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Reef Dwellers Art Show by Selva Ozelli

Reef Dwellers art show by artist Selva Ozelli celebrates the role of the oceans in our everyday life and inspires action to protect reefs which occupy only 0.1 per cent of the global sea surfaces. But more than 25 per cent of marine biodiversity is supported by them.  The art show features the following fish: Angle Fish (French […]

7th annual Our Ocean Conference (Palau)

The Republic of Palau and the United States will co-host the 7th Our Ocean Conference on April 13-14, 2022. The Conference will be a key moment for countries, civil society, and industry to commit to concrete and significant actions to protect the ocean. Throughout the six previous conferences, participants have made more than 1,400 commitments […]

Fundraiser: Big Biking Cleanup

We started an Ocean cleaning project called the Big-BikingCleanUp a few months ago and are currently on a 3-month biking tour around the North and Baltic Sea coasts. The idea is to collect plastic waste whilst raising funds and awareness for the organization OneEarthOneOcean 🌊. This non-profit builds and operates waste collecting ships so that […]


Wu Zhi Zhou Island Wu Zhi Zhou Island, Hainan, China

The origin of life is from ocean, and ocean supports 25% marine ecosystem. 60% coral reefs are expected to be dead and gone in the next 30 years. From the Earth to the Ocean —— April 22 World Earth Day to June 8 World Ocean Day. Sponsored by iLab, eXtremeSPACE summons eXtreme sports professionals and […]

iLab Conservation Fundraising

Will you be an environmentalist this year? 3.8 billion years ago, the origin of life is from ocean, and ocean covers 71% of the surface of earth. @ilab101 supports marine conservation and coral protection with 1% of sales every year. Let's return 1% to the ocean together, whatever your 1% resources, 1% enthusiasm, or 1% time. […]

23rd Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture

Join John Dabiri, Centennial Chair Professor at Caltech, for a lecture on his work exploring new angles for ocean investigation, including the development of bioinspired systems with the potential to enable the examination of the entire ocean. This year’s lecture, Bioinspired Ocean Exploration, will consider how the fluid mechanics of efficient locomotion by jellyfish can […]

Make-it-a-habit Walkathon!

The Planet Prodigy (TPP) is excited to announce our very first fundraising activity : Make-It-A-Habit Walkathon!  Make-It-A-Habit is a walkathon aimed for students to adapt themselves to walking as an alternative! It is a fun, flexible activity that can burn calories and help save the environment simultaneously! We welcome everyone to participate in this activity. […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Study: More and Better U.S. Marine Protected Areas Needed to Protect Key Ecosystems

EMBARGOED FOR: May 18, 2022 9A EST NEW STUDY: MORE AND BETTER U.S. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS NEEDED TO PROTECT KEY ECOSYSTEMS MAY 18, 2022, CORVALLIS, OREGON — A sweeping new analysis of US Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) published today in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by scientists from 22 institutions across 14 states, identified significant […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Soft Launch of the Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP)

The Bangladesh Centre for Ocean Law and Policy (BCOLP) is going to be launched on the World Ocean Day (8 June 2022).   BCOLP is a non-profit, non-partisan forum for education, research and training on ocean law and policy, focusing on Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal. BCOLP aims to generate debates and discussions on […]

Our Ocean: Our Past

Humankind has been captivated by the ocean for thousands of years. Over time, we have invented many ways to help us explore ocean depths and understand the creatures that live within. Discover just a few of the breakthroughs in ocean exploration, Ireland’s great marine scientists, and the research vessels that have been used in Irish […]

World Ocean Day – Oregon State University

Oregon State University Oregon State University Marine Studies Initiative 300 Strand Ag Hall Corvallis, OR 97331, OR, United States

Celebrate World Oceans Day with the UN's annual event, produced in partnership with non-profit Oceanic Global. Mark your calendars! Take a break during finals week and stop by the MSI and Oceans11 Tables to celebrate and learn more about #WorldOceanDay, 6/8 from 10AM-3PM! We will have snacks, games, and more. Find us on the East side […]

Prints for Porpoise

Some superbly salted young creatives across Aotearoa New Zealand have come together with 'Prints for Porpoise' this World Ocean Day. Combining beautiful, hand-selected photographic prints with stunning infographics on our ocean, this project aims to educate & inspire people into action for our oceans. The infographics are designed to sit on your coffee table & […]

World Ocean Day ReefBlitz information and training

Online zoom meeting for networking, discussion and basic training for World Ocean Day Reef Blitz between 1 and 8 June using iNaturalist. Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82300677552?pwd=NWVHb05LSk9YQStXeGVmekhYQW4xZz09 Learn more here

Ciné-marin: La Virée du Saint-Laurent – websérie en 3 épisodes

  As of June 1, we will share the web series with you, right here on Facebook, in the “videos” section of Ocean Week. In addition to and as a premise to the web series, don’t miss the discussion with France Basilic and Marie-France l’Écuyer, on June 2 at 7:00 p.m. A good way to […]

I AM WATER: How deep is your love?

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

JOIN THE I AM WATER TEAM FOR WORLD OCEANS WEEK Here's what we will be up to... 01 - 08 JUNE 2022 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? Calling all Ocean Heroes! PLEDGE towards I AM WATER's Ocean Conservation programmes: From 01 - 08 June, become an I AM WATER Ocean Hero - Pledge your monthly contribution […]

Live Ocean Winter Dip

The Live Ocean Winter Dip is back for its third consecutive year on Wednesday 8 June to mark World Ocean Day. The ask is to take the plunge (ocean, river, lake, get creative if you aren’t by any body of water) to raise awareness for the need for collective action to protect and restore the […]


Live It Earth’s hybrid learning resources connect kids with people working in different fields and real-world subject matter experts—no matter where they live! Live It Earth has created 8 ocean programs over the past two years, and is generously making them available for free to schools across Canada for the month of June! They are […]

