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Poolewe and Bualnlauib’s World Ocean Day

Bualnaluib Primary Bualnaluib Primary, Aultbea, Achnasheen, United Kingdom

30×30” theme:  Protecting 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean by 2030 is this year’s Conservation Action Focus.  Discuss how we can protect 30% by 2030? What can we pledge to do as a school and as individuals?   Our children will imagine they are an ocean animal for a day. They will answer […]

Bangabandhu Bay of Bengal Festival-2022

Laboni Beach Point Laboni Beach Point, Cox's Bazar Bangladesh, Bangladesh

As a part of the Birth Centenary celebration of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Golden Jubilee of the independence of Bangladesh, the Maritime Affairs Unit (MAU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, and SAFE with other ocean-related stakeholders will jointly organize a three-day-long Bangabandhu Bay of Bengal Festival-2022, on the occasion of World Ocean Day. Learn more […]

Seawolf Sustainability Consulting – official launch

On Ocean Day the new independent consultancy - Seawolf Sustainability Consulting - will be officially launched.  The new consultancy will provide advice across many areas of sustainability, including marine, water, climate and biodiversity.  The Founder - Rebecca Self - is an experienced sustainable finance professional.  Services for the financial services sector and finance professionals generally […]

AIS Forum: Ocean Awareness Mural Painting

University of Mauritius Reduit MU, 80837, Mauritius, Mauritius

The Archipelagic and Island States Forum (AIS Forum) was initiated in 2017 as a platform to bring together 47 archipelagic and island states to collaborate on the following four thematic areas of cooperation: i) climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disaster management; ii) the blue economy; iii) marine plastic debris; and iv) good maritime governance. […]

AIS Forum: Revitalization, Collective Action for the Ocean

The University of Guyana RV6J+XV8, Turkeyen Campus, Georgetown, Guyana

In collaboration with the University of Guyana, Eco-Trust Society, UG Geographical Society and AIS Forum, an awareness program in the form of sharing sessions and workshops is hosted to spread awareness on how urgent the ocean requires more real action solutions. The participant will brainstorm together on how to tackle ocean-related issues via sharing sessions […]

World Ocean Day at New England Aquarium

New England Aquarium 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110, United States, Boston, MA, United States

The New England Aquarium is celebrating World Ocean Day on June 8 with activities that bring attention to the importance of protecting our ocean for future generations. People of all ages are invited to Central Wharf to celebrate, learn about, and take action to protect special places in our ocean. Outside the Aquarium on Central […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Coasts: Enjoy and Protect our Coast – New Guide Release

The Clean Coasts programme works with over 1,800 communities and 37,000 volunteers to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life, by organizing hundreds of beach clean-ups each year, mobilizing thousands of volunteers, and removing large quantities of marine litter from our coastline. The Irish coast offers breath-taking views, beautiful […]

The Beach Collective: Beach Action Launch

Take Action: Earn $BEACH On World Oceans Day (8th June), The Beach Collective are proud to launch Beach Action. Combining the power of direct action and the power of social media, Beach Action is a social platform which rewards people for taking direct climate action. Whether it’s picking up litter from the beach, growing your […]

Progetto di Citizen Science: L’uso del Mare in Penisola Sorrentina

Terrazza Blue Cheri a Marina di Cassano - Sorrento (NA) Via Marina di Cassano, 42, 80063 Piano di Sorrento NA, Italy, Italy

MercoledĂŹ 8 giugno ore 19 – Terrazza Blue Cheri a Piano di Sorrento, presentazione del progetto con proiezione di un video clip sul paesaggio marino costiero Il progetto di Citizen Scienze, raccolta di dati ambientali nell’area marino costiera della Penisola Sorrentina, Ăš ideato e coordinato dai ricercatori del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) - ISMAR […]

OcĂ©an21 – La pollution plastique Round Table

Port de Nice 4 Quai Amiral Infernet, 06300 Nice, France, Nice, France

OCEAN21 Tables rondes autour de la pollution pastique des ocĂ©ans.  14H15-15H       CARACTERISATION DE LA POLLUTION PLASTIQUE Les diffĂ©rents types de plastique qui occupent notre quotidien et les modes de fabrication qui causent leur Ă©cotoxicitĂ©. Avec Patrick Navard, Directeur de recherche Ă©mĂ©rite CNRS,  spĂ©cialiste des  matiĂšres plastiques, coordinateur d'un projet ANR sur la sĂ©curitĂ© des plastiques […]

Podcast on Call for 30×30 goal

The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads—end up in the oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute. Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of […]

Webinar: World Ocean Day, What can we do?

