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Pacific Discovery Tank

The Canadian Museum of Nature 240 McLeod St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Museum of Nature has some new aquatic residents: live anemones, urchins, sea cucumbers, sea stars and more are now on view in a newly-unveiled interactive feature in the Water Gallery. The Pacific Discovery Tank is 14.6-feet (almost five metres) long and reveals the interesting creatures that inhabit tide pools (shallow pools of water […]

7th annual Our Ocean Conference (Palau)

The Republic of Palau and the United States will co-host the 7th Our Ocean Conference on April 13-14, 2022. The Conference will be a key moment for countries, civil society, and industry to commit to concrete and significant actions to protect the ocean. Throughout the six previous conferences, participants have made more than 1,400 commitments […]


Wu Zhi Zhou Island Wu Zhi Zhou Island, Hainan, China

The origin of life is from ocean, and ocean supports 25% marine ecosystem. 60% coral reefs are expected to be dead and gone in the next 30 years. From the Earth to the Ocean —— April 22 World Earth Day to June 8 World Ocean Day. Sponsored by iLab, eXtremeSPACE summons eXtreme sports professionals and […]

23rd Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture

Join John Dabiri, Centennial Chair Professor at Caltech, for a lecture on his work exploring new angles for ocean investigation, including the development of bioinspired systems with the potential to enable the examination of the entire ocean. This year’s lecture, Bioinspired Ocean Exploration, will consider how the fluid mechanics of efficient locomotion by jellyfish can […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: NOAA Fisheries Releases Status of the Stocks and Fisheries of the U.S. Reports

Today, NOAA Fisheries released two flagship reports—the 2021 Status of Stocks report and the 2020 Fisheries of the United States report. “These reports help capture our shared and continued commitment to sustainable fisheries management in the U.S. as we continue to make progress in rebuilding and ending overfishing on stocks and work to increase the […]

7th Conference of Sea Teachers

Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva Largo José Mariano Gago, 1,, Lisbon, Portugal

The 7th Conference of Sea Teachers happens in Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva (Pavillion of Knowledge) in Lisbon and this year is dedicated to ocean conservation, the 30x30 programme and all the efforts currently employed by research teams all over the world to help protect what's left of the ocean. This Conference targets […]

Svjetski dan oceana

Gradska knjižnica Zadar Ul. Stjepana Radića 11b, 23000, Zadar, Croatia, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

A set of workshops for primary school students are organized by graduate students of Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Department of Ecology, Agronomy, and Aquaculture; University of Zadar, Croatia. Workshops cover several topics such as overfishing, bycatch, seaweeds, and marine food webs. The aim of the workshops is to increase marine knowledge as […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Study: More and Better U.S. Marine Protected Areas Needed to Protect Key Ecosystems

EMBARGOED FOR: May 18, 2022 9A EST NEW STUDY: MORE AND BETTER U.S. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS NEEDED TO PROTECT KEY ECOSYSTEMS MAY 18, 2022, CORVALLIS, OREGON — A sweeping new analysis of US Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) published today in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by scientists from 22 institutions across 14 states, identified significant […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Soft Launch of the Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP)

The Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP) is going to be launched on the World Ocean Day (8 June 2022).   BCOLP is a non-profit, non-partisan forum for education, research and training on ocean law and policy, focusing on Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal. BCOLP aims to generate debates and discussions on […]

Toxic Legacies of War – North Sea Wrecks

From Thursday 19 to Sunday 22 May, more than 150 ships, from three-masted barques to inland vessels to the smallest clinker sloop, will dock in Ostend for 'Ostend at Anchor'. Anyone with an interest in maritime history will find what they are looking for at this event. Get to know old ship crafts, taste freshly […]

Our Ocean: Our Past

Humankind has been captivated by the ocean for thousands of years. Over time, we have invented many ways to help us explore ocean depths and understand the creatures that live within. Discover just a few of the breakthroughs in ocean exploration, Ireland’s great marine scientists, and the research vessels that have been used in Irish […]

