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ANNOUNCEMENT: NOAA Fisheries Releases Status of the Stocks and Fisheries of the U.S. Reports

Today, NOAA Fisheries released two flagship reports—the 2021 Status of Stocks report and the 2020 Fisheries of the United States report. “These reports help capture our shared and continued commitment to sustainable fisheries management in the U.S. as we continue to make progress in rebuilding and ending overfishing on stocks and work to increase the […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Study: More and Better U.S. Marine Protected Areas Needed to Protect Key Ecosystems

EMBARGOED FOR: May 18, 2022 9A EST NEW STUDY: MORE AND BETTER U.S. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS NEEDED TO PROTECT KEY ECOSYSTEMS MAY 18, 2022, CORVALLIS, OREGON — A sweeping new analysis of US Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) published today in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by scientists from 22 institutions across 14 states, identified significant […]

Ciné-marin: La Virée du Saint-Laurent – websérie en 3 épisodes

  As of June 1, we will share the web series with you, right here on Facebook, in the “videos” section of Ocean Week. In addition to and as a premise to the web series, don’t miss the discussion with France Basilic and Marie-France l’Écuyer, on June 2 at 7:00 p.m. A good way to […]

I AM WATER: How deep is your love?

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

JOIN THE I AM WATER TEAM FOR WORLD OCEANS WEEK Here's what we will be up to... 01 - 08 JUNE 2022 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? Calling all Ocean Heroes! PLEDGE towards I AM WATER's Ocean Conservation programmes: From 01 - 08 June, become an I AM WATER Ocean Hero - Pledge your monthly contribution […]


Live It Earth’s hybrid learning resources connect kids with people working in different fields and real-world subject matter experts—no matter where they live! Live It Earth has created 8 ocean programs over the past two years, and is generously making them available for free to schools across Canada for the month of June! They are […]

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

Coffee County Manchester Public Library 1005 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN 37355, United States, TN, United States

Interactive Summer Reading Program. We have stem activities,  story times, crafts, take home crafts, education on ocean environment, paid performers, ocean trivia parties and more! Check out our Facebook for more details. Take a look at our online prize catalog. We have almost 5k in prizes to give away. Come in and find Wally the walrus […]

Join your local library’s “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program!

Summer is the best! There’s so many great things to dive into. If you’re looking for something to do, there’s an Ocean of Possibilities at your local library! Whether you like movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends, the library has it all. There are so many amazing stories with mystery, adventure, […]

Grassroots Actions for Ecological Restoration of Rivers & Oceans

Arcadia EcoHome 1313 8th Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006, CA, United States

California Institute of Environmental Design & Management (CIEDM) as grassroots has being doing our part to take local-based actions, as in past years, for supporting and participating in two large-scale yet closely related awareness campaigns simultaneously: National Rivers Month 2022 in the U.S. through June at national level and World Oceans Day 2022 on June […]

Article: In the Name of Dear and Precious Ocean, by Mr Güntürk Üstün

I am Mr Güntürk Üstün, a medical doctor and an unknown poet-writer (who published 10 books of poetry so far plus thousands of comments written in Turkish-French-English on the web about the maritime and railroad transport). I have just written (in French) and published a short article on the Paris-France based renowned "Lettre Du Cheminot" […]

Online Lesson – World Ocean Day

(scroll down for English) Auf firmm.education haben wir eine kleine Online-Lektion zum Welttag der Ozeane vorbereitet und wollen damit zeigen, welch große Bedeutung die Meere für das Leben auf unserem Planeten haben. Mit Texten, Videos und interaktiven Grafiken erfährst du: wie sich das Leben im Meer entwickelt hat was das Gleichgewicht im Ökosystem Meer gefährdet warum […]

Ocean Challenge

STEM Education Portal Grange Road BH23 4JE Christchurch, United Kingdom

We have designed a week-long activity for 11-year-old students to consider how we can save our seas. Teams of four students discuss ocean pollution, sustainability, climate change, and the local coastal environment and mariculture industry to agree upon a problem they wish to address. This may range from harvesting plastics, water sensing and filtering, or […]

Semana Oceânica PB

Espaço Oceano Rua dos Pescadores 501. Cond. Enseada dos Corais, C1. Praia do Seixas. Praia do Seixas, João Pessoa, Paraíba. CEP: 58.045-600, Brazil

