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Pacific Discovery Tank

The Canadian Museum of Nature 240 McLeod St, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Canadian Museum of Nature has some new aquatic residents: live anemones, urchins, sea cucumbers, sea stars and more are now on view in a newly-unveiled interactive feature in the […]

Reef Dwellers Art Show by Selva Ozelli

Reef Dwellers art show by artist Selva Ozelli celebrates the role of the oceans in our everyday life and inspires action to protect reefs which occupy only 0.1 per cent of the […]

7th annual Our Ocean Conference (Palau)

The Republic of Palau and the United States will co-host the 7th Our Ocean Conference on April 13-14, 2022. The Conference will be a key moment for countries, civil society, […]

Fundraiser: Big Biking Cleanup

We started an Ocean cleaning project called the Big-BikingCleanUp a few months ago and are currently on a 3-month biking tour around the North and Baltic Sea coasts. The idea […]

Swisspacer Bike2Work Challenge

Switzerland Sonnenwiesenstrasse 15, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland

Bike2Work Challenge to end ocean plastic waste From April 19 to June 8, Swisspacer will hold a Bike2Work Challenge to address climate change and the overwhelming amount of plastic that […]


Wu Zhi Zhou Island Wu Zhi Zhou Island, Hainan, China

The origin of life is from ocean, and ocean supports 25% marine ecosystem. 60% coral reefs are expected to be dead and gone in the next 30 years. From the […]

iLab Conservation Fundraising

Will you be an environmentalist this year? 3.8 billion years ago, the origin of life is from ocean, and ocean covers 71% of the surface of earth. @ilab101 supports marine conservation […]

23rd Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture

Join John Dabiri, Centennial Chair Professor at Caltech, for a lecture on his work exploring new angles for ocean investigation, including the development of bioinspired systems with the potential to […]

❗Buscamos MedGuardians đŸ”± para Regenerar los bosques submarinos poco profundos❗

Platja de Formentor Platja de Formentor, s/n, 07470 Port de Pollença, Illes Balears, Illes Balears, Spain

❗Buscamos MedGuardians đŸ”± para Regenerar los bosques submarinos poco profundos en snorkel y desde tierra ❗ ÂĄTenemos buenas noticias! 🌿 Las Cystoseiras sl. estĂĄn en Ă©poca de fertilidad y necesitamos tu ayuda para tomar datos, […]

Giant Plastic Tap art installation

Ripley's Aquarium of Canada 288 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

An iconic, three-story-tall Giant Plastic Tap art installation by celebrated Canadian artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong, spewing single-use plastic waste all over the entrance of Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. Come be […]

7th Conference of Sea Teachers

PavilhĂŁo do Conhecimento - Centro CiĂȘncia Viva Largo JosĂ© Mariano Gago, 1,, Lisbon, Portugal

The 7th Conference of Sea Teachers happens in PavilhĂŁo do Conhecimento - Centro CiĂȘncia Viva (Pavillion of Knowledge) in Lisbon and this year is dedicated to ocean conservation, the 30x30 […]

Make-it-a-habit Walkathon!

The Planet Prodigy (TPP) is excited to announce our very first fundraising activity : Make-It-A-Habit Walkathon!  Make-It-A-Habit is a walkathon aimed for students to adapt themselves to walking as an […]

Plastic Free Poya – Beach Cleanup

Navalady Beach Navalady Rd, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

We're going to clean the coastline of the Manmunai North divisional secretariat area and the Kattankudy divisional secretariat area on the 16th of May 2022 with the collaboration of youth […]

Svjetski dan oceana

Gradska knjiĆŸnica Zadar Ul. Stjepana Radića 11b, 23000, Zadar, Croatia, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

A set of workshops for primary school students are organized by graduate students of Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Department of Ecology, Agronomy, and Aquaculture; University of Zadar, […]

Toxic Legacies of War – North Sea Wrecks

From Thursday 19 to Sunday 22 May, more than 150 ships, from three-masted barques to inland vessels to the smallest clinker sloop, will dock in Ostend for 'Ostend at Anchor'. […]

Our Ocean: Our Past

Humankind has been captivated by the ocean for thousands of years. Over time, we have invented many ways to help us explore ocean depths and understand the creatures that live […]

Conservation Crafts at OdySea Aquarium

OdySea Aquarium 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85256, Ventura, AZ, United States

Party for the Planet at OdySea Aquarium!  We are celebrating Endangered Species Day and World Ocean Day via our Conservation Crafts Event!  Guests 12 and under are encouraged to get […]