Healthy Reefs Virtual Art Exhibition

Each year, students at the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC) are tasked with designing a poster in support of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute's (CCMI) Healthy Reefs awareness campaign. This project is an assignment where students develop artistic techniques while also working with a client, helping the students to develop transferrable life skills in […]

Pick-up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is a major factor when it comes to seabird populations and penguins are no strangers to marine debris. Penguins International is calling penguin lovers to take […]

#ForPlanetOcean Art Challenge

FASCINATING MARINE CREATURES📣 Prompt 1 is nearly here - 1st June Save The Date! The first year of the #ForPlanetOcean art challenge is here, and I am very excited to be hosting along with some other incredible like minded artists! This year we are partnering with @cleanmiamibeach who are pledging to collect 1500lbs of trash to coincide with this […]

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

Coffee County Manchester Public Library 1005 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN 37355, United States, TN, United States

Interactive Summer Reading Program. We have stem activities,  story times, crafts, take home crafts, education on ocean environment, paid performers, ocean trivia parties and more! Check out our Facebook for more details. Take a look at our online prize catalog. We have almost 5k in prizes to give away. Come in and find Wally the walrus […]

Join your local library’s “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program!

Summer is the best! There’s so many great things to dive into. If you’re looking for something to do, there’s an Ocean of Possibilities at your local library! Whether you like movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends, the library has it all. There are so many amazing stories with mystery, adventure, […]

Marine and Inland Waters Forum 

There are a multitude of activities happening across the Canadian Blue Economy addressing important economic, environmental, or cultural concerns. Unfortunately, many of these activities occur in isolation, robbing us of the ability to address issues at a more holistic level. There is one thing that can be used to connect them all and reveal the […]

Classe de Maître avec Lysanne Richard

June 1st 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM VIRTUAL 🤓 MASTER CLASS with high aerobatic athlete Lysanne Richard and her freediver and open water safety collaborator, François Leduc. The master class makes it possible to share the very original and inspiring experience of trades and expertise related to the ocean. 🌊 An extreme diver of international […]

Seaweed Around The Clock

Seaweed Around the Clock is the second edition of the largest global seaweed event uniting people and businesses of all backgrounds in order to talk about the growing seaweed industry. It will be all about raising awareness, showcasing innovations and funding organic seaweed farming. Our objective: with the support of the non-profit Seaweed First, we aim […]

RfP-IYCF Ocean Day Artwork

RELIGIONS FOR PEACE Interfaith Youth Climate Forum celebrates United Nations World Oceans Day on 8 June 2022. Calling All Creative Youth at Schools (Grade R to Grade 7) for Artwork Submissions. Prizes and Certificates to be won! Closing Date 30 June 2022. Theme: Revitalization, Collective Action for the Ocean The ocean is the heart of […]

Seaweed Days Presented by Cascadia Seaweed

The thought of slowing climate change is often overwhelming, so much so that it leads to fear and inaction for individuals. But there is light where most people may not expect it! Register Today  Living in our oceans, capturing carbon, providing habitat, and producing oxygen are brown, green and red seaweeds with so many potential […]

Oceans Week Victoria

Oceans Week Victoria is a collaboration among local community organizations to help people learn and care about their big blue backyard. Oceans Week events include educational and recreational activities that explore and interact with our oceans. We are excited to celebrate a hybrid Oceans Week this year. Our Activity Calendar has in-person and virtual events, […]

Round Table Summit: A World Ocean Day Discussion

Meet a community of like minded youth and learn from 8+ organizations (from Fridays for Future to Women in Ocean Science) through panels, Q&As, and trainings over the course of three hours! Who's Invited: Any youth looking to help shape a better, greener world—no activity experience necessary! Where: A zoom link will be sent to […]

Enviro-Oceans Week

We want to takeover social media from the 5-8 June to mark world environment day and world oceans day. Get creative! Send an email to ziyanda@trees.org.za with your poem, photograph(s), drawing(s) and/or blog about why it's important to protect our forests, soil, land, or oceans! Learn more here

Article: In the Name of Dear and Precious Ocean, by Mr Güntürk Üstün

I am Mr Güntürk Üstün, a medical doctor and an unknown poet-writer (who published 10 books of poetry so far plus thousands of comments written in Turkish-French-English on the web about the maritime and railroad transport). I have just written (in French) and published a short article on the Paris-France based renowned "Lettre Du Cheminot" […]

World Oceans Week with The Explorers Club

This year, we will be returning to The Explorers Club for a week of unforgettable, in-person programming. Mark your calendars and get ready to sail the five C’s of our world’s oceans: Creativity, Conservation, Collaboration, Community, and Celebration.  Speaker announcements, a detailed schedule, and more surprises are coming soon! June 5th to 11th, 2022– Save the […]

Online Lesson – World Ocean Day

(scroll down for English) Auf firmm.education haben wir eine kleine Online-Lektion zum Welttag der Ozeane vorbereitet und wollen damit zeigen, welch große Bedeutung die Meere für das Leben auf unserem Planeten haben. Mit Texten, Videos und interaktiven Grafiken erfährst du: wie sich das Leben im Meer entwickelt hat was das Gleichgewicht im Ökosystem Meer gefährdet warum […]

Hearing Our Planet x 聽見地球 Online Music Festival

Regardless of age, sex, race, and religion, music embraces all, enlightens all. As melodies begin, so does the magic penetrating into one's soul, reading one's mind, attaching to one's emotions. Hearing Our Planet delivers the beauty of music to worldwide audience, whom with us are though socially distanced, yet spiritually connected. We aim to hearten, […]


A gathering of vintage sellers posting blue, beach and ocean themed items to raise awareness for  world ocean day and sustainable shopping. Learn more here.