O InPact – Instituto de Pesquisa e Ação, coordenando com a Associação Guajiru, em conjunto com diversas parcerias, como: Seirhma, a própria Sudema, Prefeituras Municipais, além de diversos parceiros como: Capitania dos Portos da Paraíba (CPPB), Iate Clube, Corpo de Bombeiros, Clube do Mergulho, Primeiro Sol e Circuito do Matuto, estaremos realizando a II Semana […]


Join Digital Nova Scotia, Ocean Start Up Project, COVE Start Up Yard and dive into how tech can be used responsibly to minimize environmental impact and our carbon footprints. Our panelists will also explore the ways that we can add value to how we interact with the ocean and climate, creating a harmonious ecosystem in Nova Scotia waters. […]

Ian Churchill’s Marineman stands in support of Prevented Ocean Plastic!

First published over ten years ago, Ian Churchill’s Marineman returns to help spread the word about Prevented Ocean Plastic and encourage people to #ChooseRecycled as part of this year’s UN World Oceans Day. With the theme of ‘Collective Action for the Ocean’, Marineman and his team are shown trying to stop the dreaded plastic monster […]

World Ocean Day for Schools 2022

Ready for a day of creative learning like no other? World Ocean Day for Schools is back with an exciting, celebratory day of free, ocean-based activities and resources for educators and parents. Our 2022 theme: ‘Our Blue’ will help students understand (and feel) their connection to the ocean through their nearest blue space — whether […]

Zistwar Nou Losean Story Sharing Platform

#ZistwarNouLosean in Mauritian Creole means Story of Our Ocean. We had our first edition last year with Mauritius & Rodrigues Islands participants, using photography as a tool to tell their stories about our ocean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_ohbSSTAVc Inspired by The National Geographic Education/Adobe #StorytellingForImpact Series; the initiative is to bring our youth to think, explore and share […]

Billie the Octopus children’s book announcement

A Bears for Cares Book ‘Billie the Octopus’ Book Encourages Young Ones to Care About What’s Under the Sea With World Oceans Day coming Wednesday, June 8, the children’s book “Billie the Octopus” (Eifrig Publishing) invites young ones to explore the wonders of the oceans, become aware of the threats to it, and how they […]

Progetto di Citizen Science: L’uso del Mare in Penisola Sorrentina

Il progetto di Citizen Scienze, raccolta di dati ambientali nell’area marino costiera della Penisola Sorrentina, è ideato e coordinato dai ricercatori del CNR (Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca) - ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze Marine) sede di Napoli (Francesco Paolo Buonocunto, Luciana Ferraro, Laura Giordano e Alfonsa Milia), e nasce nell’ambito delle iniziative di divulgazione scientifica e […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Coasts: Enjoy and Protect our Coast – New Guide Release

The Clean Coasts programme works with over 1,800 communities and 37,000 volunteers to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life, by organizing hundreds of beach clean-ups each year, mobilizing thousands of volunteers, and removing large quantities of marine litter from our coastline. The Irish coast offers breath-taking views, beautiful […]

BEE KIND @ Luna.

Supporting sea turtles and wonderful womenswear. We love our brand and sourcing fabulous styles to become your everyday favourites. That’s why we created Luna Boutiques, a local women’s fashion store, now online, with the latest shapes, styles, sizes and colours so you can feel great about your style. The Motivation Behind Luna Collections For You […]

Podcast on Call for 30×30 goal

The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads—end up in the oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute. Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of […]

Report: SEA MARVEL Awareness action

Sending out press releases on World Oceans Day and conservation marine research by the Conservation Biology Research Group, University of Malta Learn more here

Podcast: Earth Cast EP21: World Ocean Day Special | Environmental Racism & Inclusivity

In this World Ocean Day special, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) interviews Jamila Janna about the nuances of environmental racism and how it affects inclusivity in the ocean space, the harmful effects of mainstream conservation narratives on environmental projects’ success, opportunities for youth in marine conservation, and more! Jamila is a filmmaker, social media strategist, and marine […]

Free e-books for the World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day - 8 June Let's celebrate together! The e-books of Pesho and Popoto are free on 8-9-10 June!   The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke: http://mybook.to/peshobook   Popoto by Noemi Knight: https://lnkd.in/eHhSGU7X  

International Ocean Film Festival’s Special Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A for World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here and we are celebrating! Grab a friend, family member or coworker - and of course the popcorn - to watch a film and invite them to learn more about our Big Blue Ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day by taking a deep dive into a special virtual screening of the 2022 […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: 21st Century Mermaids Season 2 Launch!