Clean Ocean, Clean Future

Old city Antalya Kaleici yat limanı, Antalya, Turkey

European Union Think Civil Program Project named "Clean Ocean, Clean Future" of Antalya Underwater Association Within the scope of the "Clean Ocean, Clean Future" Project prepared by the Antalya Underwater […]

Celebrating Our Coast

Sunbury Shaws Arts and Nature Centre 139 Water st, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada

Join CPAWS New Brunswick on Saturday May 21st from 11 am – 2 pm at the Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Center 139 Water St, St. Andrews. Walk through the gallery, explore the […]

Descubriendo la biodiversidad de los océanos

Auditorium, Plaça ConcĂČrdia, Plaça de la ConcĂČrdia, 13, Barcelona, Spain

Did you know that most of the life on the planet is placed in the ocean? And that in the depths of the ocean there is a jellyfish capable of […]

Il mare tiene unito il mondo !

Apnea Evolution a.s.d. Viale Centrale, 29 Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) Italia, Italy

Il progetto scolastico ' Il mare negli occhi del bambino' Ăš rivolto ai giovani alunni di tutti gli istituti scolastici e parte dall' allarme dell O.M.S. . Il percorso educativo […]

World Ocean Day – Oregon State University

Oregon State University Oregon State University Marine Studies Initiative 300 Strand Ag Hall Corvallis, OR 97331, OR, United States

Celebrate World Oceans Day with the UN's annual event, produced in partnership with non-profit Oceanic Global. Mark your calendars! Take a break during finals week and stop by the MSI and […]


Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

People sitting in a giant aquarium in the heart of the city. They are subjected to cyclical flooding. An extraordinary visual and  visceral experience, Holoscenes questions our ability to  respond to […]

Altamira 2042

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Presiding over a captivating techno-shamanist ceremony and eco-feminist fable, Gabriela Carneiro da Cunha celebrates the life of Brazil’s Xingu River with a concert of deeply resonant  voices, sounds, and images.   […]

Water Day – A Conversation with Lars Jan

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

May 28th 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM MONTREAL, QUEBEC Holoscenes is a monumental aquarium, in which U.S artist  Lars Jan’s truly aquatic theatre takes place. His project  focuses on the consequences of […]

Water Day – The St. Lawrence: Protecting its Lives

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  This event brings together artists, activists, and academics to  discuss protecting the St. Lawrence River and its ecosystems. How would recognizing the river as a legal person favour  better […]

Water Day – Dans le ventre de la baleine

Esplanade Tranquille Montreal, Quebec H2X 1Z7, Canada, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  The multidisciplinary artist Maryse Goudreau has been following the beluga for two decades. This sonic and tactile work grants entry to a unique world. Thanks to a small sensory listening device, […]

Prints for Porpoise

Some superbly salted young creatives across Aotearoa New Zealand have come together with 'Prints for Porpoise' this World Ocean Day. Combining beautiful, hand-selected photographic prints with stunning infographics on our […]

Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort – Lagoon Clean Up & Breakfast

Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort, Oranjestad, Aruba

At the Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort our teams will gather to do a clean up of the lagoon at the Ocean Suites tower and enjoy a beach breakfast. All […]

The Young People’s Theatre SpongeBob Cast supports World Ocean Day

Bar Beach and Young Peoples Theatre 26 Lawson Street Hamilton, Newcastle, Australia

Young People’s Theatre’s production of ‘The SpongeBob Musical’ is proudly supporting and participating in World Ocean Day.  As suggested for World Ocean Day, the cast of ‘The SpongeBob Musical’ visited […]

World Ocean Day ReefBlitz information and training

Online zoom meeting for networking, discussion and basic training for World Ocean Day Reef Blitz between 1 and 8 June using iNaturalist. Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82300677552?pwd=NWVHb05LSk9YQStXeGVmekhYQW4xZz09 Learn more here

Citizen Science ReefBlitz

Great Barrier Reef 14 Cleveland Terrace, Townsville, Queenslands, Australia

Join the largest group of naturalists in the world and share knowledge about the Great Barrier Reef. We are encouraging all people to connect with the ocean between 1 and […]

I AM WATER: How deep is your love?

