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Protect Perth’s Wetlands this Summer

184 Hope Road, Bibra Lake, WA 6163 184 Hope Road, Bibra Lake, WA, Australia

Protect Perth’s Wetlands throughout Summer There is no doubt that this summer is a hot one with increased heat stress on our ocean, wetlands, and rivers. Naturally we want to […]

Caring for our Coast

Oaks Road, Tannum Sands, QLD, 4680 Oaks Road,, Tannum Sands,, QLD,, Australia

Caring for our Coast in Gladstone ‘Sea the change’ we can make to our ocean, wetlands and rivers right here in Gladstone! As a gateway to the Great Barrier Reef […]

Wetlands and Waterways of Moreton Bay

Oxbow Wetlands 1115 Lytton Rd, Murrarie, QLD, Australia

Wetlands and Waterways of Moreton Bay Moreton Bay is the gateway to our local ocean, wetlands and waterways so come along and help contribute to the health of this amazing […]

Clean and Green – Reviving the Port’s Wetlands

Whicker Road, Gillman, SA, 5013 Whicker Road, Gillman, SA, Australia

Clean and Green – Reviving the Port’s Wetlands The waters in and around the Port River and Barker Inlet estuaries are like nowhere else. Within the estuaries you’ll find mangroves, […]

Coastal Guardians for Connewarre’s Rivers, Wetlands and Lakes

Avalon Foreshore Road, Avalon, VIC, 3212 Avalon Foreshore Road, Avalon, VIC, Australia

Coastal Guardians for Connewarre’s Rivers, Wetlands and Lakes We’re focusing on 10 priority wetlands around Australia, working with Traditional Owners, local communities, and other collaborators to restore the healthy balance […]

Reef actions for improved water quality

Bowlin Road, Rockhampton, QLD 4700 Bowlin Road, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia

Reef Actions for Water Quality Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and provide much needed support to our farmers and The Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef Water […]

Port Botany Foreshore Restoration

Tupia Street, Botany, NSW, 2019 Tupia Street, Botany, NSW, Australia

Port Botany Foreshore Restoration In conjunction with Bayside Council and NSW Ports, we are undertaking the restoration of Sir Joseph Banks Park, a haven for nature enthusiasts along the Botany […]

Pre – Earth Day Beach Clean Up

Lilliput Little River St James Jamaica Lilliput Little River, St James, Jamaica

Volunteer and support girls and young women cleaning up Jamaica’s beaches. Learn more here  

World Species Congress

The World Species Congress, hosted by Reverse the Red, will amplify our collective conservation efforts and facilitate critical connections that accelerate our impact for species. Reverse the Red is a […]

Bow Seat’s True Blue Fellowship

The True Blue Fellowship (formerly the Fellowship Grant Program) aims to connect and empower youth around the world to leverage the creative arts to enact change in local communities to […]


Invasion of the Jellyfish

Lewisham Arthouse 140 Lewisham Way, London, United Kingdom

Artist Angela McMahon creates a physical immersive installation composed of suspended and floor standing sculptures of fantastical sea creatures at Lewisham Arthouse, London SE14 6PD By imagining the undersea world […]

Reef Blitz 2024

Great Barrier Reef 14 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville, Queenslands, Australia

ReefBlitz is an annual event that brings together students, divers, fishers, scientists and conservationists and multiple citizen science programs to help Queensland communities collect a snapshot of information relevant to […]

Ocean Week Victoria

Ocean Week Victoria is a collaboration among local community organizations to help people learn and care about their big blue backyard. Ocean Week events include educational and recreational activities that […]

Deerfield Beach Citizen Art and Eco Fest

North of the Deerfield Beach Pier 200 NE 21st Ave, Deerfield Beach, Florida

We are reaching out to extend an invitation for you to participate in our upcoming World Ocean Day Event, taking place in Deerfield Beach (just North of the pier on […]


World Ocean Day Celebration at the New England Aquarium

New England Aquarium 1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA 02110, United States, Boston, MA, United States

The New England Aquarium is celebrating World Ocean Day with activities that bring attention to the importance of protecting the ocean for future generations. People of all ages are invited […]

Cape Town Beach Cleanup

Cape Town sunset beach Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Provided will be: Gloves Refuse bags   Time: Cleanup starts promptly at 11:00 AM Meeting Time: Please arrive by 10:45 AM Meeting Point: Sunset Beach Parking   The plan:   […]


St Mary’s Ocean Day Celebration

Whale Sanctuary Visitor's Centre 8186 Highway 7, Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Whale Sanctuary Project and St. Mary’s Municipality invite you to join us for the first-ever St. Mary’s Ocean Day Celebration on June 1st from 1-4 PM. As part of […]


Bali Ocean Week

Bali, Indonesia Kyoto, Bali, Japan

Join Bali Ocean Week (BOW) for a week-long celebration of our ocean! From June 1st to 8th, participate in exciting events across Canggu, Uluwatu, Sanur, Gili Islands, and more. Learn: […]

World Ocean Day Celebration!