Clean Ocean, Clean Future

Old city Antalya Kaleici yat limanı, Antalya, Turkey

European Union Think Civil Program Project named "Clean Ocean, Clean Future" of Antalya Underwater Association Within the scope of the "Clean Ocean, Clean Future" Project prepared by the Antalya Underwater Association; 20 young people will be given diving training. An underwater cleaning team will be established with the participation of our young people and members […]

“Dammed to Extinction” Documentary Screening: Saving Southern Resident Orcas and Pacific Salmon

LaSells Stewart Center - Construction Hall 875 SW 26th, St, Corvallis, OR, United States

The Southern Resident orcas have survived on the Pacific Northwest’s abundant salmon for millennia, but four dams on the Lower Snake River are putting the future of both at risk. Join us to hear more about the effort to bring down these dams and get involved in a National Day of Action on May 24th […]

Descubriendo la biodiversidad de los océanos

Auditorium, Plaça Concòrdia, Plaça de la Concòrdia, 13, Barcelona, Spain

Did you know that most of the life on the planet is placed in the ocean? And that in the depths of the ocean there is a jellyfish capable of living forever? In this event we will discover some curiosities about the ocean and the animals and plants that have been living there throughout time. […]

“Dammed to Extinction” Documentary Screening: Saving Southern Resident Orcas and Pacific Salmon

University of Oregon EMU Redwood Auditorium 1395 University St Eugene,, Eugene, OR, United States

The Southern Resident orcas have survived on the Pacific Northwest’s abundant salmon for millennia, but four dams on the Lower Snake River are putting the future of both at risk. Join us to hear more about the effort to bring down these dams and get involved in a National Day of Action on May 24th […]

Il mare tiene unito il mondo !

Apnea Evolution a.s.d. Viale Centrale, 29 Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Italia, Italy

Il progetto scolastico ' Il mare negli occhi del bambino' è rivolto ai giovani alunni di tutti gli istituti scolastici e parte dall' allarme dell O.M.S. . Il percorso educativo si fonda su 3 pilastri: tutela e salvaguardia dell' ambiente Mare e quindi del Pianeta Terra autoconsapevolezza : respirazione consapevole e intelligenza emotiva rapporto con […]

World Ocean Day – Oregon State University

Oregon State University Oregon State University Marine Studies Initiative 300 Strand Ag Hall Corvallis, OR 97331, OR, United States

Celebrate World Oceans Day with the UN's annual event, produced in partnership with non-profit Oceanic Global. Mark your calendars! Take a break during finals week and stop by the MSI and Oceans11 Tables to celebrate and learn more about #WorldOceanDay, 6/8 from 10AM-3PM! We will have snacks, games, and more. Find us on the East side […]

Water Day – The St. Lawrence: Protecting its Lives

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  This event brings together artists, activists, and academics to  discuss protecting the St. Lawrence River and its ecosystems. How would recognizing the river as a legal person favour  better management of its waters? Brazil’s Raimunda Gomes  da Silva, a leader in the fight for workers’ rights and environ mental conversation in the Amazon rainforest, will […]

World Ocean Day ReefBlitz information and training

Online zoom meeting for networking, discussion and basic training for World Ocean Day Reef Blitz between 1 and 8 June using iNaturalist. Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82300677552?pwd=NWVHb05LSk9YQStXeGVmekhYQW4xZz09 Learn more here

Citizen Science ReefBlitz

Great Barrier Reef 14 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville, Queenslands, Australia

Join the largest group of naturalists in the world and share knowledge about the Great Barrier Reef. We are encouraging all people to connect with the ocean between 1 and 8 June, 2022 and share photographs about marine life. If you are a beach walker, citizen scientist, snorkelers, SCUBA diver, fisher, tourist, Master Reef Guide, […]

Ciné-marin: La Virée du Saint-Laurent – websérie en 3 épisodes

  As of June 1, we will share the web series with you, right here on Facebook, in the “videos” section of Ocean Week. In addition to and as a premise to the web series, don’t miss the discussion with France Basilic and Marie-France l’Écuyer, on June 2 at 7:00 p.m. A good way to […]

I AM WATER: How deep is your love?

