ocean through community engagement and volunteer impact. Presented by the W South Beach, and coordinated by Blue Scholars and ARTSail, more than 20 local and national organizations are collaborating to […]


Ocean HeartBalance Old Sheraton Pier, Hurghada, Egypt

Egypt/Red Sea 03-10JUN23 We invite you to dive deeply into the ocean of ancient waters in Red Sea/Egypt with us. Are you looking for a unique ocean experience this year to celebrate World Ocean Day 2023? Do you feel like spending the whole World Ocean Day week on a boat in Red Sea being close […]

Beach clean Hilsea, Portsmouth (In collaboration with Conservative Friends of the Ocean)

Mountbatten Centre Mountbatten Centre, Hisea, Portsmouth,, Hampshire, United Kingdom

🌊🌍 Shoreline Clean-up Event Announcement 🌍🌊 Hello everyone! 📢📢 I am excited to announce a Shoreline Clean-up event taking place in Hilsea on Saturday, June 3rd, 2023, and I'd love to have you join us! 🧤🚮🌞 📅 Date: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023 ⏰ Time: 2:00 PM 📍 Meeting Point: The Mountbatten Centre This beach clean […]

Sunshine Coast World Ocean Day Festival

Sunshine Coast, Australia Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

The Sunshine Coast Conservation Association has hosted World Ocean Day events since 2016. In 2021, we teamed up with RhizomeUP! Media and the Green Films Series to create a week long Sunshine Coast World Oceans Day Festival. The Festival program includes online and in person feature length and short films including engagements with filmmakers. Throughout the […]

World Ocean Day, Constructive Visions, EARTHCARE Mangrove Kayak Tour

Lucayan National Park Lucayan National Park, Grand Bahama Island, The Bahamas, Bahamas

In honour of World Ocean Day, EARTHCARE is sponsoring a Mangrove Kayak Tour of Lucayan National Park on Grand Bahama Island. Participants will learn about the importance of protecting our ocean. We will also read a Chapter from Constructive Visions, a book written by 50 National Geographic Explorers about life after the Pandemic IF we […]

World Oceans Day Celebration in Jeju island with Save Jeju Bada

Sagye Beach Sagye-ri, Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Jeju

To celebrate the World Ocean Day in Jeju island, South Korea, two local NGOs 'Save Jeju Bada' and 'Global Inner Peace' are co-organizing event on 4 June. Save Jeju Bada('Bada'means 'the Sea' in Korean language) is the environmental organization in Jeju for raise awareness on ocean plastic pollution and fight for a clean sea by […]

Un Aula Bajo el Mar

San Martín 247, San Antonio Oeste, Río Negro, Argentina San Martín 247, San Antonio Oeste, Río Negro, Argentina

La muestra reunirá fotografías tomadas por el buzo marisquero Gerardo “Tata” Aguayo y textos elaborados por estudiantes, docentes, investigadores y personal técnico de la ESCIMAR. Esta muestra contiene una búsqueda por entender cómo es la vida animal en los ambientes costeros del Golfo San Matías: cuáles son las especies presentes y cómo se relacionan son […]

Vancouver Aquarium

Vancouver Aquarium 845 Avison Way, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

On Ocean Week we will present a program for our visitors about the Ocean, each day they will learn about a different aspect of the ocean like the thermocline, coastal upwelling, planktons and more. We also are collaborating with Ocean Network Canada to show our visitors near live footage of animals living under the Salish […]

Creature Feature: Learn all about gulls! – Californina State Parks

Gaviota State Beach 17620 Gaviota Beach Rd, Gaviota, CA, United States

Celebrate World Ocean Week with California State Parks! -- See our full list of programs at http://bit.ly/WorldOceanWeek Join us along the Gaviota Coast to say hello to our local residents: La Gaviota a.k.a. the gull! Throughout this presentation students will examine this majestic bird species and say hello to a few others as we soar […]

Tidepool Animal Amazing Adaptations! – California State Parks

Crystal Cove State Beach Crystal Cove Trail,, Newport Beach, CA, United States

Celebrate World Ocean Week with California State Parks! -- See our full list of programs at http://bit.ly/WorldOceanWeek Have you ever wondered why an octopus changes colours or where hermit crabs get their shells? Join CA State Parks Interpreter Alex on a trip to Crystal Cove State Park’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) to learn about tidepool […]

Conférence en langue française « Les océans : entre enjeux économiques, écologiques et humains » – 5 juin 2023 à 19h – EN LIGNE

Pour inaugurer sa semaine de l’écologie et à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de l’Environnement, l’Alliance Française de Varna vous propose d’assister à sa conférence en langue française intitulée « Les océans : entre enjeux économiques, écologiques et humains ». Animé par nos deux volontaires du Corps Européen de Solidarité, Adélaïde et Anastasia, cet évènement […]

Sustainable ocean at TRAQUINAUTA nursery and kindergarten – Day 2

Praia da Avencas , Portugal

TRAQUINAUTA is a nursery and kindergarten that seeks to introduce in early childhood education, practices, and strategies to develop awareness of the need to protect our environment and to fight against climate change.   In partnership with Finland and Hungary and with the European approval of ERASMUS+, we have started a project on sustainability in […]


It is possible to clean the atmosphere? (going beyond the efforts to neutralize new emissions) All the last reports by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change clearly state that only by removing CO2 from the atmosphere we can meet the Paris Agreement Goals. In parallel with the ongoing process of reducing and mitigating new […]

