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ANNOUNCEMENT: New Study: More and Better U.S. Marine Protected Areas Needed to Protect Key Ecosystems

EMBARGOED FOR: May 18, 2022 9A EST NEW STUDY: MORE AND BETTER U.S. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS NEEDED TO PROTECT KEY ECOSYSTEMS MAY 18, 2022, CORVALLIS, OREGON — A sweeping new analysis of US Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) published today in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by scientists from 22 institutions across 14 states, identified significant […]


Live It Earth’s hybrid learning resources connect kids with people working in different fields and real-world subject matter experts—no matter where they live! Live It Earth has created 8 ocean programs over the past two years, and is generously making them available for free to schools across Canada for the month of June! They are […]

World Ocean Day for Schools 2022

Ready for a day of creative learning like no other? World Ocean Day for Schools is back with an exciting, celebratory day of free, ocean-based activities and resources for educators and parents. Our 2022 theme: ‘Our Blue’ will help students understand (and feel) their connection to the ocean through their nearest blue space — whether […]

Zistwar Nou Losean Story Sharing Platform

#ZistwarNouLosean in Mauritian Creole means Story of Our Ocean. We had our first edition last year with Mauritius & Rodrigues Islands participants, using photography as a tool to tell their stories about our ocean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_ohbSSTAVc Inspired by The National Geographic Education/Adobe #StorytellingForImpact Series; the initiative is to bring our youth to think, explore and share […]

Billie the Octopus children’s book announcement

A Bears for Cares Book ‘Billie the Octopus’ Book Encourages Young Ones to Care About What’s Under the Sea With World Oceans Day coming Wednesday, June 8, the children’s book “Billie the Octopus” (Eifrig Publishing) invites young ones to explore the wonders of the oceans, become aware of the threats to it, and how they […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Coasts: Enjoy and Protect our Coast – New Guide Release

The Clean Coasts programme works with over 1,800 communities and 37,000 volunteers to help protect and care for Ireland’s waterways, coastline, seas, ocean and marine life, by organizing hundreds of beach clean-ups each year, mobilizing thousands of volunteers, and removing large quantities of marine litter from our coastline. The Irish coast offers breath-taking views, beautiful […]

Podcast on Call for 30×30 goal

The oceans are in more trouble than ever before. Right now it is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic—everything from plastic bottles and bags to microbeads—end up in the oceans each year. That’s a truckload of trash every minute. Traveling on ocean currents, this plastic is now turning up in every corner of […]

Podcast: Earth Cast EP21: World Ocean Day Special | Environmental Racism & Inclusivity

In this World Ocean Day special, Olivia Taylor (@olivia_earth) interviews Jamila Janna about the nuances of environmental racism and how it affects inclusivity in the ocean space, the harmful effects of mainstream conservation narratives on environmental projects’ success, opportunities for youth in marine conservation, and more! Jamila is a filmmaker, social media strategist, and marine […]

Free e-books for the World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day - 8 June Let's celebrate together! The e-books of Pesho and Popoto are free on 8-9-10 June!   The Fish who Wanted to Dance With the Stars by Barbara Pinke: http://mybook.to/peshobook   Popoto by Noemi Knight: https://lnkd.in/eHhSGU7X  

Video Interview: Supermarkets and the Sea

Searious Business has teamed up with its Youth Advisory Board in making an inspirational video for World Oceans Day. We want to celebrate the ocean and the things we can do to protect it from plastic pollution. The children from the board asked tough questions to representatives from major supermarkets about what the ocean means to them and what their […]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Clean Cornwall Change Makers Initiative Launch

Here at Clean Cornwall we are proud to announce that we will be officially launching our Change Makers initiative on the 8th of June. This scheme will allow local businesses and organizations to show their support for the environmental work that we do here at Clean Cornwall, and to evidence their social and corporate responsibility […]

Orcas & Reefs an Interview of Artist Selva Ozelli by Alexandria Hagaman

Don't miss this amazing interview with Selva Ozelli, a multi-talented artist, author, and attorney. She discusses the urban impact of climate change and her groundbreaking work in global legal discourse. Selva's art has won numerous accolades and been exhibited by the United Nations and other prestigious institutions. Explore her captivating "Orcas & Reefs" collection, highlighting the […]