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

JOIN THE I AM WATER TEAM FOR WORLD OCEANS WEEK Here's what we will be up to... 01 - 08 JUNE 2022 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? Calling all Ocean Heroes! PLEDGE towards I AM WATER's Ocean Conservation programmes: From 01 - 08 June, become an I AM WATER Ocean Hero - Pledge your monthly contribution […]


Live It Earth’s hybrid learning resources connect kids with people working in different fields and real-world subject matter experts—no matter where they live! Live It Earth has created 8 ocean programs over the past two years, and is generously making them available for free to schools across Canada for the month of June! They are […]

Healthy Reefs Virtual Art Exhibition

Each year, students at the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC) are tasked with designing a poster in support of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute's (CCMI) Healthy Reefs awareness campaign. This project is an assignment where students develop artistic techniques while also working with a client, helping the students to develop transferrable life skills in […]

June – Ocean Month in the Swakopmund Museum

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The French research schooner Tara stops in Walvis Bay from 1st – 6th June for an outreach stopover about the Ocean. The Tara Ocean Foundation is a French scientific foundation that works for the preservation of the ocean. The laboratory ship left South Africa to carry out a study of the Benguela current. During its […]

Canadian Water Summit

Fallsview Casino and Resort Fallsview Casino 6380 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 7X5 Canada, Ontario, Canada

Now in our 13th year, the Canadian Water Summit (CWS) facilitates cooperation, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among the many diverse groups that make up our Canadian water landscape as we advance our mission to build Canada’s ‘Blue Economy’. We cover a range of topics related to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater at each of our events. […]

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

Coffee County Manchester Public Library 1005 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN 37355, United States, TN, United States

Interactive Summer Reading Program. We have stem activities,  story times, crafts, take home crafts, education on ocean environment, paid performers, ocean trivia parties and more! Check out our Facebook for more details. Take a look at our online prize catalog. We have almost 5k in prizes to give away. Come in and find Wally the walrus […]

Join your local library’s “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program!

Summer is the best! There’s so many great things to dive into. If you’re looking for something to do, there’s an Ocean of Possibilities at your local library! Whether you like movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends, the library has it all. There are so many amazing stories with mystery, adventure, […]

Conservation Crafts at OdySea Aquarium

OdySea Aquarium 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85256, Ventura, AZ, United States

Celebrate Endangered Species Day and World Ocean Day at OdySea Aquarium by partaking in Conservation Crafts!  Guests 12 and under are encouraged to get creative and make an art project that represents an endangered species from a recycled material.  Turn in your art piece alongside the submission form (can be accessed online via the link […]

Library Event Series: Océan21

Bibliothèque Raoul Mille 33, av Malausséna, 06200 Nice, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes département, France

Océan21 pour faire découvrir à travers animations pour le jeune public, conférences, conférences, débats, projections, expositions de photos …  le patrimoine naturel et culturel marin et sensibiliser le public aux enjeux de la biodiversité marine et à la préservation de ce patrimoine invisible. Organisé par la bibliothèque municipale de Nice avec les services Archéologie et […]

Seaweed Around The Clock

Seaweed Around the Clock is the second edition of the largest global seaweed event uniting people and businesses of all backgrounds in order to talk about the growing seaweed industry. It will be all about raising awareness, showcasing innovations and funding organic seaweed farming. Our objective: with the support of the non-profit Seaweed First, we aim […]

Taking care of the ocean and the planet: intervention with children

Escola Municipal Lilian Aparecida Borges Prado R. Jaime Lino dos Santos, 320 - Savoy, Itanhaém, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The event will take place in two days in a municipal school, in São Paulo - Brazil, the first day will be on June 2nd and the second day on June 24th. The event will serve 100 children from 3 to 5 years of age and will bring to school students interaction and awareness activities […]