Explorers Club’s World Ocean Week Virtual Classroom Events

The Explorers Club has brought together nearly 20 virtual events for students to meet up with and learn from those on the frontlines of exploring, documenting, understanding, and protecting the global ocean. We live on a blue planet, come explore it with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants! Learn more here

Les Océanographes dans vos classes

Vous êtes une classe au primaire de la francophonie? Venez découvrir les facettes de l’océanographie grâce à 16 webinaires scientifiques adaptés autour de la journée mondiale des Océans et la décennie des Nations Unies pour les sciences océaniques au service du développement durable (2021-2030). Au total,18 jeunes chercheurEs en océanographie animeront ces webinaires et  partageront […]

Divers for Climate World Oceans Week Webinar Series

With World Oceans Day just around the corner, we are excited to announce our World Oceans Week Webinar Series! We had such an amazing response last year – so we’ve decided to do it again. Our team has been working hard over the last few weeks to put together an incredible series of ocean-climate talks […]

University of Miami Rescue a Reef Virtual Lab Tour

In celebration of World Ocean Day, Rescue a Reef is hosting a tour of our University of Miami lab facility on Instagram Live. This Lab tour will feature a presentation from our coral scientists along with a Q & A. Learn more here.

Webinar: Collective Action for the Ocean

The Ocean is dead – Long live the Ocean? The truth is there is no new ocean. It can not be replaced. That is why we must change our human behaviour and respect our only existing ocean. Our whole existence depends on it. Only global collective action can revitalize our Oceans and guarantee human health […]

THALASSA 2022 Marine Research Conference

Radisson Blu Atlantidon 2, Larnaca, Cyprus

The first THALASSA 2022 Conference represents an effort to establish a regional conference on marine research and it will take place between 6th and 8th of June in Larnaca, Cyprus. Fully aligned with the “Ocean Decade” initiative by the United Nations, this event aims to address the most critical issues the marine and coastal environments face. For the first year, the […]

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants – COCO STUDIO

Ensemble, pour des océans vivants - COCO STUDIO is an online movement launched by Chinese influencer Coco Studio. The event aims to encourage everyone to start from the small things around them, so that more people can understand the importance of the ocean, in order to love and protect the ocean. The participation of this […]

Capitol Hill Ocean Week

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC, United States

In 1972, the United States enacted a wave of landmark legislation to protect and sustain the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes, including the amendments to the Clean Water Act, the Marine Mammal Act Protection Act, the Coastal Zone Management Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. These Acts fundamentally changed how the United […]

Pacific Ocean Alliance Meeting

Accelerating the Blue Pacific Action for 2030 and beyond: Pathway to Lisbon 2nd UN Ocean Conference 2022. Learn more here  

RCIScience Instagram Takeover with Seaweed Researcher Josie Crichton

Dive into the science of seaweed biodiversity with RCIScience's next Instagram takeover host, Josie Crichton! Josie is a second year Master's student examining seaweed biodiversity in New Brunswick. She first fell in love with seaweed a few years ago during a field course on Vancouver Island, and now believes the opportunities in seaweed science are […]

The3Engineers – Stop Dropping Litter – Live Author Event

The3Engineers have written a series of fun rhyming children's books to raise awareness of environmental issues. Their first fun rhyming book in the series "The Adventures of Scout" is called 'Stop Dropping Litter' and aims to raise awareness of the issues faced with plastic getting into our oceans and encourages readers to take action and […]

A Remarkable Journey to Highlight Plastic Pollution in The Ocean with Erden Eruç

The Light Millennium, Charitable Global Human Advancement Organization (status#501-c-3, 2001, New York), in collaboration with, the Global NGO Executive Committee (GNEC), jointly is proud to announce the following Ocean Day (8 June, A/RES/63/111) virtual panel on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. The panel will highlight “A Remarkable Journey” by Erden Eruç, Ocean Ambassador, Ocean Recovery Alliance on the ever-increasing […]

Session on Ocean Governance in Iran on the occasion of the World Oceans day

The session on Ocean Governance in Iran was held on 7 June 2022 in an online modality on the occasion of World Oceans Day with the presence of Iranian marine scientists, political experts, university professors, and students. The speakers were Iranian university professors specializing in politics, Ocean Governance, Political Geography, and the Law of the […]

Dive Deep and Celebrate World Ocean Day with California State Parks

Celebrate World Ocean Day while chatting LIVE on Flipgrid with divers as they go deep at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. From their underwater location, they’ll share why it’s important to protect the ocean and our watersheds and answer your burning—if not wet—questions. Tune in to *sea* what it’s all about!  


Join Digital Nova Scotia, Ocean Start Up Project, COVE Start Up Yard and dive into how tech can be used responsibly to minimize environmental impact and our carbon footprints. Our panelists will also explore the ways that we can add value to how we interact with the ocean and climate, creating a harmonious ecosystem in Nova Scotia waters. […]

Blue Heritage: The Role of Ocean Art and Culture in Ocean Science and Management

Webinar: Blue Heritage: The Role of Ocean Art and Culture in Ocean Science and Management More attention needs to be given to the human-cultural dimension of the ocean and its use. Recognising the role of ocean cultures and heritage in contributing to sustainable ocean governance, this event will discuss key messages in a forthcoming book […]

Ian Churchill’s Marineman stands in support of Prevented Ocean Plastic!

First published over ten years ago, Ian Churchill’s Marineman returns to help spread the word about Prevented Ocean Plastic and encourage people to #ChooseRecycled as part of this year’s UN World Oceans Day. With the theme of ‘Collective Action for the Ocean’, Marineman and his team are shown trying to stop the dreaded plastic monster […]

World Ocean Day Webinar

A 2 hours virtual event to engage the participants from any part of the world on the need to promote collective actions for safeguarding our ocean. Event focus: 1. Revitalising the ocean: What new life does the ocean deserve 2. Conservative actions for our ocean 3. 30x30: a pathway to revitalise our ocean 4. Community […]

Seawolf Sustainability Consulting – official launch

On Ocean Day the new independent consultancy - Seawolf Sustainability Consulting - will be officially launched.  The new consultancy will provide advice across many areas of sustainability, including marine, water, climate and biodiversity.  The Founder - Rebecca Self - is an experienced sustainable finance professional.  Services for the financial services sector and finance professionals generally […]

Billie the Octopus children’s book announcement

A Bears for Cares Book ‘Billie the Octopus’ Book Encourages Young Ones to Care About What’s Under the Sea With World Oceans Day coming Wednesday, June 8, the children’s book “Billie the Octopus” (Eifrig Publishing) invites young ones to explore the wonders of the oceans, become aware of the threats to it, and how they […]

Live Ocean Winter Dip

The Live Ocean Winter Dip is back to celebrate World Ocean Day and raise awareness around the need for collective action to protect and restore the ocean. So gather your friends or family and take the plunge on Wednesday 8 June, rain hail or shine! Dip for 30 seconds Nominate 3 mates Tag @itsliveocean #LiveOceanDip […]

BEE KIND @ Luna.