21st Century Mermaids podcast is launching Season 2! The podcast features womxn in ocean science dedicated to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of Ocean Science. As an official activity of the Decade of Ocean Science we talk about a broad range of ocean topics with our incredible mermaid guests. Be sure […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: ‘Er Soulier’ Seafood Waste and Marine Litter Sneaker Debut

In the lead up to World Ocean Day 2022 on  June 8, French artist and designer Eugène Riconneaus is debuting the ‘ER Soulier’ sneaker, made from marine litter. Made possible by upcycling, which gives a second life to waste and unused objects, the collection was inspired by a desire to combat pollution of the seas […]

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

The ImpactWayv Podcast Series – Making an Impact: Episode 4, Ocean Recovery Alliance

On World Ocean Day 2022 ImpactWayv - Exec. Vice President, Karen Talamelli Cusick had a chance to speak with Doug Woodring - Founder of Ocean Recovery Alliance. Ocean Recovery Alliance is focused on entrepreneuring programs to reduce plastic pollution, both on land and water, by creating strategic solutions for governments, industry and communities, which lead […]

WaterBear x World Oceans Day

WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content - spanning biodiversity, community, climate action and sustainable fashion. WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future […]

Video: Our Oceans

A 3 min short celebrating the beauty and importance of clean and healthy oceans Watch here

ANNOUNCEMENT: Introducing the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative

The Ocean Foundation is proud to launch our newest initiative, the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative (COEGI), today on World Ocean Day 2022. Ocean literacy is an essential and prerequisite component of the ocean conservation movement. Over the past 20 years, The Ocean Foundation has moved more than $16M into the area of ocean literacy. […]

Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

Environmental campaign created by students from the Aver-O-Mar School Group, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. The main objective of this initiative was to raise the awareness of the school community and society in general for their mobilization in environmental action, given the conviction that children are the great engines of change and transformation in the present […]

Blue Marine Foundation World Ocean Day Podcast

Catch UN Patron of the Oceans, Lewis Pugh, in conversation with Blue Marine executive director, Charles Clover, about the upcoming publication of Charles’s book, Rewilding the Sea on June 8. More details to come  Don't forget you can pre-order Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans today: link in bio.

Ocean #RecipeOfTheWeek Series

During this month long series, we will share seafood recipes inspired from the species harvested in our Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) labs, promoting sustainable food and circularity across the Atlantic Ocean. Follow us to make sure you do not miss any recipes! Twitter  Linkedin Facebook The ASTRAL project has received funding from the European Union’s […]

Ocean Conservancy and Unity College’s Ocean Justice Micro-Course

Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Unity College Distance Education program, launched the first-ever Ocean Justice micro-course! Alongside national and international conversations about Environmental Justice–as well as other topics such as anti-racism; diversity, equity, and inclusion; or climate change–the Ocean Justice movement has also progressed and evolved, though more attention should be paid to this […]

Kids Dive: discover the ocean

Piscina de Sesimbra Av. da Liberdade 68 2970,, Sesimbra, Portugal

Kids Dive program and Sesimbra Municipality will celebrate World Oceans Day – a day for humanity to celebrate the ocean - by providing experiential learning to 60 local students. All participants will have the opportunity to engage in an innovative first scuba-diving experience, full of surprises, reinforced by two practical workshops on the importance of […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Cornwall Change Makers Initiative Launch

Here at Clean Cornwall we are proud to announce that we will be officially launching our Change Makers initiative on the 8th of June. This scheme will allow local businesses and organizations to show their support for the environmental work that we do here at Clean Cornwall, and to evidence their social and corporate responsibility […]

7oceans Press Conference

Haurs des Meeres Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1, 1060 Wien, Austria, Austria

Christian Redl, world-record-holder in freediving and founder of the association "7oceans - for the love of the oceans" is organising a press conference to present the project on World Ocean Day. Learn more here

Lancement du programme “Ma Planète Bleue” / Program Launching “My Blue Planet”

National Library of Cote d'Ivoire boulevard Carde, commune du Plateau, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Moi Jeu Tri is an NGO which places the child at the heart of its missions: 1) The sensitization of the new generation of young Africans in the sustainable management of the environment and waste through playful and concrete programs 2) Training and integration of young people who are far from employment in the circular […]

Macaronesian Sanctuary for Marine Biodiverisity

Poema del Mar aquarium Av. de Los Consignatarios, 35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, Las Palmas, Spain

