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Discover how the Tribal Canoe Journeys have catalyzed the revitalization of Indigenous culture, community healing, and youth empowerment on the Pacific Northwest Coast. Experience this amazing journey – told through metaphoric art, immersive audio, projections, and interactive video displays – in-person at Science World in Vancouver, where the exhibit will be hosted from July 2022 […]
Sea of Connections is a collaboration launched by Canvas of the Wild and Oceanic Preservation Society. Our goal is to inspire awareness and connection to our oceans and the amazing life within them through art and technology. These vibrant and realistic murals connect viewers to digital, science-based learning modules through embedded technology that brings the mural to life. […]
Presented by Blue Scholars and The Barnacle Society, and in partnership with several amazing organizations, the 3rd annual Biscayne Bay Experience & Celebration will take place on December 10th. Open to the public and fun for the whole family, activities include on the water recreation, education, art, volunteer impact and entertainment. BONUS! Participating beach cleanup […]
Join Blue Scholars and The Barnacle Society for a special Moonlight Concert in celebration of Biscayne Bay on Saturday, December 10th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST. Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for members of The Barnacle Society, $10 for children ages 6 to 17, and free for children 5 and under. Picnics, […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)