World Ocean Day-Jun 8 2022 PandaDumnam.com together with EJF Foundation and ANURA  are welcome you to the On-line Event Blue Ocean On-Line Class & Talks, in the following topics: - Blue Ocean Class: The Blue Carbon Initiatives - Net Free Seas - "Pak Samut" project by  ANURA Club: 1. Shore and sea debris management in […]

Report: SEA MARVEL Awareness action

Sending out press releases on World Oceans Day and conservation marine research by the Conservation Biology Research Group, University of Malta Learn more here

Podcast: Earth Cast EP21: World Ocean Day Special | Environmental Racism & Inclusivity

In this World Ocean Day special, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) interviews Jamila Janna about the nuances of environmental racism and how it affects inclusivity in the ocean space, the harmful effects of mainstream conservation narratives on environmental projects’ success, opportunities for youth in marine conservation, and more! Jamila is a filmmaker, social media strategist, and marine […]

GreenTech 2022 Conference

Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Omni Mont-Royal Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

After two virtual conferences, and almost 12 years since it last stopped in the Quebec’s metropolis, Green Marine is excited to host its 15th annual conference in Montreal, QC. GreenTech is the not-to-be-missed event of the year for anyone interested in the maritime industry, green technologies, and innovation in sustainable maritime transportation. On the program, […]

World Ocean Day Celebration at the Aquarium of Niagara!

Aquarium of Niagara 701 Whirlpool St,, Niagara Falls, NY, United States

Join us from June 8th to June 12th as we celebrate our oceans and the important role they play in the health and survival for all living things! During this celebration we will have ocean-friendly sustainable crafts, face painting, scavenger hunts, special animal encounters and so much more! Learn more here: https://www.aquariumofniagara.org/  

International Ocean Film Festival’s Special Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A for World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here and we are celebrating! Grab a friend, family member or coworker - and of course the popcorn - to watch a film and invite them to learn more about our Big Blue Ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day by taking a deep dive into a special virtual screening of the 2022 […]

Manta Trawls with Traditional Sailboat Albin Köbis

Traditionssegler Albin Köbis SchiffbrĂŒcke 44, Flensburg, Germany

Beginning on World Oceans Day on June 8, we start our annual Manta Trawls on our traditional sailing vessel Albin Köbis. Our berth is Flensburg and we will sail the Flensburg Fjord, the Schlei and the Danish South Sea. The aim is to take as many samples as possible from the sea and to pull […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: 21st Century Mermaids Season 2 Launch!

21st Century Mermaids podcast is launching Season 2! The podcast features womxn in ocean science dedicated to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of Ocean Science. As an official activity of the Decade of Ocean Science we talk about a broad range of ocean topics with our incredible mermaid guests. Be sure […]

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

The ImpactWayv Podcast Series – Making an Impact: Episode 4, Ocean Recovery Alliance

On World Ocean Day 2022 ImpactWayv - Exec. Vice President, Karen Talamelli Cusick had a chance to speak with Doug Woodring - Founder of Ocean Recovery Alliance. Ocean Recovery Alliance is focused on entrepreneuring programs to reduce plastic pollution, both on land and water, by creating strategic solutions for governments, industry and communities, which lead […]

WaterBear x World Oceans Day

WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content - spanning biodiversity, community, climate action and sustainable fashion. WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future […]

Video: Our Oceans

A 3 min short celebrating the beauty and importance of clean and healthy oceans Watch here

ANNOUNCEMENT: Introducing the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative

The Ocean Foundation is proud to launch our newest initiative, the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative (COEGI), today on World Ocean Day 2022. Ocean literacy is an essential and prerequisite component of the ocean conservation movement. Over the past 20 years, The Ocean Foundation has moved more than $16M into the area of ocean literacy. […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Year of the Salish Sea (June 8, 2022-June 7, 2023)

The Year of the Salish Sea is a youth-led initiative based on ancestral, unceded Coast Salish territories in what is known as Vancouver, BC, Canada. It aims to bring together local First Nations, municipalities, organizations, and individuals in the Salish Sea ecosystem region to strengthen existing efforts working towards a healthy Salish Sea and foster […]

Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, PĂłvoa de Varzim, Portugal

Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, PĂłvoa de Varzim, Portugal. The main objective of this initiative was to raise the awareness of the school community and society in general for their mobilization in environmental action, given the conviction that children are the great engines of change and transformation in the present […]

Webinar on Effects of Climate change on Ocean Health

Webinar on Effects of Climate change on Ocean Health to staff of National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) on World Ocean Day. Co-ordinator: Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran Learn more here

World Ocean Day’22 Clean up Fiesta, Akure.