Supporting sea turtles and wonderful womenswear. We love our brand and sourcing fabulous styles to become your everyday favourites. That’s why we created Luna Boutiques, a local women’s fashion store, now online, with the latest shapes, styles, sizes and colours so you can feel great about your style. The Motivation Behind Luna Collections For You […]

Podcast on Call for 30×30 goal

The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads—end up in the oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute. Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of […]

Webinar: World Ocean Day, What can we do?

World Ocean Day-Jun 8 2022 PandaDumnam.com together with EJF Foundation and ANURA  are welcome you to the On-line Event Blue Ocean On-Line Class & Talks, in the following topics: - Blue Ocean Class: The Blue Carbon Initiatives - Net Free Seas - "Pak Samut" project by  ANURA Club: 1. Shore and sea debris management in […]

Report: SEA MARVEL Awareness action

Sending out press releases on World Oceans Day and conservation marine research by the Conservation Biology Research Group, University of Malta Learn more here

Oceans.io Dive of the Year Awards

Are you ready for #DiveoftheYear Awards 2022? On June 8th, #WorldOceanDay, our ambassador Fabien Cousteau will present this year’s winner and runner-ups! Learn more and view the winners here!

Podcast: Earth Cast EP21: World Ocean Day Special | Environmental Racism & Inclusivity

In this World Ocean Day special, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) interviews Jamila Janna about the nuances of environmental racism and how it affects inclusivity in the ocean space, the harmful effects of mainstream conservation narratives on environmental projects’ success, opportunities for youth in marine conservation, and more! Jamila is a filmmaker, social media strategist, and marine […]

Free e-books for the World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day - 8 June Let's celebrate together! The e-books of Pesho and Popoto are free on 8-9-10 June!   The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke: http://mybook.to/peshobook   Popoto by Noemi Knight: https://lnkd.in/eHhSGU7X  

ANNOUNCEMENT: World Oceans Day Photography Competition 2022

In connection with World Oceans Day 2022 (June 8) Celebrations, the Research Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is conducting a Photography Competition on two categories (1) Seascapes, life and human Interaction (for graduate, post graduates and research scholars) (2) Youth Category: any image of the ocean (above or below the surface) (for School students) (Youth […]

The United Nations Ocean Decade Children Oceanic Pottery Project

Central Market Hong Kong 93 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong, China

In response to the United Nations Ocean Decade (2021-2030), as well as celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, UNESCO Hong Kong Association, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development and the Hong Kong Children’s Arts and Cultural Exchange Association (HKCACEA) co-organised this project to bring ocean […]

International Ocean Film Festival’s Special Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A for World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here and we are celebrating! Grab a friend, family member or coworker - and of course the popcorn - to watch a film and invite them to learn more about our Big Blue Ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day by taking a deep dive into a special virtual screening of the 2022 […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: 21st Century Mermaids Season 2 Launch!

21st Century Mermaids podcast is launching Season 2! The podcast features womxn in ocean science dedicated to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of Ocean Science. As an official activity of the Decade of Ocean Science we talk about a broad range of ocean topics with our incredible mermaid guests. Be sure […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: ‘Er Soulier’ Seafood Waste and Marine Litter Sneaker Debut

In the lead up to World Ocean Day 2022 on  June 8, French artist and designer Eugène Riconneaus is debuting the ‘ER Soulier’ sneaker, made from marine litter. Made possible by upcycling, which gives a second life to waste and unused objects, the collection was inspired by a desire to combat pollution of the seas […]

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

The ImpactWayv Podcast Series – Making an Impact: Episode 4, Ocean Recovery Alliance

On World Ocean Day 2022 ImpactWayv - Exec. Vice President, Karen Talamelli Cusick had a chance to speak with Doug Woodring - Founder of Ocean Recovery Alliance. Ocean Recovery Alliance is focused on entrepreneuring programs to reduce plastic pollution, both on land and water, by creating strategic solutions for governments, industry and communities, which lead […]

WaterBear x World Oceans Day

WaterBear is a ground-breaking streaming platform showcasing award-winning documentaries as well as original content - spanning biodiversity, community, climate action and sustainable fashion. WaterBear members can stream video at any time, and on any device, all for free, as well as take direct instant action to support NGOs around the world and shape a better future […]

Video: Our Oceans

A 3 min short celebrating the beauty and importance of clean and healthy oceans Watch here

ANNOUNCEMENT: Introducing the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative

The Ocean Foundation is proud to launch our newest initiative, the Community Ocean Engagement Global Initiative (COEGI), today on World Ocean Day 2022. Ocean literacy is an essential and prerequisite component of the ocean conservation movement. Over the past 20 years, The Ocean Foundation has moved more than $16M into the area of ocean literacy. […]

Webinar on Effects of Climate change on Ocean Health

Webinar on Effects of Climate change on Ocean Health to staff of National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) on World Ocean Day. Co-ordinator: Prof. Prem raj Pushpakaran Learn more here

Hope in Hawaii

Hawaii is regarded as one of the most beautiful places on Earth for its brilliant marine ecosystems and rich cultural history, and local conservationists are hard at work to protect it for future generations. In a moderated discussion between Hope Spot Champions and conservationists, the audience will learn of the current victories and challenges in […]