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

JOIN THE I AM WATER TEAM FOR WORLD OCEANS WEEK Here's what we will be up to... 01 - 08 JUNE 2022 HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? Calling all Ocean […]

Live Ocean Winter Dip

The Live Ocean Winter Dip is back for its third consecutive year on Wednesday 8 June to mark World Ocean Day. The ask is to take the plunge (ocean, river, […]


Live It Earth’s hybrid learning resources connect kids with people working in different fields and real-world subject matter experts—no matter where they live! Live It Earth has created 8 ocean […]

Healthy Reefs Virtual Art Exhibition

Each year, students at the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC) are tasked with designing a poster in support of the Central Caribbean Marine Institute's (CCMI) Healthy Reefs awareness campaign. […]

June – Ocean Month in the Swakopmund Museum

Swakopmund Museum 8GFF+M8R, Strand St, Swakopmund, Namibia, Namibia

The French research schooner Tara stops in Walvis Bay from 1st – 6th June for an outreach stopover about the Ocean. The Tara Ocean Foundation is a French scientific foundation […]

BC Marine Trails WOW Challenge

BC Marine Trails 3285 Roper Road Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada

BC Marine Trails strives to secure water access for public recreation for present and future generations and links coastal communities together by water. To show our love of the coast, […]

Canadian Water Summit

Fallsview Casino and Resort Fallsview Casino 6380 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2G 7X5 Canada, Ontario, Canada

Now in our 13th year, the Canadian Water Summit (CWS) facilitates cooperation, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing among the many diverse groups that make up our Canadian water landscape as we advance […]


Usine C 1345 Ave. Lalonde, Montréal, QC H2L 5A9, Canada, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

  The Brazilian choreographer Alice Ripoll has created a playful,  political, poetic piece that upends notions of dirty and clean  and the racial prejudices that binary evokes. Combining dance,  acrobatics, song, and […]

Pick-up 4 Penguins

Penguins are marine sentinels; they provide scientists with insight into ocean health. Ocean changes impact penguin populations including warming waters and bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web. Entanglement is […]

#ForPlanetOcean Art Challenge

FASCINATING MARINE CREATURES📣 Prompt 1 is nearly here - 1st June Save The Date! The first year of the #ForPlanetOcean art challenge is here, and I am very excited to be hosting […]

Island Wide Ocean Stories Exhibition

Jersey Island-wide Jersey, United Kingdom

‘Stories from the sea' exhibition and installations across 5 coastal locations across the month of June 2022. No matter where you are in Jersey, you are never more than ten […]

Summer Reading 2022 “Oceans of Possibilities” at Coffee County Manchester Public Library

Coffee County Manchester Public Library 1005 Hillsboro Blvd, Manchester, TN 37355, United States, TN, United States

Interactive Summer Reading Program. We have stem activities,  story times, crafts, take home crafts, education on ocean environment, paid performers, ocean trivia parties and more! Check out our Facebook for more […]

Conservation Crafts at OdySea Aquarium

OdySea Aquarium 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85256, Ventura, AZ, United States

Celebrate Endangered Species Day and World Ocean Day at OdySea Aquarium by partaking in Conservation Crafts!  Guests 12 and under are encouraged to get creative and make an art project […]

Library Event Series: Océan21

BibliothÚque Raoul Mille 33, av Malausséna, 06200 Nice, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes département, France

OcĂ©an21 pour faire dĂ©couvrir Ă  travers animations pour le jeune public, confĂ©rences, confĂ©rences, dĂ©bats, projections, expositions de photos 
  le patrimoine naturel et culturel marin et sensibiliser le public aux […]

Marine and Inland Waters Forum 

There are a multitude of activities happening across the Canadian Blue Economy addressing important economic, environmental, or cultural concerns. Unfortunately, many of these activities occur in isolation, robbing us of […]

Classe de MaĂźtre avec Lysanne Richard

June 1st 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM VIRTUAL đŸ€“ MASTER CLASS with high aerobatic athlete Lysanne Richard and her freediver and open water safety collaborator, François Leduc. The master class […]

Seaweed Around The Clock

Seaweed Around the Clock is the second edition of the largest global seaweed event uniting people and businesses of all backgrounds in order to talk about the growing seaweed industry. It […]

Àros na Mara World Oceans Day Festival

Iona Port 2583 St. Columba Road, Iona, Nova Scotia, Canada

Àros na Mara is Gaelic for House of the Sea.  Our festival runs form June 2 to June 5th. World Oceans Day will be celebrated on Sunday, June 5th from […]

RfP-IYCF Ocean Day Artwork

RELIGIONS FOR PEACE Interfaith Youth Climate Forum celebrates United Nations World Oceans Day on 8 June 2022. Calling All Creative Youth at Schools (Grade R to Grade 7) for Artwork […]