Federal University of Technology Akure Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria

This is a 2 hours events to involve residents of Akure, Ondo state (one of the coastal states in Nigeria), in cleaning up plastics and other wastes discarded improperly around The Federal University of Technology, Akure community. This event also aims to brief the participants on how they can promote the 30x30 conservation action focus […]

Hope in Hawaii

Hawaii is regarded as one of the most beautiful places on Earth for its brilliant marine ecosystems and rich cultural history, and local conservationists are hard at work to protect it for future generations. In a moderated discussion between Hope Spot Champions and conservationists, the audience will learn of the current victories and challenges in […]

Business over Breakfast

Centre for Ocean Ventures and Entrepreneurship (COVE) - Colin MacLean Hall 27 Parker Street, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada

World Ocean Day – Come Celebrate with Us! To celebrate World Ocean Day, join us on Wednesday, June 8, as we hear from founders solving ocean problems at Start-Up Yard at COVE’s Business Over Breakfast. Speakers: Ross Arsenault, Co-founder & COO, Ashored Innovations (ashored.ca) – Ross is a Saint Mary’s University alum and participated in […]

California State Parks World Ocean Day Livestream

Join California State Parks live on Facebook and Youtube to join underwater divers at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve and park presenters from all over California as they emphasize the importance of protecting our lands, waters, and ocean and why it is relevant to all of us, no matter where we live. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaStateParks

Save our Oceans with Youth for Oceans

The world ocean provides so many benefits. Such as; the air we breathe, Climate  regulation, Transportation, Recreation, Economic benefits, Food, Medicine. Unfortunately our oceans are affected by human activities and that really affects our ecosystem. This year, for the world Oceans day in 2022, we will raise awareness on several people around the world on […]

Suriname Ocean Expedition Film Screening and Q&A session with Students

Assuria Event Center Assuria High Rise, Recolaan 17, Paramaribo, Suriname

In 2022 the GHFS will collaborate with Matai Zamuel, member of the World Youth Advisory Council of World Ocean Day 2022, to support his ocean themed activities. The primary focus of the World Ocean Day 2022 celebration will be land-based sources of pollution and their adverse effects on ocean and human health. By screening the […]

Observation des oiseaux marins d’Istanbul

Lycée Privé Français Saint-Joseph Dr Esat Isik Cad., Istanbul, Turkey

Dans le cadre de notre club "les voiles francophones" au LycĂ©e PrivĂ© Français Saint-Joseph Istanbul, nous allons organiser, le 8 juin 2022, Ă  l'occasion de la JournĂ©e Mondiale des OcĂ©ans, une sortie en Mer de Marmara et dans le Bosphore afin d'observer les oiseaux marins d'Istanbul. Cette sortie se fera avec notre Ă©lĂšve Çağan Abbasoğlu, […]


Dorianogor Marine drive, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

From rising pollution, acidification of ocean water, rising average temperatures, to a reduction in ocean biodiversity. Through spreading awareness, World Ocean Day hopes to protect the Earth's major water bodies. The theme for World Ocean Day 2022 is “Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean”.   Coming Up WORLD OCEAN DAY WEBINAR JOIN US TODAY EVENING […]

World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS

Celebrate World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS this June 8! Starting around 8am we will be live on Facebook from Point Lobos State Natural Reserve to celebrate our one world ocean and our incredible California Watersheds! We will learn from State Park Interpreters around California as well as State Park divers UNDERWATER […]

Nature for Kids World Ocean Day- Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo

Fort Wayne Children's Zoo 3411 Sherman Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN 46808, United States

The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to help us celebrate World Ocean Day. This family fun, Kids for Nature World Oceans Day event will help educate kids and guests on how to protect our ocean and the marine life that call it home. Activities will help further educate kids while still having fun! Learn […]

Webinar: Tails from Two Cities

If you're interested in whales we've got a presentation for you:  Free webinar with experts from both coasts...Boston and San Diego! Should be a fun discussion Learn more here