California State Parks World Ocean Day Livestream

Join California State Parks live on Facebook and Youtube to join underwater divers at Point Lobos State Natural Reserve and park presenters from all over California as they emphasize the importance of protecting our lands, waters, and ocean and why it is relevant to all of us, no matter where we live. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/CaliforniaStateParks

Save our Oceans with Youth for Oceans

The world ocean provides so many benefits. Such as; the air we breathe, Climate  regulation, Transportation, Recreation, Economic benefits, Food, Medicine. Unfortunately our oceans are affected by human activities and that really affects our ecosystem. This year, for the world Oceans day in 2022, we will raise awareness on several people around the world on […]


Dorianogor Marine drive, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

From rising pollution, acidification of ocean water, rising average temperatures, to a reduction in ocean biodiversity. Through spreading awareness, World Ocean Day hopes to protect the Earth's major water bodies. The theme for World Ocean Day 2022 is “Revitalisation: Collective Action for the Ocean”.   Coming Up WORLD OCEAN DAY WEBINAR JOIN US TODAY EVENING […]

iLab Coral Guardian Fundraiser

Will you be the next #CORALGUARDIAN ? Coral is one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. Coral richness along the coast of Hainan Island has dropped by 80% in the past 30 years, and a large number of white coral fragments have appeared on the seafloor. Scan the QR code to join Coral Guardian will generate […]

World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS

Celebrate World Ocean Day with California State Parks and PORTS this June 8! Starting around 8am we will be live on Facebook from Point Lobos State Natural Reserve to celebrate our one world ocean and our incredible California Watersheds! We will learn from State Park Interpreters around California as well as State Park divers UNDERWATER […]

Webinar: Tails from Two Cities

If you're interested in whales we've got a presentation for you:  Free webinar with experts from both coasts...Boston and San Diego! Should be a fun discussion Learn more here

Traditional Knowledge Panel- Dalhousie University

Happy Oceans Month!   Celebrate with us on World Oceans Day, Wednesday, June 8th, 2022, with a virtual panel discussing Traditional Knowledge. Hear from panelists: Cathy Martin, Dalhousie University Olivia Choi, Council of Haida Nation Lindsay Marshall, Highland National Park Raven Stephens Elwell, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Lydia Ross, Parks Canada Alanna Syliboy, Mi’kmaw Conservation […]

Webinar: Protecting the big blue

Join us on World Ocean Day for a live lesson by Blue Marine's project and education team on Protecting the Big Blue! Tune in at 10am on June 8 and learn about how to effectively protect our ocean and marine protected areas  We can't wait to see you there!  Make sure to head over to […]

SEGO Initiative World Ocean Film Screening and Webinar

Welcome to our World Oceans Film Screening Day! Designed to deliver Ocean inspiration to you! Featuring a selection of short films and documentaries, you are invited to do a deep dive into our relationships with the ocean. This curated list for on-demand viewing includes publicly available films as well as links for private screening and […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: park4night Contest // World Ocean Day Clean Up

// CONTEST // On the 08th of June, let’s take part in the World Ocean Day!  Let’s gather and clean the beaches, the river and lake banks. Share your nice actions with #NatureProtectP4N and we’ll share it in our story.    TO WIN: 4 yearly park4night+ subscriptions!    TO PARTICIPATE: - Follow the account @park4night […]

Blue Marine Foundation World Ocean Day Podcast

Catch UN Patron of the Oceans, Lewis Pugh, in conversation with Blue Marine executive director, Charles Clover, about the upcoming publication of Charles’s book, Rewilding the Sea on June 8. More details to come  Don't forget you can pre-order Rewilding the Sea: How to Save Our Oceans today: link in bio.

Ocean #RecipeOfTheWeek Series

During this month long series, we will share seafood recipes inspired from the species harvested in our Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) labs, promoting sustainable food and circularity across the Atlantic Ocean. Follow us to make sure you do not miss any recipes! Twitter  Linkedin Facebook The ASTRAL project has received funding from the European Union’s […]

Ocean Conservancy and Unity College’s Ocean Justice Micro-Course

Ocean Conservancy, in partnership with the Unity College Distance Education program, launched the first-ever Ocean Justice micro-course! Alongside national and international conversations about Environmental Justice–as well as other topics such as anti-racism; diversity, equity, and inclusion; or climate change–the Ocean Justice movement has also progressed and evolved, though more attention should be paid to this […]

Webinar: ندوة اليوم العالمي للمحيطات | The World Oceans Day Seminar

تقيم آي لاب مارين هذه الندوة لتثقيف الجمهور العام عن أهمية المحيطات وطرق الحفاظ على مواردنا، نظرا لإزدهار أنشطة الصيد والسياحة البحرية التي قد تؤدي ممارسات بعض أفرادها سلبا على البيئة. يأتي اختيار موضوع التلوث وحماية الكائنات البحرية كمحور أساسي في الفعالية نظرا لما تشهده السلطنة من ازدهار أنشطة اقتصادية قد تساهم في زيادة نسبة […]

Mangroves Restoration (Planting) in Ushongo Village, Pangani Tanzania

Today more than twenty villagers in Ushongo village, Pangani Tanzania join with the other part of the world to celebrate the World Ocean Day. They collect more than 200 mangroves (Seriop Tagal) seeds and plant them. This activity started on Tuesday 7th June 2022. It was exited day for the villagers to participate in restoring […]

World Ocean Day Symposium

Centre for Excellence in Marine Studies will host a virtual symposium on the occasion of world ocean day featuring the theme of 2022 "Revitalization-Collective Action for the Oceans" The event will honor and celebrate the ocean, that connects us all! United together as one we can significantly increase awareness and action needed to create a […]

Event Series Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Un año más para celebrar el Día Mundial de losOcéanos junto a expertos nacionales y extranjeros en un seminario virtual (Webinar). Los temas se han clasificado en cuatro sesiones: Biodiversidad, Oceanografía y recursos pesqueros, Bioeconocimiento para el desarrollo sostenible, y Acuicultura sostenible y Bienestar animal acuático. Este webinar organizado por CENAIM_espol, INABIO y CientificasEC se […]

A proposed new coastal law for Chile. Coastal governance for Chile and its implications.