OKC Zoo Hosts World Oceans Day Celebration

Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden 2000 Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK, United States

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Bob Moore Subaru invite you to dive in to ocean conservation during this year’s World Oceans Day event. This global celebration provides a unique opportunity […]

Seaweed Days Presented by Cascadia Seaweed

The thought of slowing climate change is often overwhelming, so much so that it leads to fear and inaction for individuals. But there is light where most people may not […]

Oceans Week Victoria

Oceans Week Victoria is a collaboration among local community organizations to help people learn and care about their big blue backyard. Oceans Week events include educational and recreational activities that […]

Invasive Species Survey

OdySea Aquarium 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ 85256, Ventura, AZ, United States

On June 3rd the OdySea Aquarium team will be conducting our second apple snail survey of 2022 on the Lower Salt River.  Team members will be contributing to important data […]

Istanbul Underwater Cleanup for Wold Ocean Day

Ortaköy Ortaköy, İstanbul, Turkey

With the support of the ÇEVKO Foundation and with the participation of Istanbul University Institute of Marine Sciences and Management (IU-DEBÄ°EN), Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV) and Search and Rescue […]

Grassroots Actions for Ecological Restoration of Rivers & Oceans

Arcadia EcoHome 1313 8th Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006, CA, United States

California Institute of Environmental Design & Management (CIEDM) as grassroots has being doing our part to take local-based actions, as in past years, for supporting and participating in two large-scale […]


RISE UP would like to use the occasion of World Ocean Day to raise awareness with its school and youth members to promote how amazing our ocean is and how […]

Mangroves Education Program

MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment MJF Centre for Sustainable Development & Dignified Empowerment - East, RDS Road, Kumburumulai, Vembu,, Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

OceanBiome would conduct a Magroves Education program for Kalkuda zone students in coordination with the MJF Foundation to represent World Ocean Day. We'll be educating the importance of mangroves and […]

GalĂĄpagos Girl: Biologist Valentina Cruz at Orange County Libraries

Southeast Branch 5575 S. Semoran Blvd. Orlando, FL 32822, Orlando, FL, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, […]

Consol Breathe World Oceans day swim

Point Yacht Club Durban Beach front Browns Road, Point, Durban, South Africa

The 2022 edition of the Breathe World Oceans Day Swim on 4 June has received a boost with Consol Glass coming on board as the event’s official title sponsor. Africa’s […]

The Big Paddle Cleanup

The Big Paddle Cleanup is British Canoeing's biggest week of action to date. Help us to protect the places we love to paddle from plastic pollution by organising your own […]

Pacific Islander Festival

Aquarium of the Pacific 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach California, CA, United States

Everyone is invited to celebrate Pacific Islander cultures at the Aquarium of the Pacific during its nineteenth annual Pacific Islander Festival on June 4 and 5, 2022. Experience the cultures […]

Reef and Beach clean up

Durban Undersea Club 79 Signal Rd, Point, Durban, 4001, South Africa, Durban, South Africa

Our monthly reef and beach clean up will take place in conjunction with the Consol World Oceans day swim as long as the beaches are safe to be reopened by […]

Beach Clean-up, Regional Maritime University

Can you honestly say you’ve been good to the #Environment? Here is an opportunity to take #Action and #SaveOurOcean. Come and experience the act of #PlasticPunching đŸ˜„ Trust me you will be prompt to act at […]

World Oceans Week with Parley

With World Oceans Day just around the corner our global teams have been busy prepping an unprecedented series of actions – ranging from coastal habitat restoration in Hawai'i to nurdle […]

WOD Jersey Beachside Celebrations

Nude Food Beach La Haule Slip, Jersey, United Kingdom

8.30am: Beachside Yoga with Claire O'Brien 9.30am: Blue Mind talk over a beachside breakfast with OCL Co-founder Tamsin Raine Tickets available here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ocean-yoga-breakfast-club-tickets-324173972077 From 11.30am onwards: Beachside Ocean Exhibition Ocean […]

Beach Sweep for World Oceans Day

Fort Fisher State Recreation Area Fort Fisher State Recreation Area, 1000 Loggerhead Road, Kure Beach, NC 28449, Kure Beach, NC, United States

Join us on Saturday, June 4th, for a beach sweep to help us celebrate World Oceans Day! This event is sponsored by AZA's Party for the Planet's "Spring into Action" […]

Nye Beach Cleanup, Newport OR

Nye Beach Turnaround Nye Beach Turnaround, Newport, OR, United States

Students at Recess Outdoor Adventure School are hosting a beach cleanup on Saturday, June 4 from 10-11 am. The event will take place at the Nye Beach Turnaround in Newport, […]