Traditional Knowledge Panel- Dalhousie University

Happy Oceans Month!   Celebrate with us on World Oceans Day, Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, with a virtual panel discussing Traditional Knowledge. Hear from panelists: Cathy Martin, Dalhousie University Olivia Choi, Council of Haida Nation Lindsay Marshall, Highland National Park Raven Stephens Elwell, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Lydia Ross, Parks Canada Alanna Syliboy, Mi’kmaw Conservation […]

World Oceans Day at St. Lucie County Aquarium

The St. Lucie County Aquarium will celebrate World Oceans Day Wednesday, June 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a family-friendly event featuring activities, crafts, a beach clean-up, behind the scenes tours and more. Learn more here 

Webinar: Protecting the big blue

Join us on World Ocean Day for a live lesson by Blue Marine's project and education team on Protecting the Big Blue! Tune in at 10am on June 8 and learn about how to effectively protect our ocean and marine protected areas  We can't wait to see you there!  Make sure to head over to […]

SEGO Initiative World Ocean Film Screening and Webinar

Welcome to our World Oceans Film Screening Day! Designed to deliver Ocean inspiration to you! Featuring a selection of short films and documentaries, you are invited to do a deep dive into our relationships with the ocean. This curated list for on-demand viewing includes publicly available films as well as links for private screening and […]

Sea First International Ocean Festival

Black&White Kafe Black&White Kafe Takkebijsters 72 4817 BL Breda, Breda, Netherlands

O C E A N F R I E N D L Y L U N C H OR D I N N E R Wil je op zaterdag 11 juni 2022 (dinner) of zondag 12 juni 2022 (lunch) met ons mee eten? Dat kan!! Onder het genot van een vegan seafood driegangen menu zal […]

Blue Marine Foundation World Ocean Day Podcast

Catch UN Patron of the Oceans, Lewis Pugh, in conversation with Blue Marine executive director, Charles Clover, about the upcoming publication of Charles’s book, Rewilding the Sea on June 8. More details to come  Don't forget you can pre-order Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans today: link in bio.

Ocean Conservancy and Unity College’s Ocean Justice Micro-Course

Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Unity College Distance Education program, launched the first-ever Ocean Justice micro-course! Alongside national and international conversations about Environmental Justice–as well as other topics such as anti-racism; diversity, equity, and inclusion; or climate change–the Ocean Justice movement has also progressed and evolved, though more attention should be paid to this […]

Webinar: Ù†ŰŻÙˆŰ© Ű§Ù„ÙŠÙˆÙ… Ű§Ù„ŰčŰ§Ù„Ù…ÙŠ Ù„Ù„Ù…Ű­ÙŠŰ·Ű§ŰȘ | The World Oceans Day Seminar


National Aquarium in Baltimore Celebrates World Ocean Day

National Aquarium in Baltimore 501 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, MD, United States

Join us at the National Aquarium as we celebrate World Oceans Day! Special activities will take place throughout the day, including Aquarium bingo and a pledge to our dolphins. Together we share one ocean, one climate, one future—and together, we can protect it! One of the many things we will learn about this World Oceans […]

Kids Dive: discover the ocean

Piscina de Sesimbra Av. da Liberdade 68 2970,, Sesimbra, Portugal

Kids Dive program and Sesimbra Municipality will celebrate World Oceans Day – a day for humanity to celebrate the ocean - by providing experiential learning to 60 local students. All participants will have the opportunity to engage in an innovative first scuba-diving experience, full of surprises, reinforced by two practical workshops on the importance of […]

Barracuda Club Dakar: Grand nettoyage! Baie de Ngor

Demain, 8 juin, joignez-vous Ă  nous et la Commune de NGOR pour cĂ©lĂ©brer la JournĂ©e mondiale de l'ocĂ©an. DĂšs 9h le matin, nous dĂ©buterons un grand nettoyage sous-marin et de la plage avec : les plongeurs de la @Marine nationale SĂ©nĂ©galaise , les plongeurs de Ngor, de l'Ăźle de Ngor, et du Barracuda, Ecole les […]

World Ocean Day Symposium

Centre for Excellence in Marine Studies will host a virtual symposium on the occasion of world ocean day featuring the theme of 2022 "Revitalization-Collective Action for the Oceans" The event will honor and celebrate the ocean, that connects us all! United together as one we can significantly increase awareness and action needed to create a […]