Loro Parque Fundación is promoting the creation of a Sanctuary for Marine Biodiversity in the Macaronesia, to protect an important migratory path for cetaceans, sharks, turtles, etc. At the event, there will be a presentation on the project and different talks supporting the need for a protected area. Learn more here  

World Oceans Day with QUT’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

QUT 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia, Brisbane, Australia

Join us for a special World Oceans Day event showcasing a live stream from the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra, an introduction to International Ocean Discovery Programme, and the unique experience of an early career scientist who sailed the Indian Ocean to find answers to ancient climate change events. 1:30pm An Introduction to International Ocean Discovery […]

Save our Oceans from plastic SALE!

Black Mountain Beauty 9900 Echo Lakes Rd, Echo Lake, CA 95721, United States, CA, United States

We are having a 30 % SALE on all our plastic free alternative products at Blackmountainbeauty.com.  


Porto di Sperlonga Via del Porto, 04029 Sperlonga LT, Italy, Italy

- Sea bottom cleaning at the marine protected area Torre Capovento-Punta Cetarola (Sperlonga, Italy). - Readings of illustrated books for children and families on the theme of the sea, oceans and of their safeguard. Creative workshop and recreational-cultural activities. - CONFERENCE The underwater prairies of the Tyrrhenian coast by MARIA CRISTINA BUIA, marine biologist, Anton […]

International Ocean Film Festival’s Special Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A for World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here and we are celebrating! Grab a friend, family member or coworker - and of course the popcorn - to watch a film and invite them to learn more about our Big Blue Ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day by taking a deep dive into a special virtual screening of the 2022 […]

Exhibition by the Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN)

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The special exhibition “Seal rescues and entanglements” from Ocean Conservation Namibia will officially be opened in the Swakopmund Museum on Tuesday, 14 June 2022. It will run until 12 July 2022. During the exhibition there will be screenings of short videos of seal rescues and other ocean related videos from OCN in the Museum Lecture […]

“The Surfer and the Sage: A Guide to Survive and Ride Life’s Waves” With Shaun Tomson and Noah benShea

Santa Barbara Maritime Museum 113 Harbor Way, Santa Barbara, CA, United States

The Santa Barbara Maritime Museum (SBMM) will present “The Surfer and the Sage: A Guide to Survive and Ride Life’s Waves,” an in-person lecture presentation by  former World Surfing Champion, Shaun Tomson,  and best-selling author and public philosopher, Noah benShea. This event, which coincides with the publication of their book by the same title, will […]

UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon

The UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, kicks off next week from June 27-July 1. To mobilize action, the Conference will seek to propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 14. US Leaders from Congress […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Resources for Education: The Sense of Water. A journey from prehistoric times

We have published several educational materials about our activity The sense of water: a journey from prehistory, which we carried out in September 2022, about a research and scientific dissemination work on the identification of aquatic species in the rock art of Iberoamerica, many of them in danger of extinction. The Materials derived from the […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Blue Standard

Exciting news from the Blue Standard by Oceanic Global.  A first of its kind cross-industry standard by Oceanic Global, the Blue Standard (Blue) empowers industries and businesses of all sizes to achieve measurable impact that protects our blue planet and establishes universal accountability for sustainable business leadership.  Learn more about the Blue Standard and their […]

Go! Coral Guardian – The Fourth Session

Wu Zhi Zhou Island Wu Zhi Zhou Island, Hainan, China

The Fourth Session Ocean Protection Action - Go! Coral Guardian Time span: From World Earth Day 4.22 to World Ocean Day 6.8 Key participants: World Ocean Day, ISPO, Adex diving expo, China water sports administration, and China association for Scientific Expedition Key organizer: iLab, SSI, eXtremeSPACE, and 1%OCEAN Key initiatives: 1. Environmental Protection Education on World […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Eyesea: Pollution Mapping App – World Ocean Day Campaign

Our organization, Eyesea, seeks to emphasize the scale and nature of marine pollution and to create a unified strategy on how to solve it by mapping and analyzing marine pollution through crowdsourced geotagged images through the use of our app, Eyesea. We’re on the early stages of the development of the app and we seek […]

Planet Ocean Youth Voices

Planet Ocean Youth Voices is about letting the youth BE our Ocean's voice. To Raise awareness about its protection and preservation. To reconnect with Our Ocean. To inspire and empower our youth to BE caring and responsible planetary stewards. This platform is open each year, primarily for World Ocean Day, to celebrate and honour our […]


