Bali Ocean Week
Bali, Indonesia Kyoto, Bali, JapanJoin Bali Ocean Week (BOW) for a week-long celebration of our ocean! From June 1st to 8th, participate in exciting events across Canggu, Uluwatu, Sanur, Gili Islands, and more. Learn: […]
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Join Bali Ocean Week (BOW) for a week-long celebration of our ocean! From June 1st to 8th, participate in exciting events across Canggu, Uluwatu, Sanur, Gili Islands, and more. Learn: […]
The vision, ambition, innovation, cultures and collaborations of leaders powers the movement to protect our ocean and our blue planet by tearing down systemic inequities, reversing biodiversity loss, and tackling […]
A Semana Oceânica PB tem como propósito criar um espaço de diálogo colaborativo entre municípios, setor privado, sociedade civil organizada e academia em torno da conservação e utilização sustentável dos […]
Anlässlich des von der UN ausgerufenen World Ocean Day sind wir am 08. Juni zwischen 10 und 15 Uhr mit kostenlosem Kurzprogramm zu jeder vollen Stunde sowie mit Infostand vor […]
On World Oceans Day people around the globe come together to honor our oceans, which cover over 70% of Earth’s surface and sustain a large diversity of marine animal species. Explore […]
ABYSSAL: Relating to the extreme depths of the ocean. Abisal is an electronic music party and an immersive experience with deep sea videos, an event designed to enhance the message […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)