Event Series Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Un año mĂĄs para celebrar el DĂ­a Mundial de losOcĂ©anos junto a expertos nacionales y extranjeros en un seminario virtual (Webinar). Los temas se han clasificado en cuatro sesiones: Biodiversidad, OceanografĂ­a y recursos pesqueros, Bioeconocimiento para el desarrollo sostenible, y Acuicultura sostenible y Bienestar animal acuĂĄtico. Este webinar organizado por CENAIM_espol, INABIO y CientificasEC se […]

Celebrate World Ocean Day on Tybee Island

Tybee Beach 33 Meddin Dr, Tybee Island, GA, Tybee Island, GA, United States

Each year on World Ocean Day, we pick a stretch of Tybee Island to clean up and celebrate the Ocean. This year we’ll be be meeting up at North Beach and learning about this area’s unique role in the cycle of shorebird migration and nesting. We’re all connected to the Ocean! Bring friends & family […]

A proposed new coastal law for Chile. Coastal governance for Chile and its implications.

This Wednesday, we commemorate #WorldOceansDay with the International Seminar “A Proposed New Coastal Law for Chile. Coastal Governance for Chile and its implications”. At the event, the proposed preliminary draft of the Coastal Law will be presented, which seeks to protect coastal marine ecosystems and promote sustainable development of coastal areas, in accordance with the needs and […]

Reefs Go Live: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future

Join the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) as one of our virtual dive buddies for our special World Ocean Day 2022 Reefs Go Live broadcast: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future. The dive team in Little Cayman will take us underwater to explore the coral reefs, discuss what it means when a reef is healthy, […]

7oceans Press Conference

Haurs des Meeres Fritz-GrĂŒnbaum-Platz 1, 1060 Wien, Austria, Austria

Christian Redl, world-record-holder in freediving and founder of the association "7oceans - for the love of the oceans" is organising a press conference to present the project on World Ocean Day. Learn more here

Ocean Life

L.C. Bates Museum 14 Easler Road, Hinckley, ME, Hinckley, ME, United States

Ocean Life, a children's and family program  that will explore the varied wildlife that live in the oceans and the issues of climate change. From Tuna to calms and crabs to seaweed examine important sea creatures. Children will make an ocean diorama and do a hands on activity about the results of rising sea levels […]

Seminar on World Ocean Day-2022

Auditorium, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University Plot# 14/06-14/23, Mirpur-12, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh

World Ocean Day 2022: Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. To observe “World Ocean Day 2022” a Seminar on World Ocean Day-2022 is going to be organized jointly by Nirmol Bangladesh and the Department of Oceanography and Hydrography of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) on 8th June 2022 at the auditorium of BSMRMU. […]

Lancement du programme “Ma Planùte Bleue” / Program Launching “My Blue Planet”

National Library of Cote d'Ivoire boulevard Carde, commune du Plateau, Abidjan, CĂŽte d'Ivoire

Moi Jeu Tri is an NGO which places the child at the heart of its missions: 1) The sensitization of the new generation of young Africans in the sustainable management of the environment and waste through playful and concrete programs 2) Training and integration of young people who are far from employment in the circular […]

School beach clean and environmental education

Bettystown Beach Bettystown beach, Co. Meath, Ireland

Slane N.S. are holding a beach clean and environmental education action day at Bettystown beach, Co. Meath, facilitated by An Taisce's Clean Coasts. In addition to a beach clean, the day will include classroom workshop on tides, marine litter and pollution awareness, and marine biodiversity. Learn more here

United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) virtual broadcast

​​This year’s United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, will highlight the theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. This is the first hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all. Yet its health is at […]

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium World Oceans Day Event

Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 4850 POWELL RD,, Powell, OH, United States

Come join the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in celebrating World Oceans Day! The day will be full of interactive activities from a World Oceans Day themed word search to informational tables where guests can learn about the animals at the zoo and our role in helping save the ocean and the climate! They can also […]

World Ocean Day Celebration at the Greensboro Science Center

Greensboro Science Center 4301 Lawndale Dr, Greensboro, NC 27455-1899, Greensboro, NC, United States

World Ocean Day, June 8th, is an internationally celebrated day for people everywhere to unite, celebrate and take action for our shared blue planet. This annual event at the Greensboro Science Center for guests of all ages focuses on celebrating the wonders of the ocean, our connectedness with the ocean, and how we can all […]

Project Kolika’s World Ocean Day

OB Beach, San Diego 1910 Abbott St, San Diego, CA, United States

We're hosting an educational booth at the OB beach in San Diego, California! Come stop by sign the 30 x 30 petition and learn about ways to take better care of our ocean and planet all year long. Learn more here More about Project Kolika - "Be a protector."  Our mission: At Project Kolika, we […]

