Blue-up EU campaign 2024!
What is this campaign about? This campaign is all about strengthening and consolidating European policies for the protection of the Ocean. It aims at offering EU citizens and civil society […]
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What is this campaign about? This campaign is all about strengthening and consolidating European policies for the protection of the Ocean. It aims at offering EU citizens and civil society […]
Royal Caribbean Group is strengthening a decades-long commitment to ocean conservation and environmental research efforts by announcing on World Ocean Day a four-year extension of its investment in OceanScope, an […]
Celebrating World Oceans Day with Orcas & Reefs Art Show BY SELVA OZELLI · 06·08·23 · LAST UPDATED: 06·08·23 The theme for World Oceans Day 2023 is "Planet Ocean: Tides […]
Caring for our Coast in Gladstone ‘Sea the change’ we can make to our ocean, wetlands and rivers right here in Gladstone! As a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef […]
Coastal Guardians for Connewarre’s Rivers, Wetlands and Lakes We’re focusing on 10 priority wetlands around Australia, working with Traditional Owners, local communities, and other collaborators to restore the healthy balance […]
Port Botany Foreshore Restoration In conjunction with Bayside Council and NSW Ports, we are undertaking the restoration of Sir Joseph Banks Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts along the Botany […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Volunteer and support girls and young women cleaning up Jamaica’s beaches. Learn more here
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
In our project entitled "Whales in Motion", blind and visually-impaired adults interact with specially-designed sculptures demonstrating specific Humpback and North Atlantic Right whale foraging, swimming, and diving behaviors. As the […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
With endless stories and photos of fish kills, harmful algal blooms, oil spills, beach closures, etc. filling our daily news feeds, it appears that our environment is in a horrific […]
About YOI WOD Zine 🌊 Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day (June 8th) by submitting to our zine with an artwork about the ocean! There will be a live […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
The World Species Congress, hosted by Reverse the Red, will amplify our collective conservation efforts and facilitate critical connections that accelerate our impact for species. Reverse the Red is a […]
The True Blue Fellowship (formerly the Fellowship Grant Program) aims to connect and empower youth around the world to leverage the creative arts to enact change in local communities to […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Ter gelegenheid van het 410-jarig bestaan van de RUG presenteert de Green Office Cinquecento Medusae, een kunstinstallatie van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Rosanna Baledda. Laat je onderdompelen in een invasie van kwallen en open je […]
Artist Angela McMahon creates a physical immersive installation composed of suspended and floor standing sculptures of fantastical sea creatures at Lewisham Arthouse, London SE14 6PD By imagining the undersea world […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]
Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
ReefBlitz is an annual event that brings together students, divers, fishers, scientists and conservationists and multiple citizen science programs to help Queensland communities collect a snapshot of information relevant to […]
Durante todo mês de junho, o Planetário PUC Minas oferecerá a exibição do filme Sounds of the Ocean (Sons do Oceano). A obra marca o Dia dos Oceanos das Nações […]
Celebrate Ocean Week Canada with BCEFF: Enjoy Free Streaming of 10 Incredible Ocean-Themed Films All June! Film Lineup: -Beautiful Poison Click the link Below to watch the Trailer: -Climate Emergency: […]
愛海的第一步要識海,海鮮不只是餐桌上的美食,更重要的是他們在海中過什麼日子? 他們是怎麼來到我們的餐桌? 2024年6月開始,請大家每個月記錄一項你餐桌上的海洋生物,可是是藻類、貝類 、軟體動物、甲殼類、魚類: 1.它們的食物是什麼? 2.它們是誰的食物? 3.它們的壽命是多大? 4.它們繁殖期是什麼時候? 5.它們是怎麼被生產(捕撈、養殖)的? 6.它們是從那裡(區域)來的? 7.請拍出它們被購買時的狀態 如果你無法辨識,可以傳照片由我們儘力協助你
We are reaching out to extend an invitation for you to participate in our upcoming World Ocean Day Event, taking place in Deerfield Beach (just North of the pier on […]
The New England Aquarium is celebrating World Ocean Day with activities that bring attention to the importance of protecting the ocean for future generations. People of all ages are invited […]
The Whale Sanctuary Project and St. Mary’s Municipality invite you to join us for the first-ever St. Mary’s Ocean Day Celebration on June 1st from 1-4 PM. As part of […]