Seacoast Science Center 570 Ocean Blvd., Rye, NH, United States

This year we are celebrating 33 years of providing exceptional coastal and ocean education! Meet local scientists, divers, artists, and conservationists who are passionate about protecting our one world ocean. […]


Sea Camp – Texas A&M University at Galveston

1001 Texas Clipper Rd., Galveston, TX 77554 1001 Texas Clipper Rd., Galveston, Texas, United States

Sea Camp is a week-long marine adventure for ages 10-18. Throughout the summer, Sea Campers will explore marine environments while learning about the ocean's inhabitants and ecosystems. Sea Campers will […]

World Oceans Week 2024 | Jersey Channel Islands

At the core of OCL's initiatives is World Oceans Day. This event serves as an annual celebration of our beautiful blue planet, whilst also raising awareness about the challenges that […]

The Story of Sarga

virtuel MT, Canada

Visit carolanneblack.com/sarga to see The Story of Sarga Visit carolanneblack.com/ocean-week-canada for the trailer of The Story of Sarga and more info about the story and about American eels Follow Sarga, […]



Luna Park Sydney 1 Olympic Dr, Milsons Point, NSW, Australia

Youth Ocean Carnival is a World Ocean Day initiative. This FREE event takes place on World Environment Day. World Ocean Day, Youth Advisory Council members have joined CollaborOCEANS Founder Timothy […]


Atlântico: Mar e Terra

A exposição Atlântico: Mar e Terra é o culminar dum projeto apoiado pelo Erasmus+, que visa apoiar a implementação de práticas e estratégias pedagógicas sustentáveis. Este projeto foi desenvolvido com […]

Ocean Festival

Scottburgh, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Scottburgh Main Beach, Scottburgh, KZN, South Africa

The Ocean Festival is a series of global events celebrating World Ocean Day. The festival aims to engage with communities, educate about the importance of conservation, inspire people to take […]

Marine Fest 2024

Scottish Seabird Center The Harbour, Harbour Terrace, North Berwick EH39 4SS, United Kingdom, North Berwick, www.seabird.org, United Kingdom

Scottish Seabird Centre invites you to dive into Marine Fest, a five day programme of events from 6th – 10th June, celebrating our seas and marking World Ocean Day - […]


Sinda Island Cleanup

Sind Island Dar Es Salaam, Dar es Salam, Tanzania

In honour of this day, we have organized the Sinda Island Cleanup Event, an engaging and impactful event aimed at cleaning up the beautiful Sinda Island while raising awareness about […]

Sinda Island Cleanup

Sind Island Dar Es Salaam, Dar es Salam, Tanzania

In honour of this day, Sana Mare Tanzania and Mazingira Konekti are hosting the Sinda Island Cleanup Event, an engaging and impactful event aimed at cleaning up the beautiful Sinda […]

Open Day of the Marine Biology Station Piran (National Institute of Biology)

Marine Biology Station Piran Fornače 41, 6330 Piran - Pirano, Slovenia, Pirano, Slovenia

The annual Open Day (OD) of the Marine Biology Station Piran (National Institute of Biology; MBP-NIB) is organised as part of cooperative programmes with UNESCO to celebrate the World Ocean […]


Ocean Awareness

Ningo-Prampram Greater Accra Region, Ghana

The Wildlife and Human Resources Organisation (WHRO Ghana) will organise a one-day awareness in one second cycle school and one fishing community to create awareness on the importance of the […]

Youth Photo Exhibition

The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel 81 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, St. Andrew, Jamaica

Photography is a powerful medium of expression that can be used to communicate strong positive messages about a subject. This open and free photo event seeks to inspire the creation […]


A journey through the Arctic Tipping Points

Abel Tasman Bergen, Vestland, Norway

Join the Abel Tasman on a journey through the 6 Arctic Tipping Points. The Arctic is home to 6 of the 16 Global Tipping Points - critical thresholds that represent […]