Festival Del Mar at Cox Science Center and Aquarium

Cox Science Center and Aquarium 4801 Dreher Trail North, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

The Cox Science Center and Aquarium is holding its annual Festival Del Mar event taking place on June 8th from 10am-3pm to celebrate World Oceans Day! Guests can dive into learning about all things ocean while including Latin American cultural traditions. There will be music, bilingual aquarium feedings and touch tanks, arts and crafts, and […]

Oceans & You – Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic 1675 Lower Water St, Halifax, NS B3J 1S3, Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

We are back to celebrating and sharing our responsibility to protect the oceans in person! Join us for our flagship, annual #WorldOceansDay event at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic! Declared by the United Nations, this year’s theme is Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. Our participating organizations will engage, inspire, educate and celebrate our […]

World Ocean Day at Lehigh Valley Zoo

Lehigh Valley Zoo 5150 Game Preserve Road, Schnecksville, PA 18078, Schnecksville, PA, United States

On June 8, 2022 from 10 am to 4 pm, the Lehigh Valley Zoo along with countless other zoos and aquariums around the world will be celebrating World Ocean Day! Because protecting our ocean is a community effort, we have invited local organizations to help celebrate with us and to help educate our guests about […]

SEQ Hub Marine Social Science Launch Event – World Oceans Day Public Showcase

University of Queensland Art Museum James and Mary Emelia Mayne Centre Building, University Dr, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

On  World Oceans Day  we will be discussing current issues in the Southeast Queensland (SEQ) marine environment, and showcasing the work that marine social scientists are doing to contribute to solutions. The 2022 theme for World Oceans Day is Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean, which will guide many of our discussions. This event is […]

Blue Resources Trust – World Oceans Day – 2022

Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) 114 Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

Join us in person, or online, on Wednesday the 8th of June for an all-day exhibition running from 10 am to 8 pm, a Youth Networking Forum from 3pm to 5pm, and to listen to a series of short talks on mobula rays, coral reefs, ocean conservation, fisheries, coastal livelihoods and ocean governance from 6 pm […]

Explore Crystal Cove State Park’s Tidepools Live on Instagram June 8th!

Join California State Park Interpreter Alex on an exploration of the tidepools in Crystal Cove State Park's Marine Protected Area and celebrate World Ocean Day on June 8th! We will be looking for sea anemones, hermit crabs, and any other intertidal treasures as we peek into the magical pools in Crystal Cove State Park's Rocky […]

Panel: Using ocean and environmental data to address socio-economic challenges

Panel discussion organized by The Oceanography Society (TOS) Panelists: Payal Parekh, James Watson Synopsis: Since the later part of the 20th century, advances in technology have made it feasible to acquire, store and process several terabytes of complex data. A data-driven approach to Oceanography and Environmental Science has been critical to better understand Earth’s climate […]

Macaronesian Sanctuary for Marine Biodiverisity

Poema del Mar aquarium Av. de Los Consignatarios, 35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, Las Palmas, Spain

Loro Parque FundaciĂłn is promoting the creation of a Sanctuary for Marine Biodiversity in the Macaronesia, to protect an important migratory path for cetaceans, sharks, turtles, etc. At the event, there will be a presentation on the project and different talks supporting the need for a protected area. Learn more here  

Celebrate Ocean Day at the MAS!

Museum of Arts and Sciences 4182 Forsyth Road, Macon, GA, United States

Join us at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Macon Georgia to celebrate Ocean Day.  Come try out an ROV and touch a sea creature! See the calendar of events here

Conservation Volunteers Australia – Brisbane Litter Clean-Up

B4C Office & Sustainability Centre 1358 Old Cleveland Rd, Carindale, Queensland, Australia

We welcome the community to join us on World Oceans Day to celebrate the environment from the wetlands to the oceans and learn about what we, as individuals can do to help these special environments. EVENT SCHEDULE First, we will be hosting a free condensed screening of the film 'A Plastic Ocean'. Secondly, we will […]


Bansundu Marine Club will be celebrating World Ocean Day on 8th June 2022 together with 03 local schools. We will be creating the platform to discuss issues that affect negatively our blue planet and well being of the ocean. The theme: ‘Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean’ Our aim Sharing Information About Marine Raise Awareness […]