This Wednesday, we commemorate #WorldOceansDay with the International Seminar “A Proposed New Coastal Law for Chile. Coastal Governance for Chile and its implications”. At the event, the proposed preliminary draft of the Coastal Law will be presented, which seeks to protect coastal marine ecosystems and promote sustainable development of coastal areas, in accordance with the needs and […]

Reefs Go Live: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future

Join the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) as one of our virtual dive buddies for our special World Ocean Day 2022 Reefs Go Live broadcast: Restoring Healthy Reefs for the Future. The dive team in Little Cayman will take us underwater to explore the coral reefs, discuss what it means when a reef is healthy, […]

Runaway Beach Clean and Charity Live Stream

Island Park Reserve Estuary Brighton Road, Waldronville, Dunedin 9018, New Zealand, Dunedin, New Zealand

Join the Runaway Play team for a LIVE broadcast beach clean and nature walk. Follow this link for your local LIVE event time: https://fb.me/e/1VjFFSW8w Then donate to show your support: https://tiltify.com/@jonasjg/runawaybeachclean Your donations go to directly to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), one of the global leaders in conservation. Learn more here

United Nations World Oceans Day (UN WOD) virtual broadcast

​​This year’s United Nations World Oceans Day, on 8 June 2022, will highlight the theme Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. This is the first hybrid celebration of the annual event, hosted in-person at the UN Headquarters in New York and broadcast live. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all. Yet its health is at […]

Blue Resources Trust – World Oceans Day – 2022

Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) 114 Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka

Join us in person, or online, on Wednesday the 8th of June for an all-day exhibition running from 10 am to 8 pm, a Youth Networking Forum from 3pm to 5pm, and to listen to a series of short talks on mobula rays, coral reefs, ocean conservation, fisheries, coastal livelihoods and ocean governance from 6 pm […]

Explore Crystal Cove State Park’s Tidepools Live on Instagram June 8th!

Join California State Park Interpreter Alex on an exploration of the tidepools in Crystal Cove State Park's Marine Protected Area and celebrate World Ocean Day on June 8th! We will be looking for sea anemones, hermit crabs, and any other intertidal treasures as we peek into the magical pools in Crystal Cove State Park's Rocky […]

Panel: Using ocean and environmental data to address socio-economic challenges

Panel discussion organized by The Oceanography Society (TOS) Panelists: Payal Parekh, James Watson Synopsis: Since the later part of the 20th century, advances in technology have made it feasible to acquire, store and process several terabytes of complex data. A data-driven approach to Oceanography and Environmental Science has been critical to better understand Earth’s climate […]


Bansundu Marine Club will be celebrating World Ocean Day on 8th June 2022 together with 03 local schools. We will be creating the platform to discuss issues that affect negatively our blue planet and well being of the ocean. The theme: ‘Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean’ Our aim Sharing Information About Marine Raise Awareness […]

COAST Talks: Connecting Ocean Knowledge to Ocean Action

On World Oceans Day (June 8), COAST Talks takes a look at the UN Ocean Decade (2021-2030) and how it unlocks opportunities for innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs in the sustainable development of this massive marine ecosystem. Join the conversation with local Ocean Decade leaders and organizations working on everything from tsunami survival pods to ocean plastics solutions […]

Conectividad desde la cuenca hasta el Mar Caribe

El colectivo Agua Nuestro Derecho te invita al webinar “ Conectividad desde la cuenca hasta el Mar Caribe” donde se abordarán acciones para su protección y conservación. Te esperamos este próximo 08 de junio 2022 por medio de Facebook Live de Agua Nuestro Derecho. #DeLaCuencaAlArrecife #DerechoHumanoAlAgua #DerechoHumanoAlSaneamiento #ODS6 Learn more here.

Ocean View Exhibit

Peristeri Kostopoulou Peristeri Kostopoulou 4, Serres Greece 62122, Greece

In the framework of World Oceans Day, Praxis' volunteers organised a campaign both digital and in person so as to bring awareness  mainly to local community for this issue. For that reason among the rest actitivites, it will be organised a photographic exhibition where will be shown some parts of the oceans and their creatures […]

Stasher Instagram Live: World Ocean Day Action

Premium reusable silicone bag brand, Stasher, is hosting an Instagram Live with Surfrider and art environmentalist, Hannah Tizedes, from The Trashy Collection. Learn more here.

UN Brussels Celebration of World Ocean Day: Leveraging partnerships towards the 2022 UN Ocean Conference

FAO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO and UNODC are joining forces to bring together the European Commission, European Parliamentarians and representatives from the European Economic and Social Committee and the Organization of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). The event will provide a forum for exchanges, focusing on partnerships and joint advocacy while maintaining the momentum on […]

Waste Recycling and the Big Blue Ocean

This year's United Nations World Ocean Day is on the 8th June and the central theme is collective action. We have all seen the photos of turtles eating plastic and seals getting strangled and we know something must be done urgently to resolve this. In this webinar, we will dive deeper and explore what throwaway […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tomorrow – The Race Is On Documentary

Tomorrow - The Race Is On, is a documentary film written and directed by Prashant Mohesh, National Geographic Young Explorer, Documentary Filmmaker and World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council Member (read the interview with Prashant here). The documentary is a highlight the biodiversity of Mauritius, endemic species, plastic pollution, climate change, coral reefs degradation and […]

NHA Path to Clean Energy – Riding Waves, Currents & Tides: Advancements in Marine Energy

Celebrate World Oceans Day by joining the National Hydropower Association and Marine Renewables Canada on June 8th at 2:00 PM ET for a Path to Clean Energy Virtual Event, "Riding Waves, Currents & Tides: Advancements in Marine Energy," featuring a discussion with Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (OR-1).  World Oceans Day is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on […]

