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All Day

Run for the Reef

Run for the Reef is a youth-led fundraiser that invites everyone around the world to take part in cutting edge science and conservation just by moving their feet. Reserva: The […]

World Oceans Week 2024 | Jersey Channel Islands

At the core of OCL's initiatives is World Oceans Day. This event serves as an annual celebration of our beautiful blue planet, whilst also raising awareness about the challenges that […]

Ocean Festival

Scottburgh, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Scottburgh Main Beach, Scottburgh

The Ocean Festival is a series of global events celebrating World Ocean Day. The festival aims to engage with communities, educate about the importance of conservation, inspire people to take […]

4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration (Part 1)

Miami Beach 3501 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach

Join us for the 4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration! We are thrilled to invite you to our 4th Annual World Ocean Day Celebration, where we will come together to […]


Friends of Bongin Bongin Bay ‘Big Splash’

Sydney Harbour Venue Sydney Harbour, Sydney

Celebration with invited television media, iconic marine conservationist / author Valerie Taylor, local First Nations indigenous people smoking ceremony, Prof David Booth and his team from University of Technology Sydney […]


Coastal Care

Join us to celebrate World Ocean Day with us at Nyamanzi! This unique occasion is devoted to encouraging environmental stewardship and community action in order to protect the natural beauty […]


World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup!

Fort Phoenix Fort Phoenix 100 Green St, Fairhaven

Sat. 6/8, 9AM-12PM - World Ocean Day Beach Cleanup at Fort Phoenix. Pizza, Giveaway, & Surprises at 12PM! 🌊 🍕 🎁


World Ocean Day in Barcelona

Playa de Sant Sebastià Playa de Sant Sebastià

Con motivo del Día Mundial de los Océanos, Wallenius Wilhelmsen organiza por cuarto año consecutivo una limpieza de playa en Barcelona. Comprometidos con la sostenibilidad, anímamos a todos aquellos que […]


World Ocean Day Celebration

North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores 1 Roosevelt Blvd,, Pine Knoll Shores

The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores is celebrating World Ocean Day! On June 8, we will be featuring three of the biggest ocean conservation concerns: marine debris, climate […]

Sonderprogramm World Ocean Day Norderney

Promenade vor der Kaiserwiese Aufgang Bismarckstraße Norderney Bismarckstraße, Norderney

Anlässlich des von der UN ausgerufenen World Ocean Day sind wir am 08. Juni zwischen 10 und 15 Uhr mit kostenlosem Kurzprogramm zu jeder vollen Stunde sowie mit Infostand vor […]


“El Océano junto a tu mascota”. “The Ocean alongside your pet”

Mirador "Segundo Yagual" 2do Muelle. Salinas. Ecuador. Malecon entre la 38 y la 40, Salinas 241550, Salinas

Concurso fotográfico “El océano junto a tu mascota” organizado por la academia (Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE) y el gobierno local (Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Municipal de Salinas) para […]


Catalyzing Ocean and Climate Action

Join us for an immersive and educational webinar, "Catalyzing Ocean and Climate Action," where we will embark on a virtual journey into the heart of our planet's vast and mysterious […]

8 de Junho: Dia dos Oceanos no Planetário PUC Minas

Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC Minas Av. Dom José Gaspar, 290, Belo Horizonte

O Dia dos Oceanos das Nações Unidas é comemorado, anualmente, em 8 de junho. O tema da campanha de 2024 será "Catalisando Ações para o Nosso Oceano e Clima". A […]


Night at the Zoo

Taronga Zoo Sydney Australia Taronga Zoo Sydney, Bradleys Head Rd, Mosman NSW, Sydney

‘Night at the Zoo’ is an immersive music and art conservation experience hosted by Youth Ocean Carnival SYD24 and our Global Goal Partner Taronga Zoo. It is our flagship Under-18 event […]
