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Sacred Journey Exhibit

Science World 1455 Quebec Street, Vancouver

Discover how the Tribal Canoe Journeys have catalyzed the revitalization of Indigenous culture, community healing, and youth empowerment on the Pacific Northwest Coast. Experience this amazing journey – told through […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Sea of Connections Mural Campaign

iPrep Academy 1500 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132, United States, FL

Sea of Connections is a collaboration launched by Canvas of the Wild and Oceanic Preservation Society. Our goal is to inspire awareness and connection to our oceans and the amazing life within them […]



RISE UP would like to use the occasion of World Ocean Day to raise awareness with its school and youth members to promote how amazing our ocean is and how […]

Global Ocean Treaty rally and dance party

Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 1st Ave. & E 47th St, New York, NY 10017, New York

This month, world leaders will gather at the United Nations to continue negotiations on a Global Ocean Treaty. This meeting may be the world’s last chance to secure a treaty […]