Bali Ocean Week

Join Bali Ocean Week (BOW) for a week-long celebration of our ocean! From June 1st to 8th, participate in exciting events across Canggu, Uluwatu, Sanur, Gili Islands, and more. Learn: […]

Ocean Week Halifax: Shoreline and Underwater Cleanup

This cleanup is a collaborative endeavour, hosted by Ocean Week Halifax, Mind Your Plastic, Torpedo Rays Scuba, Sustainable Oceans Conference, and Africville Heritage Trust. During this event, participants will have […]

2024 Global Ocean Cleanup

A global campaign to fight plastic pollution. The 2024 Global Ocean Cleanup will take place on June 15–16, 2024 in partnership with Sea Turtle Week and organizations worldwide. Thousands of people will […]

Ocean clean up with schools

Ocean clean up with 200 school children and some teachers. cleaning up, doing ocean quizzes informing how we all can help protect the coean.

Cape Town Beach Cleanup

Provided will be: Gloves Refuse bags   Time: Cleanup starts promptly at 11:00 AM Meeting Time: Please arrive by 10:45 AM Meeting Point: Sunset Beach Parking   The plan:   […]

Beach Clean-up at Miyajima

Plastic pollution on our beaches and in our oceans threatens both animal and human life, especially when it breaks down into microplastics. Not only is it harmful to us, beach […]

Plastic Punch World Ocean Day Beach Clean-up

Plastic Punch is organising a beach cleanup in the Regional Maritime University/ Mighty beach (Nungua, Accra) to raise awareness on the dangers of plastics for the environment and marine life […]

Dia Mundial dels Oceans

Per celebrar aquesta efemèride tan significativa per a qui estima la mar…i per a qui l’hauria d’estimar, per tots els beneficis que ens regala, organitzem, junt amb diverses entitats, una […]

World Ocean Day

June 8th is World Ocean Day and what better time to come together as a community and participate in an island wide clean up both above and below the water. […]