OKC Zoo Hosts World Oceans Day Celebration

Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden 2000 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Bob Moore Subaru invite you to dive in to ocean conservation during this year’s World Oceans Day event. This global celebration provides a unique opportunity to learn about, help protect and conserve our blue planet. Join the fun on Thursday, June 2, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., to learn […]

Seaweed Days Presented by Cascadia Seaweed

The thought of slowing climate change is often overwhelming, so much so that it leads to fear and inaction for individuals. But there is light where most people may not expect it! Register Today  Living in our oceans, capturing carbon, providing habitat, and producing oxygen are brown, green and red seaweeds with so many potential […]

Oceans Week Victoria

Oceans Week Victoria is a collaboration among local community organizations to help people learn and care about their big blue backyard. Oceans Week events include educational and recreational activities that explore and interact with our oceans. We are excited to celebrate a hybrid Oceans Week this year. Our Activity Calendar has in-person and virtual events, […]

Istanbul Underwater Cleanup for Wold Ocean Day

Ortaköy Ortaköy, İstanbul, Turkey

With the support of the ÇEVKO Foundation and with the participation of Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management (IU-DEBİEN), Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV) and Search and Rescue at Sea (DAKSAR), we will organize the diving event as Respect to Depth Dive Group and Turkish Diver Club.  With the diving event we will […]

Grassroots Actions for Ecological Restoration of Rivers & Oceans

Arcadia EcoHome 1313 8th Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006, CA, United States

California Institute of Environmental Design & Management (CIEDM) as grassroots has being doing our part to take local-based actions, as in past years, for supporting and participating in two large-scale yet closely related awareness campaigns simultaneously: National Rivers Month 2022 in the U.S. through June at national level and World Oceans Day 2022 on June […]

Mangroves Education Program

MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment - East, RDS Road, Kumburumulai, Vembu,, Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

OceanBiome would conduct a Magroves Education program for Kalkuda zone students in coordination with the MJF Foundation to represent World Ocean Day. We'll be educating the importance of mangroves and their relevance to marine ecology to the students with some interactive sessions. Mangroves are tropical trees that grow in situations that most wood couldn't stand […]

Galápagos Girl: Biologist Valentina Cruz at Orange County Libraries

Southeast Branch 5575 S. Semoran Blvd. Orlando, FL 32822, Orlando, FL, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Consol Breathe World Oceans day swim

Point Yacht Club Durban Beach front Browns Road, Point, Durban, South Africa

The 2022 edition of the Breathe World Oceans Day Swim on 4 June has received a boost with Consol Glass coming on board as the event’s official title sponsor. Africa’s largest glass packaging producer is joining forces with Breathe Conservation to raise awareness around the need to eliminate single use plastics. Breathe Conservation’s work has […]

Beach Clean and YOGA

Gratton Beach 3 Grattan Rd, Beach Ct, Galway, Ireland

Galway Atlantaquaria and Move & Breathe invite you to join us for a beach clean up with Clean Coasts and Yoga session on Grattan Beach, Salthill. 11am Talk and Intro & Beach Clean with Garry from Galway Atlantaquaria LTD. 11.30am Yoga & Breathwork with Sinéad from Move&Breathe.ie ( Bring your own mat/towel ) 12pm * […]

World Ocean Day at Kukui Grove Center & Kauai Ocean Discovery

Kukui Grove Center 3-2600 Kaumualii Highway, Suite 1710, Lihue, HI, United States

Celebrate at Kauai Ocean Discovery this Saturday, June 4th 11am-2pm with a Special Make & Take activity for kids. Plus Showtime Characters and sea life selfies! Learn more here.