ICOS Italy meets in Lampedusa

via Cameroni s.n.c. Lampedusa (AG) Italy Cameroni s.n.c. Italy, Lampedusa, Italy

The Conference room of MPA Pelagie Islands will host  the ICOS Italy meets in Lampedusa- Upgrading the national Atmosphere, Ecosisteme and Ocean Observatories. The " ICOS Italy meets in Lampedusa" event , organized by the CNR in collaboration with ENEA,  will be held on the island from 6 to 8 June with the aim of taking stock together […]

Draw-Along: Marine Mammals – California State Parks

Carpinteria State Beach 205 Palm Ave, Carpinteria, CA, United States

Celebrate World Ocean Week with California State Parks! -- See our full list of programs at http://bit.ly/WorldOceanWeek Ahoy, sea-lovers! We are thrilled to present a fin-tastic oceanic adventure like no other! Kick off World Ocean Week at Carpinteria State Beach as we explore the mysterious and magnificent world of marine mammals! From the majestic humpback […]

Live Webinar: Integrating Marine and Freshwater Protections Across Aquascapes

The webinar has its origins in a session at the 5th International Marine Protected Area Congress, held in February 2023, with the same speakers and topics.  The session will discuss the need to integrate conservation, restoration, and management of freshwaters and transitional waters (e.g., estuaries and lagoons) with marine and coastal waters. The session will […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Zoosday Tuesday Celebrates World Ocean Day

Virtual: Pueblo Zoo 3455 Nuckolls Ave, Pueblo, CO, United States

Join the Pueblo Zoo Education Team on Zoosday Tuesday - our live, 15-minute, bi-monthly webcast - as we explore the watershed and find out how it connects land-locked Colorado to the world's ocean. We'll visit with the African Penguins before considering the question of how we can reduce our use of Single-Use-Plastics, one of the […]

‘Humanatee’ Documentary Screening – Explorers Club, New York

Explorers Club 46 E 70th St,, New York, NY, United States

Planet Froth Productions will be premiering their documentary short film “Humanatee” for UN World Ocean Week at the Explorers Club in New York. The film follows the underwater archaeologist and explorer Damien Leloup's journey to form an unlikely bond with these gentle giants, and examines the larger implications of humanity's relationship with species extinction.  Learn […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: World Oceans Deal

What a historic achievement on this World Ocean Day! Three major Dutch caterers, Vermaat, Albron, and Sodexo, have now entered into a World Oceans Deal with the World Wildlife Fund Netherlands and Good Fish. This achievement builds upon the initial signing of the deal by Vermaat and Albron back in 2021. With Sodexo joining them […]

Ciencia Oceánica para el Desarrollo sostenible

Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE Q48C+PR La Libertad, Ecuador, La Libertad, Ecuador

Es un evento de divulgación científica, organizado por estudiantes de la asignatura de Ecología General. Paralelo 2 de la Carrera de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar en la Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE. Ecuador. Contará con 6 Nodos Ecológicos que darán a conocer temas sobre Conservación, Contaminación y Biodiversidad Marina. This is […]

Plastic Paradox and Ocean Health Lab

Australian National Maritime Museum 2 Murray Street, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia

Join a tour with the Australian National Maritime Museum and Seabin Foundation to explore the collection associated with plastic topics, and the Ocean Health Lab where Seabin catches from Sydney Harbour are analysed daily for valuable data on marine pollution, including microplastics. Learn more here.

Plastic Paradox and Ocean Health Lab

Australian National Maritime Museum 2 Murray Street, Pyrmont, NSW, Australia

Join a tour with the Australian National Maritime Museum and Seabin Foundation to explore the collection associated with plastic topics, and the Ocean Health Lab where Seabin catches from Sydney Harbour are analysed daily for valuable data on marine pollution, including microplastics. Learn more here.

Fair Seas World Ocean Day Conference

Cork City Hall City Hall, Anglesea Street, Cork, Ireland

On June 8th 2023 we hope to welcome you to Cork City Hall. We’ll bring ocean advocates, fishing community, government, industry and key stakeholders together to map out Ireland’s next steps for designating and managing a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Learn from best practices across the world, be part of the conversation and develop […]

World Ocean Day – Seashore Safari, and Meet & Greet

PO Box 9, Cecil Street Cecil Street Viking Bay, Broadstairs, Kent,, United Kingdom

Seashore Safari, & Meet & Greet – Thur 8 June 2023 Join the Thanet Coast Project to celebrate World Ocean Day with the chance to meet volunteer coastal wardens and hear about how you can help around the NE Kent Marine Protected Area. 9am (2hrs) Seashore Safari for adults!  Stone Bay, Broadstairs:  Explore Thanet’s chalk rocky shore for […]

Save the Gulf!

Sailing in the Gulf of Catania, departing from the harbour of Aci Castello Lungomare Scardamiano 1, Aci Castello, Catania,, Italy

Marine scientific survey and awareness campaign carried out by the Marecamp association, sailing in eastern Sicily, south Italy, with marine biologists and schools. Shedding light on the importance of the Gulf of Catania ecosystem in Sicily, Ionian Sea, involving youths and generating a new wave of excitement towards protecting the local waters and their marine […]

Podcast On The US Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP)

On World Oceans Day, The Capitol Beach explores the Biden Administration’s recently released Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP).  Host Derek Brockbank is joined by Scott Doney with the Office for Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Libby Jewett with NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, who were instrumental in drafting the plan and will be key agency […]

Beyond Limits: Explore Marine Conservation in the Metaverse

We are launching our first Metaverse Exhibit for Ocean Day! Dive into the immersive realm of our Metaverse Exhibition in Spatial, where marine conservation meets digital innovation! Join us on Ocean Day for a groundbreaking experience that transcends borders and welcomes participants from around the globe. This virtual showcase is an innovative approach to making […]