Ocean-Aware is a website that has a number of natural designs on it that all come from stunning fish found around the ocean. We took their natural motifs and colors and placed them onto products that we sell online. There are over 30,000 fish species in the ocean and seas around the world. Our products […]

FOR PLANET OCEAN- Creativity Challenge on Instagram

#ForPlanetOcean is the Instagram creative challenge with the purpose of sparking a creative movement for planet ocean! The concept is simple, there will be 5 ocean-themed prompts throughout June that anyone can respond to, with an artwork or even a story, poem or song. We aim to reach more and more people each year, using […]

ANNOUCEMENT: COBSEA Presents: Combatting #Ghost Gear to Protect Marine Ecosystems

COBSEA (Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia) has taken a significant step forward in addressing the critical issue of ghost gear with the launch of the highly anticipated ghost gear videos. These educational videos aim to raise awareness about the damaging impact of ghost gear on marine life and ecosystems, providing viewers with […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Investigate the quality of UK waterways with Digital Ocean School

Marine conversation and campaigning charity, Surfers Against Sewage, have launched a brand-new scene at Digital Ocean School, that investigates the quality of UK waterways. Digital Ocean School is an immersive 360-online resource that reimagines the future of ocean education. Whether you live 5 minutes from the coast or 5 hours away, Digital Ocean School will […]

Summer School 2023 – Effects of Human Activity on Biodiversity in Marine Systems

Aquarium of San Sebastian 1 Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz, Donostia, Spain

Since 2004, AZTI annually organizes an international ‘Summer School’ on marine research related cutting-edge topics, always trying to bridge the gap between research, policy and society. The course is taught by about 5-10 speakers and attended by around 40-60 students that join from 10-15 countries each year. Some years we have organized the school back-to-back […]


It is possible to clean the atmosphere? (going beyond the efforts to neutralize new emissions) All the last reports by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change clearly state that only by removing CO2 from the atmosphere we can meet the Paris Agreement Goals. In parallel with the ongoing process of reducing and mitigating new […]

Live Webinar: Integrating Marine and Freshwater Protections Across Aquascapes

The webinar has its origins in a session at the 5th International Marine Protected Area Congress, held in February 2023, with the same speakers and topics.  The session will discuss the need to integrate conservation, restoration, and management of freshwaters and transitional waters (e.g., estuaries and lagoons) with marine and coastal waters. The session will […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Podcast On The US Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP)

On World Oceans Day, The Capitol Beach explores the Biden Administration’s recently released Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP).  Host Derek Brockbank is joined by Scott Doney with the Office for Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Libby Jewett with NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program, who were instrumental in drafting the plan and will be key agency […]

WWF Change the Current 2023

Are you a content creator? Want to make an impact with your community for our ocean this June? Join WWF's livestream fundraising campaign, Change the Current, and raise funds to protect our marine wildlife!   Learn more here 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Illustration Contest “what the Ocean means to me?”

As part of the EducOceano Pedagogical Program and the celebration of World Ocean Day, ASPEA launches a challenge to 1st cycle schools, an illustration contest under the theme “What the Ocean means to me”. The Ocean is a source of Life, it plays a key role in regulating the climate and combating climate change, it […]

All Blue 101 Workshop – UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 803 S College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403, Wilmington, NC, United States

With this workshop, attendees will be able to gain a better understanding of what the Blue Economy is and why it is important to promote ocean conservation into business practices. This event aims to provide a more comprehensive overview of how to utilize ocean resources for economic growth in a sustainable manner. It also addresses […]

Beach Clean-Up At The Idle Rocks Hotel

The Idle Rocks Tredenham Road, St Mawes, Truro, United Kingdom

A clean-up of the St Mawes beaches and nearby coves using only eco-friendly and biodegradable materials (bags, gloves). The local community and primary school have been invited to take part. Our sister hotel the St Mawes Hotel will host three ocean-focused documentaries in her luxury 25-seat cinema, free entry, for anybody who wishes to learn […]

Saving Our Seas: Protecting Our Oceans for Future Generations

University of Exeter University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9FE, Penryn, United Kingdom

More than two-thirds of our planet is covered by ocean, but until recently only 1% of the high seas, which lie outside national control and make up 61% of the ocean's area, were protected. In March 2023, after more than a decade of negotiations, the United Nations High Seas Treaty was agreed to protect areas […]

