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All Day

Reef Dwellers Art Show by Selva Ozelli

Reef Dwellers art show by artist Selva Ozelli celebrates the role of the oceans in our everyday life and inspires action to protect reefs which occupy only 0.1 per cent of the […]


Wu Zhi Zhou Island Wu Zhi Zhou Island, Hainan

The origin of life is from ocean, and ocean supports 25% marine ecosystem. 60% coral reefs are expected to be dead and gone in the next 30 years. From the […]

Our Ocean: Our Past

Humankind has been captivated by the ocean for thousands of years. Over time, we have invented many ways to help us explore ocean depths and understand the creatures that live […]


Fundraiser: Big Biking Cleanup

We started an Ocean cleaning project called the Big-BikingCleanUp a few months ago and are currently on a 3-month biking tour around the North and Baltic Sea coasts. The idea […]

iLab Conservation Fundraising

Will you be an environmentalist this year? 3.8 billion years ago, the origin of life is from ocean, and ocean covers 71% of the surface of earth. @ilab101 supports marine conservation […]

World Ocean Day – Oregon State University

Oregon State University Oregon State University Marine Studies Initiative 300 Strand Ag Hall Corvallis, OR 97331, OR

Celebrate World Oceans Day with the UN's annual event, produced in partnership with non-profit Oceanic Global. Mark your calendars! Take a break during finals week and stop by the MSI and […]