Live Coral Frame Building & Coral Q&A with Marine Biologists in the Maldives

Reefscapers, a marine consultancy company based in the Maldives, specialises in coral reef restoration using their pioneering coral frame technique to create coral gardens. These gardens increase coral abundance, create important habitats for marine life, and restore the natural diversity of the reef. On World Ocean Day 2022, join their marine biologists LIVE from the […]

Seabums World Ocean Day with Saving the Blue

Annie Guttridge from Saving the Blue will be discussing their important research in Andros, Bahamas. Also joining us will be Rosie from Oceanic Society, Andy from The Clean Wave, and Sandy from Operation Rich Coast. We'll also be announcing the winner of the shark naming contest for the hammerhead shark we adopted. The Seabums Ocean […]

Webinar día mundial de los Océanos 2022

Un año más para celebrar el Día Mundial de losOcéanos junto a expertos nacionales y extranjeros en un seminario virtual (Webinar). Los temas se han clasificado en cuatro sesiones: Biodiversidad, Oceanografía y recursos pesqueros, Bioeconocimiento para el desarrollo sostenible, y Acuicultura sostenible y Bienestar animal acuático. Este webinar organizado por CENAIM_espol, INABIO y CientificasEC se […]

Launch of the Blue Expedition

June 8th 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM QUEBEC The Blue Expedition will set sail from Sept-Îles on August 26, 2022 for a 3-week stay in the heart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, between the lower North Shore and the Magdalen Islands. The first Ecofeminist movement to tackle the St-Lawrence in Québec, the project highlights […]

Canvas of the Wild: Virtual Orca Drawing Lesson – Kids & Adults

Join us LIVE online to learn how to draw an orca on June 8th with artist @Kellyofthewild to celebrate world ocean day! Mark your calendars for 6pm ET/ 3pm PT; all you need is a pencil and paper to learn all the steps to drawing an orca from scratch, and tune-in to Kelly’s Instagram or […]

Oceans, Health, Environment, Sustainable Development – International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022)

International Webinar Series on Holistic Health, Well Being & Sustainable Development (IWSHHWBSD-2022) Webinar Series Date & Timings : Wednesday, 08th Jun 2022, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM (IST GMT +05:30 INDIA) (Budhawara, Jyeshtha 23, Shukla Paksha, Ashtami, Saka Era 1944 Shubhakrit, Kaliyuga 5124) Commemorating Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav  (Nation Celebrating 75 Years of Independence) INDIA@75 […]

Chaos Theory Plays: World Ocean Day Live Stream

Games can be powerful catalysts for change. In 2022, over 2.9 billion people worldwide play video games, so now is the time to use games to encourage real action to drive positive impact. We want to show you that games are not only fun, but also help solve real-world problems, starting with conserving and protecting […]

Webinar – World Oceans Day: The weird and wonderful life of underwater parks

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of marine national parks and sanctuaries in Victoria, Australia Dr. Mark Norman and some special guests are dedicating this hour to sharing stories about weird and wonderful creatures and places most of us will never see. From the cute and cuddly to the creepy and ugly, Victoria’s marine national parks […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Ocean Youth Eco International Film Festival – submissions requested!

Renaissance College 5 Hang Ming St, Ma On Shan, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ocean Youth Eco International Film Festival (OYEIFF) is an annual film festival for young filmmakers focusing on raising awareness about ocean protection.  ​Short films (no longer than 30 minutes) made by primary and secondary school students will be screened online and on location in Hong Kong (depending on covid restrictions).  The festival is open to […]

Webinar: Young Pioneers Forum – UN World Ocean Day 2022

To celebrate UN World Oceans Day 2022, KIDsforSDGs and its Global Youth Council will host an special edition of Young Pioneers Forum themed “Revitalization – Collective Action for the Ocean” The Forum will feature: Global Youth Panels Ocean Action Showcase Marine Science and Research Photo Competition Young Pioneers Network The United Nations has designated 8 June as […]

Save our Oceans from plastic SALE!

Black Mountain Beauty 9900 Echo Lakes Rd, Echo Lake, CA 95721, United States, CA, United States

We are having a 30 % SALE on all our plastic free alternative products at Blackmountainbeauty.com.  

Looking Upstream: Searching for Solutions to Ocean Pollution

In recognition of World Ocean Day, Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea, Tennessee Aquarium and World Renowned Aquanaut and Ocean Conservationist, Fabien Cousteau, are coming together for a coast to coast collaborative discussion about the health of our oceans and waterways, the rise of plastic pollution during pandemic times and how collectively, we can […]

Ocean Tracking Network Telemetry Data Study Hall

Join OTN for study hall! Every Thursday, the OTN data team works with peers from across the globe to answer telemetry data questions and help problem-solve! Reach out to @CaityBate or @j_pye   for the participation link, or send an email to otndc@dal.ca . #TelemetryTuesday Learn more here

Reef Lecture: State of Little Cayman’s Reefs & Healthy Reef Report Card Release

Southern Cross Club Southern Cross Club, Guy Banks Road, Little Cayman, Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

Join the Central Caribbean Marine Institute's (CCMI) Research Technician, Matt Doherty, to get the first look at the results from last year's surveys of Little Cayman's reefs, what this tells us about the current health status of these reefs, and the long-term trends we see through the data analysis. Thursday, 9th June 6-7pm local time […]

BLUE Excelerator Climate Startup Demonstrations

BLUE Excelerator Demo Day is the culmination of a 12-week startup accelerator program. 9 companies from 5 countries will be showcasing their company mission and climate problem they are working to solve. Learn more here

ANNOUNCEMENT: Book release – The Global Ocean by Rochelle Strauss

June 10th 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM VIRTUAL Though we think of Earth’s five oceans as separate and distinct, they are actually a linked system of circulating water that is one single ocean – the global ocean. Join bestselling author, Rochelle Strauss, as she launches and reads from her newest book, The Global Ocean! Read more […]