The Ocean Station: Ocean School x MAPP_MTL collaboration

Parc La Fontaine 3819 Av. Calixa-Lavallée, Montréal, QC H2L 3A7, Canada, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

As part of Ocean Week Canada, Ocean School is collaborating with MAPP_MTL to present The Ocean Station! During the day, people of all ages are invited to create their own marine creature that will be projected into a giant virtual Ocean after sunset. In the evening, test your knowledge of the Ocean and discover this […]

Event Series World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia

Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/

Round Table Summit: A World Ocean Day Discussion

Meet a community of like minded youth and learn from 8+ organizations (from Fridays for Future to Women in Ocean Science) through panels, Q&As, and trainings over the course of three hours! Who's Invited: Any youth looking to help shape a better, greener world—no activity experience necessary! Where: A zoom link will be sent to […]

World Oceans Week with The Explorers Club

This year, we will be returning to The Explorers Club for a week of unforgettable, in-person programming. Mark your calendars and get ready to sail the five C’s of our world’s oceans: Creativity, Conservation, Collaboration, Community, and Celebration.  Speaker announcements, a detailed schedule, and more surprises are coming soon! June 5th to 11th, 2022– Save the […]

Online Lesson – World Ocean Day

(scroll down for English) Auf firmm.education haben wir eine kleine Online-Lektion zum Welttag der Ozeane vorbereitet und wollen damit zeigen, welch große Bedeutung die Meere für das Leben auf unserem Planeten haben. Mit Texten, Videos und interaktiven Grafiken erfährst du: wie sich das Leben im Meer entwickelt hat was das Gleichgewicht im Ökosystem Meer gefährdet warum […]

Boondall Wetlands Environment Centre World Ocean Day Clean Up

Boondall Wetlands Sinbad Street boat ramp, Shorncliffe, Australia

Want to help clean up, fix up, and preserve biodiversity in the coastal wetlands and waterways of Moreton Bay? One of the best ways to help the environment is to take action! For World Environment Day and World Oceans Day we invite you to help clean up Dinah Island. Join the Boondall Wetlands Environment Centre […]

Frost Science – World Ocean Day

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science 1101 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132, Miami, FL, United States

Help us shell-ebrate World Ocean Day on Sunday, June 5! Dive into Frost Science and our partner’s work to save the reefs, protect the coastlines and teach the world about oceans and marine life. You’ll hear from some amazing conservationists working with marine plants and animals at the museum, then tackle the challenge of testing […]

Event Series World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia

Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/

Marine Spatial Planning Workshop

University of Victoria University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

MEOPAR is providing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) training scheduled for June 6-9, 2022 at the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada. This 4-day workshop will be conducted using an adaptation of the Blue Planning in Practice (BPIP) course to strengthen practical planning and implementation for practitioners responsible for coastal and marine planning and management from different […]

Explorers Club’s World Ocean Week Virtual Classroom Events

The Explorers Club has brought together nearly 20 virtual events for students to meet up with and learn from those on the frontlines of exploring, documenting, understanding, and protecting the global ocean. We live on a blue planet, come explore it with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants! Learn more here

Ocean Challenge

STEM Education Portal Grange Road BH23 4JE Christchurch, United Kingdom

We have designed a week-long activity for 11-year-old students to consider how we can save our seas. Teams of four students discuss ocean pollution, sustainability, climate change, and the local coastal environment and mariculture industry to agree upon a problem they wish to address. This may range from harvesting plastics, water sensing and filtering, or […]

“A week to celebrate the World Ocean Day, what could you do to save our Ocean?”

SEK Atlántico School Urb. A Caeira Illa de Arousa, 4 Boa Vista,, Pontevedra, Poio, Spain

The aim of my event is to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of the Ocean among the students of my school. It will also provide information about how we can make a more sustainable ocean by changing habits and little actions in our daily routines. To elaborate on this activity I will use big […]

Les Océanographes dans vos classes

Vous êtes une classe au primaire de la francophonie? Venez découvrir les facettes de l’océanographie grâce à 16 webinaires scientifiques adaptés autour de la journée mondiale des Océans et la décennie des Nations Unies pour les sciences océaniques au service du développement durable (2021-2030). Au total,18 jeunes chercheurEs en océanographie animeront ces webinaires et  partageront […]