Viewing of Gigantes de Valdes with Miguel Iniguez

TBL Cinemas Lalla Rookhweg 79, Suriname

Whale expert Miguel Iniguez will introduce this film he brought with him from Argentina during this celebration of World Ocean Day by GHFS. This event is linked to the celebration of  Environmental Week in Suriname organized together with the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment, Suwama, the IDB and other green organizations. Free event. Learn […]

Cine-debate Surfrider

Fundación del Parque Cristina Enea Mandasko Dukearen Pasealekua, 66, Donostia, Gipuzkoa

Surfrider España organiza un cine-debate sobre el tema de la protección del mar para el día mundial de los océanos este 8 de junio. Vamos a proyectar tres entrevistas documentales que van a presentar la relación de tres personas con el océano y cómo intentan reducir su impacto sobre el medio ambiente en su día a […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: ‘A Day in the Life of a Sea Moss Farmer’ –

See Mōs LLC is excited to announce the production our new documentary titled, “A Day in the Life of a Sea Moss Farmer.” This doc follows a typical work day of their sea moss farmers, Jervania and Larry. Our aim in the creation of this story is to create awareness of the process of sea […]

World Ocean Day – Action for biodiversity and climate – Ecosurf

Praia do Porto Canto Norte, Imbituba, Brazil Vila Alvorada, Imbituba, Santa Catarina, Brazil

World Ocean Day - Action for Biodiversity and Climate June 10th 9:00am to 12:00pm 5:30pm to 8:00pm In celebration of Environment Week and World Oceans Day, the Ecosurf Institute and partners came together to carry out a collective action in the municipality of Imbituba/ Santa Catarina/ Brazil. The event will be divided into two different […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Launch of the marine educational video “Life and Times of Jenah”

Subang Jaya Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

The Life and Times of Jenah is a 2D illustrated animation video aimed at placing the viewer in the shoes, or rather the fins, of a fish that uses all three tropical marine ecosystems within its life cycle. Growing up, she encounters new ecosystems, meets new friends and faces human-induced threats. This video was funded […]

Screening of the Mediterranean: Life Under Siege Documentary

Research Station Dipkarpaz, Cyprus

Taskent Nature Park invites you to the screening of the documentary “MEDITERRANEAN: LIFE UNDER SIEGE” by Anemon Production on Saturday 10th June 2023, at 6 pm at the Karpaz Research Station, Ronna’s Beach, Karpaz Peninsula, Cyprus. In 90 minutes, discover remarkable stories on the natural wonders of the Mediterranean world, such as that of a […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Reading and Bonding with Stingrays

Little Ray nature-based stories turn fear to respect and fascination. Children ages 3-8 and special needs individuals of any age identify with the stingray that brought our organization to life. Little Ray Children’s Books is a 501(c)(3) public charity. The books and website for this organization support literacy, mental health, animal appreciation and conservation. Little […]

Exploring the Majesty of Sharks: Virtual Conferences for World Ocean Day

Loro Parque Av. Loro Parque,, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz, Spain

Join us in celebrating World Ocean Day throughout the entire month of June with a series of captivating virtual conferences centered around the incredible world of sharks. Hosted by Loro Parque, these engaging videoconferences will shed light on the vital role sharks play in our oceans and emphasize the importance of their conservation. Immerse yourself […]

Join us in co-creating the Nature for Life Hub 2023

Join us in co-creating the 2023 Nature for Life Hub (www.NatureForLifeHub.org), November 7-9! This inspiring online event showcases how to put nature at the heart of development, and to accelerate action on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Your participation will be instrumental in shaping this year’s Nature for Life Hub. Please consider submitting an online […]

Orcas & Reefs an Interview of Artist Selva Ozelli by Alexandria Hagaman

Don't miss this amazing interview with Selva Ozelli, a multi-talented artist, author, and attorney. She discusses the urban impact of climate change and her groundbreaking work in global legal discourse. Selva's art has won numerous accolades and been exhibited by the United Nations and other prestigious institutions. Explore her captivating "Orcas & Reefs" collection, highlighting the […]

Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments

University of Salento Piazza Tancredi, 7, 73100 Lecce LE, Italy, Lecce, Italy

The first edition of the Geographic Perspectives on Climate Change Mitigation in Urban and Rural Environments conference aims to discuss and elaborate on topics pertaining to climatic mitigation in urban and rural environments in nations and cities, specifically in a geographic context. These geographic contexts include Hydrology, Climatology, Digital Geography, and more. The conference will […]