Zoom a Scientist with Hannah Wellman

Zoom a Scientist with Hannah Wellman! Ages 8 and up. Organized by the Easton Area Public Library. This is a virtual event: Friday, June 10 from 2:00 - 2:45pm. Join scientist Hannah Wellman to learn about shell middens and what they can tell us about the evolution of marine life. Email ambert@eastonpl.org to register. Learn […]

Panel: How ocean life and fisheries management impact the ocean’s capacity to mitigate climate change

Ending overfishing, shifting to low impact fisheries and recovering marine megafauna such as whales, restores biodiversity and the ecosystems they rely on, enhancing the climate resilience of the ocean. Healthy abundant marine biomass will also result in reductions in CO2 emissions from fishing fleets. Speakers:​ Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish​ Dr Rashid Sumaila, University of British Columbia​ […]

World Ocean Day at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo!

Essex County Turtle Back Zoo 560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, NJ, United States

Join us at Essex County Turtle Back Zoo, located at 560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange NJ 07052 to meet our educators and discover how we can spring into action for Earth's Oceans (June 11 - 12th, 11am - 2pm, included with admission)!  Our educators will also lead a Facebook live, featuring many of our residents […]

International Ocean Film Festival’s Special Virtual Film Screening and Live Q&A for World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day is here and we are celebrating! Grab a friend, family member or coworker - and of course the popcorn - to watch a film and invite them to learn more about our Big Blue Ocean. Celebrate World Ocean Day by taking a deep dive into a special virtual screening of the 2022 […]

Collective Action for the Arafura and Timor Seas

Coral reefs, fish populations, a quarter of the world's mangroves, seagrass beds, large marine wildlife, shorebirds, and seabirds all thrive in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) area. As a result, this region offers essential ecosystem services to communities surrounding the ATS, while also contributing to global economic and ecological well-being. The theme of this […]

Tide Pool Tales at Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Great Whales: Up Close and Personal

Royal Ontario Museum Royal Ontario Museum 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

In 2017, the ROM shared the incredible journey of Blue, ROM’s beloved blue whale, in Out of the Depths: The Blue Whale Story. The highly successful ROM-original exhibition told the story of nine blue whales that died tragically in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2014, and the unprecedented opportunity for research and conservation it presented. […]

Behind UV Filters

Surfrider Foundation Europe headquarters 64 allée du Moura, Biarritz, France

BEHIND UV FILTERS : A conference on sunscreens, our Health and our Ocean We have the pleasure of inviting you to a European conference : « Behind UV Filters » focused on sun creams on Thursday, 16th of June at 6-8pm CET in Biarritz and remotely! The conference will be in French and English.   […]

#SurfCleanOceans Fundraiser

The planet is breaking down but the surf industry is stepping up! The Surf Industry Members Association is excited to bring back the #SurfCleanOceans campaign - an e-commerce online fundraiser to benefit the SIMA Environmental Fund and its beneficiaries. Healthy oceans and clean beaches are important to not only our surf industry, but to the […]

Cuentame Un Cuento: Under the Sea at Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Webinar: The Ocean is dead – Long live the Ocean?

Revitalisation -Collective Action for the Ocean The truth is there is no new ocean. It can not be replaced. That is why we must change our human behaviour and respect our only existing ocean. Our whole existence depends on it. Only global collective action can revitalize our Oceans and guarantee human health and the health […]

Sacred Journey Exhibit

Science World 1455 Quebec Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Discover how the Tribal Canoe Journeys have catalyzed the revitalization of Indigenous culture, community healing, and youth empowerment on the Pacific Northwest Coast. Experience this amazing journey – told through metaphoric art, immersive audio, projections, and interactive video displays – in-person at Science World in Vancouver, where the exhibit will be hosted from July 2022 […]

Little Chef: S’more Starfish with Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Look, I’m a Scientist: Make a Wave with Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Mythological Mermaids with Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

Pirate’s Perfect Pet with Orange County Libraries

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, games, music, books, or just hanging out with friends (online opportunities available as well!). Check out your local library to learn more - and here’s an […]

CNN Call to Earth Day, Living Oceans: Turning The Tide

Humans are causing alarming changes to the planet. Collectively, we are destroying ecosystems, polluting the ocean and altering our climate. Change needs to happen at every level of society, but as individuals we can play a role in making things better. On November 3, 2022, CNN are holding the second annual Call to Earth Day. […]

Making Waves: Driving Investment in the Blue Economy in Portugal and Macaronesia

The webinar will explore the opportunities and challenges associated with investing in the blue economy in Portugal and Macaronesia (including the Portuguese regions of Madeira and Azores in addition to the Canary Islands and Cabo Verde). During the webinar, experts from finance, policy, and industry will share their knowledge and experiences on how Portugal and the islands are […]

Pick Up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is a major factor when it comes to seabird populations and penguins are no strangers to marine debris. Penguins International is calling penguin lovers to take […]


Three Days - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, WELL-BEING AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2023 (ICBDEHWBSD - 2023) Multi-disciplinary, Inter-disciplinary, Trans-disciplinary, Multicultural & Multilingual International Conference Online/Offline/Hybrid Mode - Zoom/YouTube Live   Inviting all for Conference Registrations, Oral / Poster / Full Paper Presentations, Participation, Certificates & E-Certificates, Collaborations, ISBN/ISSN Publications to all. Free Registration […]

Blue Careers: Supporting 30×30 Through Your Career

A "blue career" is a career that contributes to the sustainable use and conservation of the marine environment. Recently, world leaders made a global commitment to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030 (30x30). To create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and to stabilise the climate, it’s critical that 30% of our planet’s […]


The 2023 Lekan Bakare Foundation World Oceans day commemoration is set to host the 2nd Saturday of Advocacy. The Advocacy Program will be hosted on Twitter spaces, the advocacy will focus on how climate change affects human health and wellbeing. Learn more here