Espaço Oceano Rua dos Pescadores 501. Cond. Enseada dos Corais, C1. Praia do Seixas. Praia do Seixas, João Pessoa, Paraíba. CEP: 58.045-600, Brazil

A Semana Oceânica PB tem como propósito criar um espaço de diálogo colaborativo entre municípios, setor privado, sociedade civil organizada e academia em torno da conservação e utilização sustentável dos […]

Plastic Punch World Ocean Day Beach Clean-up

Regional Maritime University Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana

Plastic Punch is organising a beach cleanup in the Regional Maritime University/ Mighty beach (Nungua, Accra) to raise awareness on the dangers of plastics for the environment and marine life […]

Pensacola Beach Cleanup

Pensacola Beach FL, United States

Keep Pensacola Beautiful and Ocean Hour Florida are teaming up to conduct a four site cleanup of Pensacola Beach. Resources will be available at Casino Beach, Park East, Park West […]

World Ocean Day Celebration

Reid Park Zoo 3400 Zoo Court, Tucson, AZ 85716, Tucson, AZ, United States

Come join us at Reid Park Zoo in a celebration for World Ocean Day! Our  volunteers will be hosting activities throughout the Zoo including: Storytime Ocean themed chalk art activity […]


4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration (Part 1)

Miami Beach 3501 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL, United States

Join us for the 4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration! We are thrilled to invite you to our 4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration, where we will come together to […]


World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup

New Smyrna Beach FL, United States

For World Oceans Day, Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens is doing a cleanup at New Smyrna Beach in recognition of this exciting day. We will have staff and volunteers […]


The Maine Ocean Festival – Family Friendly!

The Oceanarium and Education Center Maine 3, Bar Harbor, ME, United States

Join the Oceanarium in Bar Harbor, Maine for a day-long event of live music, games, ocean-oriented vendors, and speakers and presenters discussing relevant ideas and issues affecting the Gulf of […]

World Ocean Day Celebration at University of Chittagong

Department of Oceanography University of Chittagong, Chattogram, Hathazari, Bangladesh

The Oceanography Department at the University of Chittagong invites you to celebrate World Ocean Day! This year's theme is "Taking Action Together for Our Ocean & Climate." The program will […]

Action for Our Ocean – WWF Indonesia + Marine Buddies Event

Living World Denpasar Jalan Gatot Subroto Timur, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Action for Our Ocean is a campaign for World Ocean Day conducted by WWF-Indonesia and a youth community called Marine Buddies. This event will be held in six cities around […]


Biociudadanos en acción

Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Antigua, Las palmas, Spain

La asociación AVANFUER cumple 20 años de voluntariado medioambiental. Como celebración del día mundial de los Océanos, celebraremos una limpieza de playa y caracterización de la basura marina recogida en […]


Big Blue Sea Jamboree

Sandoway Discovery Center 142 S. Ocean Blvd., Delray Beach Florida, FL, United States

Dive into an ocean of fun and discovery at the Big Blue Sea Jamboree, hosted by Sandoway Discovery Center on World Ocean Day June 8. This family-friendly event invites children […]


World Ocean Day at the Alabama Aquarium

Alabama Aquarium 102 Bienville Blvd, Dauphin Island, AL, United States

In celebration of World Ocean Day, we’re promoting the voices of young people as they express their concerns about the future of our one world ocean. The ‘borrowed earth’ proverb […]

Cameron Park Zoo World Ocean Day Celebration

Cameron Park Zoo 1701 N 4th St, Waco, TX 76707, United States, TX, United States

Cameron park zoo World Ocean Day celebration will be taking place from 10 am to 3 pm on Sat. June 8th, 2024. The celebrations will include mermaids, scuba divers, keeper […]

World Ocean Day Halifax

Join us on June 8th - World Ocean Day to celebrate our ocean playground! Ocean Week Halifax is hosting a fun-filled community celebration at the Queens Marque Courtyard on the […]

UN Ocean Decade ‘Tides of Tomorrow: World Ocean Day Celebrations’

Pebbles Beach, Bay street, Barbados Bay Street, Bridgetown, Saint Michael, Barbados

The event aims to address the lack of exposure and understanding among the youth regarding the problems affecting our oceans. As the future leaders of our society, it is crucial […]


Sonderprogramm World Ocean Day Norderney

Promenade vor der Kaiserwiese Aufgang Bismarckstraße Norderney Bismarckstraße, Norderney, Niedersachsen, Germany