Thanet Coast Project – Viking Bay, Broadstairs

Victoria Gardens Viking Bay, Broadstairs, Kent, United Kingdom

Meet and Greet - World Ocean Day pledges. The Thanet Coast Project will have a outdoor display where local people and visitors can meet volunteers and staff about how they can help and make a pledge to what they can do for the coast and marine environment around the Thanet Coast - on World Ocean […]

Story Time with Thompson’s Tunes at Covington Public Library

Covington Public Library 622 5th Street, Covington, IN, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Event Series World Ocean Day celebration at Magnetic Island State School

World Ocean Day celebration at Magnetic Island State School

Magnetic Island State School 20 Sooning Street, Nelly Bay, Queensland, Australia

At Magnetic Island State School we are holding an event celebrating World Ocean Day. Scientists are presenting information and research about the marine environment, students are presenting their research about marine creatures, there will be art activities  and marine games for the students. The whole school will be doing a beach clean up and creating […]

Conectividad desde la cuenca hasta el Mar Caribe

El colectivo Agua Nuestro Derecho te invita al webinar “ Conectividad desde la cuenca hasta el Mar Caribe” donde se abordarán acciones para su protección y conservación. Te esperamos este próximo 08 de junio 2022 por medio de Facebook Live de Agua Nuestro Derecho. #DeLaCuencaAlArrecife #DerechoHumanoAlAgua #DerechoHumanoAlSaneamiento #ODS6 Learn more here.

Stop Deep Sea Mining Rally

Jack Poole Plaza 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3, Canada, Vancouver, Canada

On World Oceans Day, join us to stand up for the ocean! Stop deep sea mining! We will gather at 1055 Canada Place, Jack Poole Plaza. There will be speakers + information.   Learn about deep sea mining: Deep Sea Mining Video Learn more about Deep Sea Defenders   Learn more about the event here

Stasher Instagram Live: World Ocean Day Action

Premium reusable silicone bag brand, Stasher, is hosting an Instagram Live with Surfrider and art environmentalist, Hannah Tizedes, from The Trashy Collection. Learn more here.

Beach Treasure Hunt at Pakefield Beach

Pakefield Beach Pakefield Beach, Lowestoft, Suffolk, United Kingdom

Go treasure hunting! Beach Art! Talk to an expert! A marine environmental education event for KS2 children (7-11) using the flotsam and jetsam on Pakefield Beach. The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science are partnering with a local school to provide 2 hours of learning & fun from 12.30 - 2.30pm. The main […]

World Ocean Day – Before It’s Too Late (Exhibition)!

The exhibition opens at 1 pm and features a giant octopus and fantastical sea creatures hanging above the ground as if floating in the sea. These imagined strange and bizarre creatures might have emerged from a sea polluted by plastic. Created by artists and local children the works focus on the sea pollution we can’t […]

Trout River Beach Clean up and Salmon Talk

Town of Trout River- Main Beach 275 Main St, Trout River, NL A0K 5P0, Canada, Trout River, Newfoundland, Canada

Atlantic Healthy Oceans Initiative (AHOI) will be joined by its partners, Gros Morne National Park and the Gros Morne Cooperating Association, to host a beach cleanup, as well as a demonstration about salmon conservation! Join us to help keep the ocean and coastline clean and healthy, and learn about Parks Canada's salmon restoration project happening […]

World Oceans Day with QUT’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

QUT 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia, Brisbane, Australia

Join us for a special World Oceans Day event showcasing a live stream from the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra, an introduction to International Ocean Discovery Programme, and the unique experience of an early career scientist who sailed the Indian Ocean to find answers to ancient climate change events. 1:30pm An Introduction to International Ocean Discovery […]

Ocean Fest: Take action for the Ocean

Reina del Mundo Avenida Rinconada del Lago 675, Cercado de Lima 15026, Lima, Peru

We are students who want to take immediate action to help the ocean. Our purpose is to be a medium of action to help the ocean as a community by having fun and raising awareness. To do this, we are doing activist and artistic activities. For example, we are going to do talks, dances, posters, […]

Discover curiosities of the underwater world

Zoo Basel Binningerstrasse 40, Basel, Switzerland

Zoo Basel is organising a special programme for the world ocean day. Learn more about the fish in the vivarium. Learn more here Agenda: Afternoon activities 1.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m., in the vivarium and at the main entrance ‱ A look behind the scenes: animal carers provide information about their wondrous protĂ©gĂ©s ‱ Design […]

