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Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for their protection and sustainability. Under the Sea is more than just an exhibition; it is a testament to the profound connection between art and advocacy. […]
Visit carolanneblack.com/sarga to see The Story of Sarga Visit carolanneblack.com/ocean-week-canada for the trailer of The Story of Sarga and more info about the story and about American eels Follow Sarga, an American eel, who begins her life in the Atlantic Ocean and makes a 4,000 km journey to her home in the Ottawa River. Join […]
Climate change is a widespread and ongoing issue that is threatening our existence more and more every day and is reflected in matters such as global warming and food and water scarcity. Human activities have become the main factor at play when it comes to the rapid deterioration of our environment, mainly due to the […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)