Family BioBlitz

The Doon The Doon, Kirkcudbright, 4TL, B727, Kirkcudbright, United Kingdom

Join Kirkcudbright Bay Bioblitz, Search for a Queen! A Nature Hunt for Everyone at Doon Bay, Kirkcudbright 10.00am to 3.00pm on Saturday 4th June While many will be celebrating the Queen’s […]

World Ocean Day at Portsmouth Public Library

Portsmouth Public Library 601 court street portsmouth va, Portsmouth, VA, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, […]

Beach Clean and YOGA

Gratton Beach 3 Grattan Rd, Beach Ct, Galway, Ireland

Galway Atlantaquaria and Move & Breathe invite you to join us for a beach clean up with Clean Coasts and Yoga session on Grattan Beach, Salthill. 11am Talk and Intro […]

World Ocean Day at Kukui Grove Center & Kauai Ocean Discovery

Kukui Grove Center 3-2600 Kaumualii Highway, Suite 1710, Lihue, HI, United States

Celebrate at Kauai Ocean Discovery this Saturday, June 4th 11am-2pm with a Special Make & Take activity for kids. Plus Showtime Characters and sea life selfies! Learn more here.

Event Series World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia

Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]

Round Table Summit: A World Ocean Day Discussion

Meet a community of like minded youth and learn from 8+ organizations (from Fridays for Future to Women in Ocean Science) through panels, Q&As, and trainings over the course of […]

Enviro-Oceans Week

We want to takeover social media from the 5-8 June to mark world environment day and world oceans day. Get creative! Send an email to ziyanda@trees.org.za with your poem, photograph(s), drawing(s) […]

World Oceans Week with The Explorers Club

This year, we will be returning to The Explorers Club for a week of unforgettable, in-person programming. Mark your calendars and get ready to sail the five C’s of our […]

Clean Coasts – World Ocean Day

This year, to celebrate World Ocean Day, we teamed up with National Spring Clean to give away clean-up kits for communities, groups and individuals to organise a beach clean between 5th and […]

Online Lesson – World Ocean Day

(scroll down for English) Auf firmm.education haben wir eine kleine Online-Lektion zum Welttag der Ozeane vorbereitet und wollen damit zeigen, welch große Bedeutung die Meere fĂŒr das Leben auf unserem Planeten […]

Coastal Cleanup Drive

Kotkoton Kotkoton, Arpili, Balamban, Cebu, Philippines

Actions for Future is an independent organization in our municipality inspired by the Fridays for Future movement.  Our goal is to protect and restore the nature. As part of our […]

Plastic Free Avoca Beach – Beach clean up

Avoca Beach NSW Avoca Beach NSW 2251, Australia, New South Wales, Australia

Everyone is welcome to come join us as we pick up rubbish on and around the beach and foreshore in Avoca Beach, NSW, in celebration of World Ocean Day 2022. […]

#SeasTheDay goes International

Changi Beach Park Nicoll Dr, Singapore

In line with World Environment Day and World Ocean Day, #SeasTheDay beach clean up goes islandwide and international! Along with international partners in Indonesia, Europe, Japan, Africa, United States and […]

Boondall Wetlands Environment Centre World Ocean Day Clean Up

Boondall Wetlands Sinbad Street boat ramp, Shorncliffe, Australia

Want to help clean up, fix up, and preserve biodiversity in the coastal wetlands and waterways of Moreton Bay? One of the best ways to help the environment is to […]


Nepean River Tench Reserve, Penrith, NSW 2750, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia

The HOYTS Penrith Ben & Jerry's team are taking our time to help clean our local riverways to help clear out trash heading towards our Oceans! Learn more about HOYTS […]

Lagoa de Albufeira Ocean Beach CleanUp

Lagoa de Albufeira Lagoa de Albufeira, Sesimbra, Portugal

Calling all ocean lovers! I'm organizing this beach clean-up to complete my Girl Scout Bronze Award. We’ll meet at 11 am across from Meira Pro Center and clean the back […]

Frost Science – World Ocean Day

Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science 1101 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132, Miami, FL, United States

Help us shell-ebrate World Ocean Day on Sunday, June 5! Dive into Frost Science and our partner’s work to save the reefs, protect the coastlines and teach the world about […]

Event Series World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

World Ocean Month @TAME June 2022

Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center Tanjung Aru Marine Ecosystem Center, Tanjung Aru, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Sabah, Malaysia

Theme: Be proactive changing agents for a sustainable ocean The activities include marine exhibitions from NGOs and related agencies, environmental talks, green market (plastic free), treasure hunt quiz, Reef Stakes […]


A gathering of vintage sellers posting blue, beach and ocean themed items to raise awareness for  world ocean day and sustainable shopping. Learn more here.