Waste Recycling and the Big Blue Ocean

This year's United Nations World Ocean Day is on the 8th June and the central theme is collective action. We have all seen the photos of turtles eating plastic and seals getting strangled and we know something must be done urgently to resolve this. In this webinar, we will dive deeper and explore what throwaway […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tomorrow – The Race Is On Documentary

Tomorrow - The Race Is On, is a documentary film written and directed by Prashant Mohesh, National Geographic Young Explorer, Documentary Filmmaker and World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council Member (read the interview with Prashant here). The documentary is a highlight the biodiversity of Mauritius, endemic species, plastic pollution, climate change, coral reefs degradation and […]

Wednesday Workshop: Caring for Our Oceans at Lafayette Public Library

The West Lafayette Public Library 208 W Columbia St. West Lafayette, Indiana, West Lafayette, IN, United States

West Lafayette Public Library presents an Ocean of Possibilities summer reading program. On June 8, children are invited to the library to learn about keeping our oceans clean and to make upcycled crafts. A special presentation by the members of Confront the Climate Crisis to inspire environmental activism in others. Learn more here

NHA Path to Clean Energy – Riding Waves, Currents & Tides: Advancements in Marine Energy

Celebrate World Oceans Day by joining the National Hydropower Association and Marine Renewables Canada on June 8th at 2:00 PM ET for a Path to Clean Energy Virtual Event, "Riding Waves, Currents & Tides: Advancements in Marine Energy," featuring a discussion with Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (OR-1).  World Oceans Day is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on […]

World Ocean Day at Gwinnett County Public Library

Dacula Branch 265 Dacula Road, Dacula, Georgia 30019, Dacula, GA, United States

Join the Gwinnett County Public Library at the Dacula Branch for our 5th annual participation in World Ocean Day: SHARKS! and get inspired to help save the world's oceans and the environment. Learn about sharks and learn more about what is being done to help conservation and sustainability/recycling through interactive stations containing activities and information. […]

Beach Cleanup Lacanau

Plage Sud Plage Sud

Project Rescue Ocean & Nomads Surfing vous prĂ©parent une aprĂšs midi engagĂ©e avec un grand nettoyage de plage pour cĂ©lĂ©brer la journĂ©e internationale de l'OcĂ©an!    Ouvert Ă  tout le monde, petits et grands, on vous attend donc nombreux sous le soleil et dans la bonne humeur.   Le Beach Clean Up se dĂ©roulera Ă  Lacanau […]

Save Our Seas at Norwood Branch Library

Norwood Branch Library 1110 Merchant Drive, Knoxville, TN 37912, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the USA, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Seabums World Ocean Day with Saving the Blue

Annie Guttridge from Saving the Blue will be discussing their important research in Andros, Bahamas. Also joining us will be Rosie from Oceanic Society, Andy from The Clean Wave, and Sandy from Operation Rich Coast. We'll also be announcing the winner of the shark naming contest for the hammerhead shark we adopted. The Seabums Ocean […]

Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Un año mĂĄs para celebrar el DĂ­a Mundial de losOcĂ©anos junto a expertos nacionales y extranjeros en un seminario virtual (Webinar). Los temas se han clasificado en cuatro sesiones: Biodiversidad, OceanografĂ­a y recursos pesqueros, Bioeconocimiento para el desarrollo sostenible, y Acuicultura sostenible y Bienestar animal acuĂĄtico. Este webinar organizado por CENAIM_espol, INABIO y CientificasEC se […]

World’s Oceans Day with Storybook Theatre of Hawaii

Dolphin Touch Wellness Center 4544 Kukui St, Kapaʻa, HI 96746, United States, Kapaʻa, HI, United States

Join Us On Kaua'i For World Oceans Day Performances & Rainbow Costume Parade Special Guests, Inflatable Marine Creatures & Costumes At Dolphin Touch Wellness Center in Kapa'a! Live Family Programs On Wednesday June 8th Starting at 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Special - 'Story of Jonah' from inside of Harmony the Whale at 5:00 pm […]

Microplastics beach research

Contada Cala Pisana Contada Cala Pisana, Lampedusa (AG), Italy, Italy

Microplastics pose a threat to the whole marine ecosystem. The MPA Pelagie Islands held a collection microplastics afternoon for the students from the “Istituto Omnicomprensivo Luigi Pirandello”, on the occasion of World Ocean Day. The microplastics will be ranked by their origin, their shape and their kind. Learn more here