Under the Sea, Virtual Exhibition
virtualWelcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
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Welcome to Moku's first annual virtual exhibition, Under the Sea. It is our privilege to present a collection of artworks that celebrate the majesty of our oceans while advocating for […]
Durante todo mês de junho, o Planetário PUC Minas oferecerá a exibição do filme Sounds of the Ocean (Sons do Oceano). A obra marca o Dia dos Oceanos das Nações […]
At the core of OCL's initiatives is World Oceans Day. This event serves as an annual celebration of our beautiful blue planet, whilst also raising awareness about the challenges that […]
Project Proposal: World Ocean Day Sensitization Campaign - School Outreach Purpose: To educate and raise awareness among students in 5 selected schools within Wa Municipal about the importance of World […]
The Ocean Festival is a series of global events celebrating World Ocean Day. The festival aims to engage with communities, educate about the importance of conservation, inspire people to take […]
The True Blue Fellowship (formerly the Fellowship Grant Program) aims to connect and empower youth around the world to leverage the creative arts to enact change in local communities to […]
Join Bali Ocean Week (BOW) for a week-long celebration of our ocean! From June 1st to 8th, participate in exciting events across Canggu, Uluwatu, Sanur, Gili Islands, and more. Learn: […]
Sea Camp is a week-long marine adventure for ages 10-18. Throughout the summer, Sea Campers will explore marine environments while learning about the ocean's inhabitants and ecosystems. Sea Campers will […]
Visit carolanneblack.com/sarga to see The Story of Sarga Visit carolanneblack.com/ocean-week-canada for the trailer of The Story of Sarga and more info about the story and about American eels Follow Sarga, […]
O evento mais aguardado do ano chegou!!!! O DIA MUNDIAL DOS OCEANOS! A data oficializada pela ONU celebra no dia 08 de Junho a conservação dos oceanos e toda […]
This is a Marine Environmental Salon and Beach Cleanup Event in the Blue Valley of Qingdao, China. The event starts at 9:00 AM Beijing time and is designed for middle […]
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All information, materials, and resources on this site and associated with World Ocean Day are free to use to those who are celebrating World Ocean Day as a way to bring about a healthier ocean and a better future.
The Ocean Foundation is the fiscal sponsor for World Ocean Day (EIN: 71-0863908)