Dia Mundial dels Oceans

Per celebrar aquesta efemèride tan significativa per a qui estima la mar…i per a qui l’hauria d’estimar, per tots els beneficis que ens regala, organitzem, junt amb diverses entitats, una […]

Cinquecento Medusae: een invasie van kwallen

Ter gelegenheid van het 410-jarig bestaan van de RUG presenteert de Green Office Cinquecento Medusae, een kunstinstallatie van de Zwitserse kunstenaar Rosanna Baledda. Laat je onderdompelen in een invasie van kwallen en open je […]

Codex Beach Cleanup

Codex is back again this year to do our part for World Ocean Day – this time with a team beach cleanup in beautiful Burleigh Heads!

Sonderprogramm World Ocean Day Norderney

Anlässlich des von der UN ausgerufenen World Ocean Day sind wir am 08. Juni zwischen 10 und 15 Uhr mit kostenlosem Kurzprogramm zu jeder vollen Stunde sowie mit Infostand vor […]

World Oceans Week 2024 | Jersey Channel Islands

At the core of OCL’s initiatives is World Oceans Day. This event serves as an annual celebration of our beautiful blue planet, whilst also raising awareness about the challenges that […]

Deerfield Beach Citizen Art and Eco Fest

We are reaching out to extend an invitation for you to participate in our upcoming World Ocean Day Event, taking place in Deerfield Beach (just North of the pier on […]

World Ocean Day Celebration

The North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores is celebrating World Ocean Day! On June 8, we will be featuring three of the biggest ocean conservation concerns: marine debris, climate […]

Global Congress on Recycling and Waste Management

The inaugural Global Congress on Recycling and Waste Management was a remarkable testament to the adaptability and innovation in addressing the challenges posed by the current global situation. We are thrilled to […]

World Recycling Convention

The World Recycling Convention “Recycling Week 2024”, is an international event that brings together experts and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and solutions in […]

January Focus: Ocean & Climate Literacy

With the World Ocean Day 2024 Action Theme: Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate, this year we are providing our partners and friends with ways to help protect our ocean […]