Anlässlich des von der UN ausgerufenen World Ocean Day sind wir am 08. Juni zwischen 10 und 15 Uhr mit kostenlosem Kurzprogramm zu jeder vollen Stunde sowie mit Infostand vor […]


Beach Clean-up at Miyajima

Plastic pollution on our beaches and in our oceans threatens both animal and human life, especially when it breaks down into microplastics. Not only is it harmful to us, beach […]

“El Océano junto a tu mascota”. “The Ocean alongside your pet”

Mirador "Segundo Yagual" 2do Muelle. Salinas. Ecuador. Malecon entre la 38 y la 40, Salinas 241550, Salinas, Santa Elena, Ecuador

Concurso fotográfico “El océano junto a tu mascota” organizado por la academia (Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE) y el gobierno local (Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Salinas) para […]


World Ocean Day

Activity stations at Maffeo Sutton Park along the waterfront with interactive experiences, shoreline cleanup, vessel tours, educational booth and more!

World Oceans Day with STEAM PEI

Etl-kisite'tasik Stan MacPherson Way, Charlottetown, PE, Canada

🌊 Dive into an ocean of excitement with STEAM PEI this World Ocean Day! Join us on Saturday, June 8th, for an unforgettable celebration of our blue planet. Immerse yourself […]


Celebrate World Oceans Day with Heal the Bay Aquarium

Heal the Bay Aquarium Ocean Front Walk, Santa Monica, CA, United States

On World Oceans Day people around the globe come together to honor our oceans, which cover over 70% of Earth’s surface and sustain a large diversity of marine animal species. Explore […]

Free – $12

Gabriola Ocean Day

Snuneymuxw First Nation invites EVERYONE to celebrate World Ocean Day on June 8th from 12-4 pm down on Snuneymuxw First Nation land, at Degnen Bay. Supported by GAC’s Breaking Bannock […]


Educational Marine Debris Pendant Necklace-making workshop

Kukui Grove Center 3-2600 Kaumualii Highway, Suite 1710, Lihue, HI, United States

Keiki aged 7 to 17 are invited to make an educational marine debris pendant necklace with Kauai artist and wildlife conservationist Amanda JS Kaufmann, June 8 from noon to 1 […]


Ocean Youth Eco Film Festival

Central Star Ferry Pier No. 8 7 Man Yiu St Central, Hong Kong SAR, China

Ocean Youth Eco International Film Festival (OYEIFF) is an annual film festival for young filmmakers focusing on raising awareness about ocean protection.  Short films (no longer than 30 minutes) made […]

Do The Dunes

As Jimmy Buffett sang, ‘Mother, mother ocean, I can hear your call…’ Answer the call on Saturday, June 8th, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for our inaugural “Do The […]


Radio Hawke’s Bay Spoken Word Competition

National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

Can you rap? Do you write poetry? Are you a good story teller? Passionate in speaking about climate change?This competition is the one for you, or you and a few […]


Beach Clean & Seaweed Craft

Gallery 495 Shore Road, Cellardyke, Fife, United Kingdom

A community beach clean in Cellardyke Harbour Scotland - recording what we find and followed by creative crafting with seaweed led by eco artist Cally Nurse. Learn more here 


World Ocean Day: A Kid’s Educational Workshop

The Salmon Center Northeast Roessel Road, Belfair, WA, United States

Covering 70% of the earth’s surface, the ocean is essential to all life on the planet. Its ecosystems are crucial to providing us the oxygen we breathe, and its waters […]


World Ocean Day Celebration

A World Ocean Day event at the Lower School of St Catherine's. Catalysing Action for Our Ocean and Climate. By uniting, we can significantly increase awareness and action, and generate […]

2024 Sea Shepherd State of the Ocean Briefing

Save the Date of June 18th for a briefing on the state of the oceans and deep dive into Sea Shepherd’s campaigns to protect endangered marine wildlife worldwide. The briefing […]


3rd World Conference on Climate Change & amp; Sustainability Barcelona

Carrer de Muntaner, 505 08022 Barcelona España Carrer de Muntaner 505, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

The 3rd World Conference on Climate Change & Sustainability (Climate Week 2024), is an annual gathering that brings together scientists, business experts, government professionals, and stakeholders from various sectors. The […]

World Recycling Convention

NH Roma Villa Carpegna NH Roma Villa Carpegna Via Pio IV, 6,, Roma RM, Italy

The World Recycling Convention “Recycling Week 2024”, is an international event that brings together experts and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and solutions in […]
