Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition
virtual , United StatesWelcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
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Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
愛海的第一步要識海,海鮮不只是餐桌上的美食,更重要的是他們在海中過什麼日子? 他們是怎麼來到我們的餐桌? 2024年6月開始,請大家每個月記錄一項你餐桌上的海洋生物,可是是藻類、貝類 、軟體動物、甲殼類、魚類: 1.它們的食物是什麼? 2.它們是誰的食物? 3.它們的壽命是多大? 4.它們繁殖期是什麼時候? 5.它們是怎麼被生產(捕撈、養殖)的? 6.它們是從那裡(區域)來的? 7.請拍出它們被購買時的狀態 如果你無法辨識,可以傳照片由我們儘力協助你 https://www.facebook.com/seafood.com.tw
Visit carolanneblack.com/sarga to see The Story of Sarga Visit carolanneblack.com/ocean-week-canada for the trailer of The Story of Sarga and more info about the story and about American eels Follow Sarga, […]
Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development, carries a financial reward of US$ 1,000,000, awarded annually by the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) with the aim of inciting and […]
The second edition of the SAIF conference aims to advance sustainable agriculture and innovative food systems globally. Through dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among experts, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, the […]
Scholars Conferences invites all the participants by presenting the latest Scientific Improvement and novel technologies in the field of Recycling and Waste Management. Recycling 2025 welcomes all the eminent researchers […]
The Istituto Marangoni in Dubai is proud to announce the inaugural international conference on "Sustainable Creative Art: Inspiration from Nature," (SCIN) scheduled to take place in Dubai from the 22th to […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)