Marine Spatial Planning Workshop

University of Victoria University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

MEOPAR is providing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) training scheduled for June 6-9, 2022 at the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada. This 4-day workshop will be conducted using an […]

Ocean Challenge

STEM Education Portal Grange Road BH23 4JE Christchurch, United Kingdom

We have designed a week-long activity for 11-year-old students to consider how we can save our seas. Teams of four students discuss ocean pollution, sustainability, climate change, and the local […]

Sustainable Seafood Special Menu for World Oceans Day

35 of Hong Kong’s and Macau’s leading restaurants and hotels commit to serving sustainable and responsibly sourced seafood between 6-12 June for United Nations World Oceans Day, joining the urgent call of the Hong […]

Clean Coasts & National Spring Clean: 230+ Ireland Cleanups

Clean Coast Ireland 5a Swifts Alley, Francis Street, Dublin 8, D08 TN88., Dublin, Ireland

Irish environmental charity Clean Coasts joined forces with National Spring Clean, to provide communities around Ireland with free clean-up kits to host a clean-up during the week around World Ocean […]

Les Océanographes dans vos classes

Vous ĂȘtes une classe au primaire de la francophonie? Venez dĂ©couvrir les facettes de l’ocĂ©anographie grĂące Ă  16 webinaires scientifiques adaptĂ©s autour de la journĂ©e mondiale des OcĂ©ans et la […]

Divers for Climate World Oceans Week Webinar Series

With World Oceans Day just around the corner, we are excited to announce our World Oceans Week Webinar Series! We had such an amazing response last year – so we’ve […]

Paint your ocean

Paint the Ocean together. Learning about the ocean through arts and creativity.

Bilingual Baby Shark/TiburĂłn BebĂ© BilingĂŒe at Orange County Libraries

Orange County Library Southeast Branch 5575 S. Semoran Blvd, Orlando, FL, United States

As part of the “Ocean of Possibilities” summer theme at public libraries across the US, you’re invited to join your local library in a variety of activities – from movies, […]

University of Miami Rescue a Reef Virtual Lab Tour

In celebration of World Ocean Day, Rescue a Reef is hosting a tour of our University of Miami lab facility on Instagram Live. This Lab tour will feature a presentation […]

World Ocean Discovery Activities

L.C. Bates Museum 14 Easler Road, Hinckley, ME, Hinckley, ME, United States

Come to the L.C.Bates Museum to learn about sea shells and make shell crafts.   Learn more here

Ayuda restaur los arrecifes coralinos de Costa Rica

Marina Pez Vela Marina Pez Vela, Provincia de Puntarenas, Quepos, 60601, Costa Rica, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Este DĂ­a Mundial del OcĂ©ano tenemos un evento comunitario GRATIS en Quepos. ÂĄVen y sĂ© parte de la restauraciĂłn coralina en Quepos / Manuel Antonio! - Demostraciones en vivo de […]

Semana OceĂąnica PB

Espaço Oceano Rua dos Pescadores 501. Cond. Enseada dos Corais, C1. Praia do Seixas. Praia do Seixas, João Pessoa, Paraíba. CEP: 58.045-600, Brazil

O InPact – Instituto de Pesquisa e Ação, coordenando com a Associação Guajiru, em conjunto com diversas parcerias, como: Seirhma, a prĂłpria Sudema, Prefeituras Municipais, alĂ©m de diversos parceiros como: […]

Webinar: Collective Action for the Ocean

The Ocean is dead – Long live the Ocean? The truth is there is no new ocean. It can not be replaced. That is why we must change our human […]

THALASSA 2022 Marine Research Conference

Radisson Blu Atlantidon 2, Larnaca, Cyprus

The first THALASSA 2022 Conference represents an effort to establish a regional conference on marine research and it will take place between 6th and 8th of June in Larnaca, Cyprus. Fully aligned with the â€œOcean […]

You Can Build A Wood Boat! at Grand Ledge Area District Library

Grand Ledge Area District Library 201 E Jefferson St, Grand Ledge, MI, United States

Find out what it takes to build your own wood boat as we celebrate all things water during Oceans of Possibilities! In this one hour multi-media seminar you’ll learn what […]