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Celebrating World Oceans Day with Orcas & Reefs Art Show BY SELVA OZELLI · 06·08·23 · LAST UPDATED: 06·08·23 The theme for World Oceans Day 2023 is "Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing" to raise awareness of the importance of the ocean and the need to protect it. Biodiversity is essential to the existence and proper […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Ter gelegenheid van het 410-jarig bestaan van de RUG presenteert de Green Office Cinquecento Medusae, een kunstinstallatie van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Rosanna Baledda. Laat je onderdompelen in een invasie van kwallen en open je ogen voor een wereld die hevig beïnvloed wordt door klimaatverandering. Kwallen maken al 500 miljoen jaar deel uit van ons mariene ecosysteem, maar nu lijken […]
Artist Angela McMahon creates a physical immersive installation composed of suspended and floor standing sculptures of fantastical sea creatures at Lewisham Arthouse, London SE14 6PD By imagining the undersea world where pollution and climate change have created the ideal conditions for jellyfish to thrive, Angela McMahon’s use of collected and reclaimed materials draws on scientific […]
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes game workshop, upcycling workshops and many more. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/TAMECenter/
Ocean Tv Network celebrates World Ocean Day 2024 Dive into fun and action this World Ocean Day! Join us for a celebration of our island paradise, Maafushi, at the beach on Saturday, June 8th. Learn about the wonders of the Maldivian marine life, participate in beach clean-up activities, enjoy live music and entertainment, and savor […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)